How's life? Over here it's raining .... Probably matching the mood. Yesterday had another close call. Came home, totally exhausted. Had been AF for about 34 days with 2 slips, the last one last Friday. So, yesterday was craving badly. So, went out and bought a bottle of Chardonnay. Great!
Anyway, here I was not happy with myself. I hadn't opened the bottle yet. Went into the shower. Thought about how bad I would feel (apart from the hangover, etc), and also because I keep saying that I don't drink anymore. Anyway, I went straight to the fridge, uncorked the bastard, and poured it down the drain. I hurt like hell, but it felt so much better, later :H
Anyway, don't copy me, I'm sure there's better ways to spend your money on. Otherwise, at this stage I'm also pondering in titrating down on Topa. I keep reading about pple having problems on high doses of Topa, and I sort of have bits and pieces of the same symptoms - fatigue, heart palpitations. I don't seem to know what to put it down to. I see the doctor, but he doesn't seem to find anything. I drives me nuts.
Anyway, sorry for the whinge, just wanted to share.
