Also, meant to add that this thread is such a HOOT that coming here to read and post is enough to keep any one motivated and inspired to stay AF !!! Thanks everyone. PS Hi to Music Man and Buffy too...the original inspiration.
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BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Day 13
Thanks for starting the new thread, DG. It's sure great to log on here and read all the new posts, and see how well everyone is doing! I am sort of living in a numb state right now, Guerrino had a very bad night and we weren't sure what to expect - has begun throwing up abt every 1/2 hr - problem is his gall bladder is still making bile, which goes into his stomach, so that is what he is throwing up. They were going to try to put a drain in this morning to maybe alleviate that problem and making him more comfortable. Wendy (my sister) is now looking into palliative care, and maybe into bringing him home. If so, she will need a lot of help, so if you don't hear from me, don't worry, I haven't abandoned you - I don't think I would try logging in on her computer, just in case I got caught.
So today I am just sitting at home (I don't work Wednessdays - call that my sanity day) waiting for news and updates.
Still hanging on firmly to my ************** af days. I must be evolving, not so many cravings for wine, but a lot of cravings for salty, fatty things such as potato chips, I am just shifting addictions, I think. Although this forum is my main addiction right now :thumbs:
Welcome, Phil, this is a great place. Pinkie - Wow, I am impressed, well done! DG. what can I say, you are truly amaZiing. Flipping throu catalogue to order your wings as we speak. Glad you feet/ankles are feeling better, and about your incredible shrinking backside. Arial, I always look forward to reading your posts, you have a lot of wisdom to share with us all. Good luck with the BBQ. Hi, lilaclover, someday I hope to have as many AF days as you, but don't think I will ever be able to moderate.:goodjob: Hey, Janice, Accountable for Me, Satori, and all the others - have another good AF day, okay?The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Oh - just got a phone call - they have put a drain into Guerrino's stomach and out his abdomen so that anything that goes into his stomach will just drain back out, so no more throwing up. This means he won't get any nourishment either, but he wasn't anyways, and as the Dr. said, may as well make his little remaining time more comfortable. He said he could even have a glass of wine, or a beer, because it will jusst drain right back out! So in amongst all the bad stuff, one good thing.The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Hi Lilac - good to see you! Let's see...
****************************** + VVVVV + ********
V = VACATION TIME!! :beach:
Hannah, I am so sorry for your brother in law and what he's going through, and of course your sister and you and your whole family. I hope the tube change will at least make him more comfortable. I can't even imagine what this must be like for him. And for you & your family too. (((((Hannah))))) Good for you staying AF through this. I'm sure your family needs you a lot right now and I'm sure you are better able to help and support them outside of the haze. You truly are an inspiration to us Hannah. Thanks for letting us know that you might have to drop things and dash at some point so we won't worry about something happening to you other than what is happening...
Me and Mr. Doggy just had dinner - it was grilled salmon and asparagus with pine nuts tonight. (yum - are you jealous?????) I wanted to touch the Life Line once more before I visit more with Mr. doggy (one of the many former witching hours) and then keep my date with "Will" my hypnotist and go hang in my Humm-ick for awhile!!
Have a great rest of the day!
Day 22 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Oh Hannah, thanks for keeping us posted, - I just feel so much for you right now and so admire your strength to keeping AF during it all. Biggest hugs :l
DG - great news about your health - I would have to agree about the internal physical healing going on - you're body is in healthy overdrive - probably thinks it's Christmas and birthday all rolled in to one - no nicotine, no alcohol, losing weight, positive outlook, feeling great - what more could a body need/want! Way to go, girl !
Fabulous for day one, Janice - THE most important so there's no 'only' about it - without it there would be no 2, 3, etc and no new life so it's the foundation of your future - hold it up, shout it out and wave the flags :cheering !
:welcome: Phil - a good lively bunch here so join the fun!
Hi Accountable and Lilac - great to hear from you and congratulations on your achievements!
Now, I'm afraid I have to fess up - I caved in and just had to have some wine with the barbecue! I know, I know - how weak-willed was that? So I lose my gold star today and get butt kicked (Ow!) So I've been thinking - why did I, and what did I learn? What I've realised is the times that I am now tempted to drink is when it is a small social situation - small usually being just 2 of us and I drink to enjoy having a glass of wine with a friend. This is a completely new situation for me as my drinking downfall was always on my own and it was to escape, to cope, to hide, ... This time I had 2 glasses of wine and stopped - wasn't even tempted to have a third or open another bottle once my friend had left (which is what I would have done before - I would have been counting the minutes for them to leave so I could open it and keep drinking!). So am I disappointed? Yes, because my goal was 30 days AF. Yes, because I've got to admit to you guys that I didn't make it this time - but also no, in that after 20+ years of irresponsible drinking I managed to have an evening drinking sensibly and under control. Am I going to start trying to moderate - no - I know that if I start allowing myself to think of 'just one' every now and again, that would quickly head to 'oh alright, just two' and 'I had a crap day today so I just need to unwind' etc. So I've thought, I've learned and now I'll jump back on that wagon , so keep it rolling guys and I'm right there with you - if a little further behind now!
Take care all xx:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
60 days
100 days
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
I am joining your clan today. Today is day one for me.
I have really been drinking too much, too often the past week. I don't want to go back to that life. A thread like this will keep me in check. Seeing my doctor tomorrow for these really severe anxiety attacks I have been having the last few weeks. Hence my drinking again - the only relief I know of and had available. Crappy cycle with nothing good to come out of it I am sure.
I hate alcohol so much. It has messed my life up in the past and I am NOT going back there again.
Good to see you all.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
I too want to thank Doggygirl for taking the thirty day thread to the next level with style and humor.
On July 23 I ordered the book, cd's and sups after finding MWO on a web search (like many of us). I planned to begin the program when the package arrived. I waited a few days and nothing came.
I was so inspired by this group last week I dove right in knowing that the package would arrive that day. It did'nt; but your posts got me through AF day 1 and 2. The package had to arrive on AF day 3. No such luck. I contacted MWO and was kindly told it was delivered on Sat. (Really,:bat not to me.) Well on Sunday I suspected that someone else was on his way to self discovery and changing his life with my package.
So, on Monday when I went down to the post office I was mildly surprised and truly pleased to be told by my postal carrier that she saw that no one was home Sat. and decided that she did'nt want to leave it on the porch , so she thought she would bring it by later this week. "thanks," I said as I reached for my stuff. AF day 5 on the books.
Today, I enjoyed reading the book and starting the sups and tomorrow I'll start the cd's on AF day lucky 7. Judging by my lower level of irritability tonight, I do believe the sups are beginning to work or am I just less frustrated with the postal system?
Good luck all you Boozebusters days 1-30.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Morning folks!
Hope you are all well - just touching base before I get stuck into my day's work.
Well - another AF day is under the belt. Today in Scotland is sunny and actually quite warm (shock!) Looks like we might actually get some summer type weather after all.
Phil - welcome aboard - we are all a bit mad here - hope you don't mind!
Arial - don't worry about the BBQ - it was still a RESULT! - you didn't drink irresponsibly - that is what this is all about!
Accountable - welcome to the clan too!
Doggy - great news on your improving health. I am sure your body doesn't know what is happening right now!
I can just picture that liver of yours getting all psyched up, waiting for the day's alcohol to process - and realising that yet again it has no work to do!
I bet it is feeling pretty good about MWO right now, and is spending its spare time dealing with some of the other stuff it has not had time to do lately - like clearing the toxins that cause inflammation / sore feet!
Hannah - So sorry to hear what you and your family are going thru', you are in my thoughts. You are doing amazingly well to stay AF thru' all this.
July - well done on day 7.
Janice, yep - no such thing as ONLY a star they are all major achievements. Every day our bodies don't have to survive being poisoned with alcohol, they can spend healing themselves and getting healthy.
Lilac - sorry - I'll turn it up a bit for you.
:disco: :rockband: I'm on day 15! :rockband: :disco:
That OK???
See you all later
**************"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Good "Middle of the Night" BoozeBusters!! Well, it was the middle of the night here when I got up anyway LOL. BUT..I refuse to let a night that was short in the sleep department get me down. The cup IS half full cuz my Dreadmill time is already done and it's only 4:15!!
Arial if you were destined to drink, you sure did an awesome job!! I think you have a wonderful attitude - you discovered a trigger you hadn't thought a lot about. Now you can consider how you want to handle that situation in the future - the same way or a different way. Onward and forward!!
Welcome Accountable! Congrats on Day 1 AF and wecome to Day2. Let us know how the doc appointment goes. Anxiety attacks sound so scary.
July - you ROCK getting through Day 5 cold turkey! Congratulations on Day 7 and hope you are enjoying the book/supps. Enjoy your first trip to the Humm-ick with "Will" (voice on CD's) I really do think the supps and CD's take the edge off. Oh - almost forgot to mention that I love that Bat-Smacking-The-Hand smiley!
Satori, thank you for adjusting the volume. I can ALmost hear it now if I listen really, really close. Was that Day 15 you said? Congratulations!I told Mr. Doggy last night about SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed for new folks - that's Satori's wife of course). I told Mr. Doggy I wanted to go to Scotland to get training from her so I too can be a SWMBO. Mr. Doggy says he doesn't think I need any additional training.
Starlight, congratulations on Day 4 AF and welcome officially to Booze Busters!!
I thought of drinking quite a bit yesterday. Not in the context of wanting to pour myself a big one right now. More like nostalgic thinking about times past, and the FUN parts. Of course I now that the not fun parts outweighed the fun parts by about 39573957 to 1, so I won't go there. It was just weird thinking. I'll blame it on something Kwazy in my Kudzu yesterday.
YEAH!!! My hired Flylady comes back today!!! And like a dutiful homemaker, I cleaned the house all up for her yesterday. (why do we do that again?)
Well, I am going to re-organize a book shelf before the sun comes up I think. Have a great Booze Bustin' day everyone!!
DAY 23!!!! *********************** 7 more days to go for 30!!!Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Blimey Doggy - on the Dreadmill at 4am????? That would probably kill me!
I don't do mornings! - YAWN!
I'm sh*t hot at late nights tho'!
I believe I evolved from a hitherto unknown totally nocturnal primate!
Mr Doggy is right BTW - in my experience all ladies are genetically hard wired to switch to SWMBO mode when they get married!
They unconsciously suppress it, and are all sweetness and light, girly and giggly, blushing and bubbly (hell - they don't even fart!) - UNTIL the SWMBO gene becomes activated by marriage!
I've rarely known a married lady (and some single ones) who doesn't get her own way in the end!!!.
I'm off to the gym / bar again tonite - I need to be able to see the ab without the light being just right! - but I am totally confident that day 15 will remain AF!
Have a good one - HMMM just had a thought - you seem to be in a tidying type mood just now. You couldn't come round to my place and tidy up after my two teenage sons could you??
You do have access to a bulldozer and fumigation gear I hope?
See ya
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Satori, are your teenage sons also YS's? (Yard Slaves) I can drive a bulldozer I think....maybe we could execute some sort of trade. Hmmmm..... em. Clarification. Women don't fart EVAH - married, single, or any status.
You and Mr. Doggy must have evolved from the same nocturnal spirit.
Have fun at the gym / bar and keep it AF or we'll have to kick your butt. And please don't waith 39574957 hours to check in like last week, OK? We've got some poor ol' hearts around here than can't take the whole search party business.
OK - off to let "Will" tell me some Subliminal Sekwets. I keep thinking about going to the web site to find out what "Will" is really telling me, but it's sorta fun not knowing. I hope he's telling me that if I stick with my program and don't drink, I'll look like one hot momma in a purple bikini this time next year. My Humm-ick will be on FIRE I tell you!! People will be tripping over each other trying to get down the es-cue-later to catch a peek of me! I LURVE my "Will!"
Day 23 LOUD and proud! ***********************Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Good morning to you all! Day 2 on the rise for me. I laugh because I can't believe I am starting all over again - but what can you do eh?!?!?!
Very optimistic about seeing my doctor today. I pray he has some good drugs for me. Anxiety attacks last night left me with little sleep again. I can see light at the end of this tunnel. I know I see it!!
DG - where do you find the motivation to go on the 'dreadmill' before 4:30am????? God, after reading about how much exercise some of you folks get I feel like a lazy slob. Need to get motivated for darn sure.
Well off to read a bit more talk to you later!
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Doggygirl;173107 wrote: Satori, are your teenage sons also YS's? (Yard Slaves) I can drive a bulldozer I think....maybe we could execute some sort of trade. Hmmmm..... em. Clarification. Women don't fart EVAH - married, single, or any status.
You and Mr. Doggy must have evolved from the same nocturnal spirit.
Have fun at the gym / bar and keep it AF or we'll have to kick your butt. And please don't waith 39574957 hours to check in like last week, OK? We've got some poor ol' hearts around here than can't take the whole search party business.
OK - off to let "Will" tell me some Subliminal Sekwets. I keep thinking about going to the web site to find out what "Will" is really telling me, but it's sorta fun not knowing. I hope he's telling me that if I stick with my program and don't drink, I'll look like one hot momma in a purple bikini this time next year. My Humm-ick will be on FIRE I tell you!! People will be tripping over each other trying to get down the es-cue-later to catch a peek of me! I LURVE my "Will!"
Day 23 LOUD and proud! ***********************
Sons are not YSs I'm afraid - just idle layabouts really!
Wouldn't be a good trade (for you anyway!)
Em - Clarification - Trust me - I'm a scientist - Women DO fart!
It is just that some of 'em keep dogs to blame :H
Yep will have fun at gym and will wait only 39574956 hours to check in I promise! Now there are two words you don't often see together! (Fun and Gym!)
(only reason I didn't check last time was becoz I was away from home the day after BTW!)
Don't be modest DG - we all know you are already one hot momma - you don't need Will to get you there!
Anyone who is hitting the torture track and dreadmill at 4am HAS to be!!!
Take care!
See ya tomorrow
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
BOOZE BUSTERS 30 Day Challenge - Week of 8/1
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick hello...have to get back to work !!! Thanks Satori for turning it up...I am a bit deaf (really...old age creeping up !!) so that helped !!! Good for you on 15 stars !! Glad you have joined Starlight...good going !! Well DG, not quite 4AM but I was up at 6:15 and went running before work. Have to do it before I wake up or it doesn't get done. Must be working because I have lost 14 pounds as of this morning since I have gone AF. So it is a GOOD day !! Have a GREAT one to everyone to come. ... Have to run.....Lilac