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    Morning All-

    Got so much to catch up on...will check in later. Kids want the pool today-maybe I can fix my cleavage tan (LOL).

    Great positive AF vibes!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


    Hi Breez, busy here too. Have to unpack all the stuff I brought back from Victoria and my car is still over there so will have to get in on Thursday. Landlord of my apt was awful when I left. I washed walls, had carpets cleaned and the place was spotless. He found a crumb in the fridge smaller than a cheap diamond and said he would have to hire a cleaning crew (his wife does the cleaning) for a 5 hour clean. Hah! I removed offending crumb and his wife will have to look elsewhere for scamming a cleaning job.

    Great day to all.

    Enlightened by MWO



      ARG! not only am I covered in a horrible itchy rash but after waiting on the phone for computer tech support for ages, I managed to dump a cup of coffee all over the desk/files/computer etc. yyyyeyeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrhrhrhrhahahaharhrhrhhffhffff gggggg!!!!

      ok, calming down.... ommm ommmm.

      well now, hi AF friends!

      Breeze, good luck on the odd tan...better than no tan eh?

      Hillary, nice to 'see" you in here. Landlord or scumbag? there's a fine line...

      Must summon my "healthy" coping skills. will get some air, make some green tea and read some posts...

      This weekend Dx is away and I'm home alone...big trigger for me. I WILL be AF this time dammit. will will will will.

      be well everyone
      * * I love Determinator * *



        ARG! not only am I covered in a horrible itchy rash but after waiting on the phone for computer tech support for ages, I managed to dump a cup of coffee all over the desk/files/computer etc. yyyyeyeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrhrhrhrhahahaharhrhrhhffhffff gggggg!!!!

        ok, calming down.... ommm ommmm.

        well now, hi AF friends!

        Breeze, good luck on the odd tan...better than no tan eh?

        Hillary, nice to 'see" you in here. Landlord or scumbag? there's a fine line...

        Must summon my "healthy" coping skills. will get some air, make some green tea and read some posts...

        This weekend Dx is away and I'm home alone...big trigger for me. I WILL be AF this time dammit. will will will will.

        be well everyone

        oops...was logged in under Dx...
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)



          Hi there,
          Just popped in to let you all know that I`ve finally chosen abs as the right path for myself.
          Am dedicated and committed to this.
          Day 3 AF for me.

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress



            right on Starlight! glad to have you here. if you can do 3 can do it!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)



              Hang in there D! life can really throw it at you sometimes, can't it? - but deep breaths, a little ooommm - ing never did any harm, and hopefully things will look a little brighter - and less itchy soon - hope the medication kicks in and does its stuff! What happened about the shoulder, by the way?Are you still having/did you have the MRI?? Hope all's good with regards to that, anyway.

              I sympathise, SK - you don't live in Switzerland, do you??!! That is exactly what they do here - I lived in an appartment for 6 months and they insisted on re-painting the place! AND after 2 days cleaning, they also insisted on the 'professional' clean - next time I'll just write off the deposit and not bother... So, hope the restof the move goes well - a stressful time so good job for keeping AF!

              Breez - good to hear from you - enjoy the pool - missed something about the tan marks but guess you have come back from holiday???

              Starlight - way to go! 3 days AF! You sound determined so good luck and look forward to hearing of your successes! :goodjob:

              Take care all x
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
              Days 8-14 DONE
              Days 15-21 DONE
              30 days DONE
              60 days
              100 days



                Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. Breez, that umm...tan sounds mighty interesting. Fixing it could be mighty interesting.

                **waving to SKendall** times like you describe are times when I'm glad I no longer have to deal with a scumlord oops I mean landlord. Of course there are those other times when the furnace needs to be replaced and cr@p like that where home ownership ain't all that and a bag of chips either. Maybe living off the land in a pup tent........ Nah..

                Deter when it rains it pours and it seems to be pouring on you right now. What did the doctor say about the rash? Sorry if I missed that along the way. Do you know what it is now and have a treatment for it? I hope so. YOU CAN DO IT THIS WEEKEND AF!! If you think of drinkin' please just imagine some MWO stormtroopers showing up at your door wearing steel toed boots. kickbu_c - Fotosearch Stock Photography

                Starlight, congrats on Day 3 ***!!! That is awesome.

                **waving to Arial!**

                Today was a good day. Productive - MAN can I get a lot of stuff done - even if it's mundane stuff - when my head isn't stuck in a bottle starting at "noon somewhere." Anyway, I hope everyone has a great rest of the day in AFer land! See you all tomorrow..

                Day 22 AF **********************
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.



                  Hi Everyone!

                  Well, Breez, I guess that's one advantage I hadn't thought of about not having cleavage! No worries about cleavage tan lines. I'd be curious to know how you solve your dilemma, but maybe that should be saved for a private message . Hope you had a good time at the pool.

                  Hey SK, your (fortunately former) landlord sounds like a schmuck! Sounds like you worked really hard. I hope you can have a bit of a rest before heading back for your car.

                  Hey Deter, I'm sending good vibes your way. ~~~~~~~ (Those are vibes.) Sounds like you could use a few good vibes, honey. Of course you'll be AF this weekend. It's a big trigger, but you have so much more experience now. It's okay to miss Dx. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

                  Congrats on 3 Days, Starlight! It takes time to reach the decision to be AF, but it is always a good decision, I think. It took me a while of mucking around to get there, but I don't regret it one bit!!

                  You are so encouraging, Arial--I hope that you are doing well yourself!

                  Hey DG, congrats on 22 Days! Well done. Incidently, Deter's doc said something along the lines of "Wow, what a rash you've got there!"

                  I've got my own computer woes at the moment. I'm applying for a Federal PLUS loan online, and my printer is acting weird, like it's refusing to print? Don't know WTF that is all about! At any rate, now I have to wait til tomorrow to call the Financial Aid office to get some special number to give to the loan people, so they will know how much aid Maddy is already granted, so that they don't loan me an extra $.50 more than I need, because I can't print out her "Awards Page" to fax to them:blah:. It's frustrating to say the least. Ah, it feels good to whine. I think that I will get up early and get started early. What a pain in the patoot!

                  At any rate, at least I'm not drinking. Right? Right!!


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012




                    thanks everyone. good stuff. made me laugh too.

                    shoulder is on hold for now...can't afford the MRI with everything that's been going on, but really the pain is gone and as long as I don't chop more than 255 cloves of garlic per day it should stay that way I hope!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)



                      I know Deter, but now MY LEFT SHOULDER hurts, and yours feels okay. Have you been doing other things with that garlic besides chopping it? Things that I should know about perhaps?:devil:
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012

