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Friday, August 3rd

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    Friday, August 3rd

    Good morning all! (or afternoon, or evening, etc.)

    Well it sure got busy after I checked out yesterday! I ended up working later than usual and never had a chance to check back in.

    I'm glad to see you here, Phil. Please don't let those beers get in your way. Just keep trying. Eventually things will click for you.

    Hang in there too, Lauralynn. The weekend will pass quickly if you can think of some fun things to do. Good luck on your AF lunch with your girlfriend. As a last resort, if you want to, you can have a virgin margarita with your friend if you must. I've had AF wine or champagne save me a few times along the way when I've been tempted.

    At any rate, I'm doing okay, except for the anxiety about getting the finances in order for my daughter starting college. It all seems like trying to understand Greek to me. I must be driving them crazy at the financial aid office.

    At any rate, heading off to go to work again, I feel like I've hardly been home, but I'll have time this afternoon to check back in again.

    Have a good AF day, all!



    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Friday, August 3rd

    Aloha Friday Kathy and all our friends to come....

    I'm also easily frustrated/confused by paperwork....especially government paperwork, oh well. Hope it works out.

    2nd day home alone and feeling really quite good and strong. Have contractor coming over this morning so i can play hookie a little and get to work later...wooo hooooo. the onlything better than a Friday is a short Friday.

    be well friends...
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Friday, August 3rd

      Hi Kathy and Deter! Kathy I hope the financial aid stuff works out. Your daughter is fortunate to have you helping!! I had to do all that cr@p myself what back with dinasaurs were roaming the earth aka when I entered college.

      Deter you sound great!! What kind of project do you have going on at you and Dx's house? Something cool I hope - as opposed just a "something critical broke" type project. Hey the birds turned out awesome last night!! And thanks for your tip about waiting 20 minutes too. A very good meal was had by Mr. Doggy and me!

      It's a great day if AF land here. Hi to all who come later - happy Friday!

      Day 24 AF ************************
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Friday, August 3rd

        I am up an hour early and already have a load of laundry in and a couple of posts done. I would never do that with hubby and kids here.

        Kathy, I have a cousin moving into my area to attend college here. She is 18 and moving in with a friend. They're both coming from a very small town and my Aunt is happy because I will be able to keep an eye on them or at least be available if there is any trouble. The biggest problem I can see now is my cousin's friend's boyfriend is also moving down here to go to school. I met the other kids last week and they were both very nice, but practically glue at the hips. :H I originally told my cousin she could live with me for a while and I can see that may still happen. I'm sure she doesn't realize she will be living with her friend and her friend's boyfriend and it won't do any good for me to tell her this.

        Deter, Have a good short Friday. I seem to have a lot of energy right now. I have grand ambitions to clean and seal all the tile in my bathroom after work tonight. :egad:

        Phil, I hope you are feeling better today. Everyday is a 1st day in the rest of your life. Be strong.

        Good day to all who come later.

        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          Friday, August 3rd


          We posted at the same time. I saw your quote and think it is funny. My 9 year old just asked me to quit using the word crap. I told him it was a lot better then the "S" word, but I would try. I'm trying to use Crud now. Not sure it will work. :H

          Humor is just another defense against the universe!


            Friday, August 3rd

            Good morning "Kids"!

            Just thought I would check in here.
            It's been a good week as my youngest son (Marine) has been home for a visit and my oldest son flew down .. AND my daughter came down for a quick lunch one day.

            It doesn't get much better than this in "MOMVILLE"...
            My oldest detailed my car while we waited for the "Baby" boy to arrive.
            They are all spread out in age.....the older started collage, the daughter started highschool and the "baby" started 1st grade the same fall.....I think that was 1985? Yep...I'm old! And tired! But sooooo blessed to have had the life I've lived.

            Kathy.....How exciting that yours is "going" to collage! Scarey too...huh?

            De....I too am wondering what your doing at your house! A new kitchen???

            Lauralynn....MY word is "sugar" now! LOL

            DG.... 24 days is great! )

            We're off to spend tomorrow night with the daughter and go to church with the babyboy and his sweet wife on Sunday. He goes back to NC on Sunday evening...willl be sad for all of us esp my DIL...I'm trying to think of some way to help her through Sunday night. Prayer for sure..
            She may get to see him one more time before he leaves for Iraq in Sept. then it will be a long winter at my house and hers...

            Thank you all for a place to come and the support you all give. I couldn't make it without you! Even thought sometimes I just heart is with you all.

            Please pray for is almost "wine making" time here.

            :h Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Friday, August 3rd

              Nancy, where the heck have you been? at any rate lovely to see you here.

              no...not a new kitchen...sigh (someday tho!!)
              we are remodelling our master bedroom bath and it was supposed to be done last year. yes, one of THOSE project. I think a good sense of humor might be our most important asset sometimes!

              cheers all! (coffee in hand)
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Friday, August 3rd

                De..I've been lost in the tomato and watermelon patch! Now it's the darn okra! Help!!!!!
                I think I did 150 jars of salsa and about 50 quarts of tomato-basil soup!
                Not to mention the acre of corn we did!

                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Friday, August 3rd

                  Hi everyone,

                  Just a quick sidebar here...

                  Nancy do you pressure cook or hot water bath your canned stuff?

                  I hope everyone has a great weekend....we are going to have to build an ark here in Texas if it doesn't stop raining soon.

                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                    Friday, August 3rd

                    Hi Again Abbers!

                    Nancy, it is soooooo good to see you here! Love your melon. I hope it's just the harvest season that is keeping you from posting more. I will be saying lost of prayers for you during wine making season. You're right, too, about it being scary with Maddy going to college. I am finding myself picking at her for stupid stuff, and being cranky, and I know it's just a case of the separation blues.:upset: Also, if the house looks like "sugar", I won't be able to blame her anymore. Sugar!

                    I'm so glad that you have all of your children around you right now; it must be very special. I'll be saying special prayers for you in the days to come. I've actually got a little notepad by my computer with names on it now, cause I'm sooo very bad at remembering to pray for those I care about, even myself.

                    I hope your short Friday went well, Deter and also that the contractor came and did his work! A new master bath sounds nice, too, although I agree that a remodeled kitchen sounds pretty dreamy, as well. I'm glad that you are doing well without Dx. Maybe you'll come to enjoy your "alone time" in time.

                    DG, you are sweet--yes, it was the dark ages when I filled out loan forms too. Now it's all online, and I don't remember the procedures! It will work out, it's just a matter of how crazy I go in the meantime. Maddy's grandfather actually saved lots of $$$ for her college, but at least for this year, I wanted to go for the aid/loans that I could, being a single mom, because once they do know that she has the $$, there won't be any more grants or subsidies coming her way. I can borrow the money short term to pay her tuition from family if I need to.

                    Lauralynn, you sound quite ambitious today; I hope you get everything done! Go girl! I understand your concern about your cousin now. I hope she's okay when she gets the drift of the likely living arrangements. That could be hard on her at 18.

                    Hey, Melissa! I hope you're a good swimmer down there in Texas. I wish you could send some rain our way, truly! What crazy weather. Anyway, I hope you're doing well.

                    Okay, back to the salt mines. I really have to start my billing for that summer is winding down, I'm starting to get lots of calls, so I'd better catch up now, or I'm gonna be in trouble!!



                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Friday, August 3rd

                      southernbelle47;173616 wrote:
                      Please pray for is almost "wine making" time here.

                      Even the Gangsta's know.... Don't get High off your own supply! :H

                      Little newbie joke!!

                      Good luck, I can only imagine how difficult that must be since it really is a part of your family.


                        Friday, August 3rd

                        :welcome: Benjamin! That's a cute joke! Espec. since Nancy is about as far from a gangsta as one can get! :H Hope to see you around more!
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Friday, August 3rd

                          Good afternoon all.
                          Beautiful sunny day here in Glasgow.........starting to appreciate all the little things we don`t even hardly notice when in the booze bubble.

                          Got through my 1st Fri.`s already getting easier.........tonight will be my 6th AF night!!!

                          Been an emotional topsy-turvy start for me though, so have a lot of catching up to do to get to know you all looking forward to it.

                          All my love,

                          Starlight Impress x


                            Friday, August 3rd

                            Hi Ben...That got me laughing! Scarface is one of my favorite movies, I also know all the lines..haha

