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Sat 4th

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    Sat 4th

    What a glorious day AB-fighters!

    slowly packing my gym bag for a nice volountary ass-kicking at my martial arts club this morning...always feel supercharged afterwords.

    Might go to the mall afterwords, grab a starbucks and just wonder around to relax and chill out for a while.

    day 45 and it's great to be alive!

    be well everyone!!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Sat 4th

    life is something weird
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Sat 4th

      Hi D. and all to come.

      I had a good day yesterday. I did not get my tile done nor did I get very far on cleaning out my computer cabinet to install the new one. It is sitting on the floor next to me waiting for me to clean off 3 years of stuff off my desk. Oh sigh!

      I went and saw Hairspray yesterday all by myself. I knew none of the men folk in my house would want to see it. I loved it, can't say enough about it. I did drift through the end of a couple of songs. The whole thing is music. But the humor and dancing was more then enough to keep me entertained. John Travolta was great, he dances so smooth in the fat suit, it is amazing.

      Off to the gym, then maybe the ocean. The ocean here in the summer is not very nice, usually foggy and cold, but my Aunt asked if I wanted to go. Still undecided.

      Talk later,
      Humor is just another defense against the universe!


        Sat 4th

        Hi Det and Laura.

        Day 6 and M.W.O. is my fix!!! LOL

        Wanted to see Hairspray Laura, but my teen wouldn`t go with me.........BOO HOO!!!
        Might just go on my own now........good idea!

        Starlight Impress x


          Sat 4th

          My 12th day AF *and* smoke-free!

          I had a vivid dream last night about making a peach pie. Off to the farmer's market to realize my dream!

          I hope this means that my subconscious is getting bored with her nightly cigarette dreams.


            Sat 4th

            Hi everyone and all to come!!

            Bassgirl congrats on 12 days AF AND quitting the stinkerettes. I hear ya on the dreams. I quit stinkerettes 5 months ago and haven't had one in awhile now - but at first they can be really scary. I did have a funny one though. Remember when we were kids how breakfast cereal would have little plastic prizes in the box? I dreamed one night that me and Mr. doggy were sitting in our kitchen, and I opened up a cereal box and there were two packs of Marlboro lights (not my primary brand, but a first altnerate choice if "my" brand wasn't available) and a pack of matches. Wierd. And I DID laugh at that one. Anyway, what time should I be over for some peach pie??? Sounds great.

            Congrats on Day 6 Starlight!

            Laura the Hairspray sounds interesting. Might have to go see that one now that I can sit in a theatre for a couple hours without jonsing for a drink and/or a smoke. I'm sort of in a contemplative mood today - the ocean as you describe it sounds perfect for my mood!

            Deter I hope the voluntary a$$ whoopin' was a good one! What did you buy all of us from the mall?

            OK - here's a question for Chef Deter. What should I season pork chops with for grilling that is less boring than salt and pepper??? Thank you!! That's for dinner tomorrow night. Tonight is leftover Clean Out the Fridge Soup (yes, in this friggin' heat!). It turned out pretty good though if I do say so myself.

            Day 25 here is going smoothly. Dog training day (every Saturday) is generally my toughest day of the week. But I didn't even think of drinking today which was nice. I didn't care to sit aroud gabbing after - so I left Mr. Doggy to entertain the 'boys' and one gal and came on here to tough the life line!!

            It's exciting to be closing in on the first 30 days sober since I took my first drink over 30 years ago. And I have Janice's warning in my head about how craving tends to kick up when we get close to a goal. It was that way for me with cigarettes too until shortly after 100 days - something seemed to change around that time. But who knows with the BoozeBeast - a different beast.

            Have a happy AF Saturday everyone!!

            Day 25 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *(my gold stars)
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Sat 4th

              Hi All,

              Congrats on 45 days, Deter! That's just supa-dupa! I hope your ass got kicked just enough to be very gratifying without turning into a pain! You are sounding just wonderful. When does Dx come home? We can all tell her how great you've been!

              We should all make up a little rhyme for our days like you did. Mine for today is Day 54 and I want MORE (AF days, that is!).

              Lauralynn, maybe we should start a support thread for people with too many papers lying around! I probably have about 3 years' worth too. Thanks for your review on Hairspray, too. I think I will go see it, too. I hope you enjoy the ocean, if you go.

              Speaking of papers, think everyone should be given an extra week of vacation each year simply to organize their homes and papers. National CleanUp Your House Week. For those people who are really anal and already have it done, they can just have an extra week of vacation. I can really get into it when I have the time, but I have a really hard time doing it in bits and pieces. I have decided to ask someone I know if I can hire her to help me and either do it on a weekend or take a day or two off from work. I am fed up with my mess, and I want to be practical about my ability to really get it done by myself (ain't gonna happen).

              Good on you Starlight on Day 6! I'm in line for a piece of peach pie, too! It is my ABSolute favorite--yum!

              :welcome: bassgirl, and well done on 12 days alcohol AND smoke free! I don't think that I've seen you here--if I have and I don't remember, sorry. I sure hope that you will hang around here more!

              DG, congrats on having quit the stinkerettes 5 months ago, I didn't know that! Your dream is funny, too. I hope your contemplative mood turns up something interesting for you. We're here for you as you get closer every day to 30 days! Keep your eyes on the prize, my dear, and keep coming here to share.

              I am feeling exponentially better today, because I got an e-mail saying I had passed the credit check for a the PLUS loan, and after this I will go fill out the application. Maddy e-signed her Stafford loan promissory note this morning. I feel like a big weight is being lifted off my shoulders, seeing how fast this electronic application stuff can go. So I have relaxed so much in just the last 12 hours, it is amazing. Whew is all I can say! I feel like I'm getting into the home stretch, and the finish line is coming up soon. It feels so good. I was so afraid that I would somehow let Maddy down about the money. Even though I knew I could borrow it, I really REALLY didn't want to have to.

              I've gone on and on here, I know, but I wanted to share my upbeat mood with you all. You've all been so good to me. :h


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Sat 4th

                right on! upbeat seems to be the tempo and I'm diggin' it!

                Doggygirl, many great things with porkchops. could use dried thyme and then a little squirt of lemon juice at the table. even terragon...pork lends it'self to the sweet spices too. i don't think there are any bad options for the versitile chop. crushed pink and white peppercorns. curry powder. oh I'm getting hungry.

                the simpsons movie was great fun I'm glad to report. there was even a darkish scene where bart develops an alcohol problem...wierd. I got you all a vanilla iced coffe but it's come up missing for some reason....hmmmmm. burp.

                happy Sat night!!!!!! we become what we think....we really do.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Sat 4th

                  Youngatheart, I'm pretty new 'round these parts!

                  And Doggy, what a great dream! When you'd rather have a cheap plastic whistle than a pack of cigarettes, you know that you're winning!

