Kathy, just want to congratulation you on Day 54 and on to Day 55 today!! Can't wait for your rhyme. Congratulations too on getting the funding all settled for Maddy. I bet that is like a boulder off your back! When you find that paperwork fairy, will you share?????
Deter, congratulations on Day...46?? (sorry if I'm off on that - the mind goes first don't ya know). Geez. Your porck chop recipe are like my grandma's used to be (RIP Grandma) - a pinch of this and that. Nothing I could ever replicate with my limited kitchen related skills. I shall try thyme and lemon though. Somehow.

Hi again bassgirl! do you play the bass guitar or violin or other bass instrument? Quitting smoking was rough but I FINALLY don't think about it much any more. But I have to stay on my guard forever...the Nicodemon is nasty that way.
I think it will be a quiet day here for Day 26 and I DON'T want a fix. It's cloudy and hot/humid, so a good day to maybe read a book or something.
Have a great Abbin kink of day all!
Day 26 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *(my gold stars)