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Sunday the 5th

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    Sunday the 5th

    Hi all! Carrying on from yesterday..

    Kathy, just want to congratulation you on Day 54 and on to Day 55 today!! Can't wait for your rhyme. Congratulations too on getting the funding all settled for Maddy. I bet that is like a boulder off your back! When you find that paperwork fairy, will you share?????

    Deter, congratulations on Day...46?? (sorry if I'm off on that - the mind goes first don't ya know). Geez. Your porck chop recipe are like my grandma's used to be (RIP Grandma) - a pinch of this and that. Nothing I could ever replicate with my limited kitchen related skills. I shall try thyme and lemon though. Somehow. Thanks for indulging all my cooking questions.

    Hi again bassgirl! do you play the bass guitar or violin or other bass instrument? Quitting smoking was rough but I FINALLY don't think about it much any more. But I have to stay on my guard forever...the Nicodemon is nasty that way.

    I think it will be a quiet day here for Day 26 and I DON'T want a fix. It's cloudy and hot/humid, so a good day to maybe read a book or something.

    Have a great Abbin kink of day all!

    Day 26 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *(my gold stars)
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    Sunday the 5th

    Hi DG and all to come,

    Just a quickie, because my peer group meets at my house today!:wow: Gotta clean up, quick!

    Anyway, I'm thinking on a rhyme. How about:

    "I'm jiving with my tribe on Day 55!" Gotta stay close to the group to stay sane!

    Back later!

    Love to all!:h

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Sunday the 5th

      Hi DG and Kathy.

      "It feels like Heaven to be on Day 7"


      Love you all,

      Starlight Impress x


        Sunday the 5th

        Hi Sunday Abbers.

        First excuse the spelling, I don't have my spell checker installed yet

        D. I would like to see the Simpson, but it falls into that area of not ok for the 7 and 9 year old and Hubby's not much in to movies, unless it's Die Hard or Beerfest or something like that. I recorded Pans Labyrinth, I will watch that today before the troups come home.

        All the food chat got me to go to the good butcher and get a tri-tip to BBQ tonight with some Grilled Veggies. Yum!

        Star, Great to hear about day 7. That is a big mile stone. I'm on day 14. Here's my rhyme.

        "It's keen to be on Day 14" Not to inventive. Maybe someone else can think of something better.

        Kathy, I like your rhyme for the day and good luck with the paper monster. I will think of you today while I am trying to find a place to put all this stuff. I see a big green garbage bag in my future. :H

        Doggy, I didn't go to the ocean yesterday, but it made it's way to my house. Woke up this morning to gray and cold. Good walking weather. I'm just about to leave to do 4 miles in the state park by my house.
        Day 25 Wow! That seems to far for me to hope for, but I'll keep trying.

        Bassgirl. Welcome and great job with the AF and not smoking. On my 1st 7 days of this AF stint I turned into a Cookie Monster and I'm paying for it now. Time to stop with the sweets before I turn into a blimp and float away.

        Good day to all to come.

        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          Sunday the 5th

          Day 46 and I'm learning new tricks! (sounds better than picking up tricks....??!!)

          Lauralynn, you have poetic talent...don't cha worry.

          Doggirl, thanks for kickstarting us here. Don't be shy with the food quesitons...I'll happily provide some kind of vague and cryptic response LOL

          Kathy...missed your mini-book post we'll expect an extra big one soon ok? cool rhyme BTW.

          Starlight you are just kicking some butt my dear!

          I'm thinking a quiet day at home is going to be just fine with me. trying to figure out how to connect my security cameras to my apple computer....(gotta be a way!) and listening to the cd book of "think and grow rich" by Napolean hill. I've never read the book although I've heard so many good we'll see.

          be well friends and all to come...
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Sunday the 5th

            Kathy I like your rhyme!

            Congrats Startlight on Day 7 in heaven.

            Laura you're keen at 14 for sure!! Can I come to your house for dinner? Oh wait - I gotta make my pork chops ala Chef Deter.

            Deter, you better not pick up tricks at 46!! Hey that book sounds interesting. If you really can grow rich by thinking, please let me know. If that is the case, it might be worth me learning how to think.

            I cleaned my referigerator today piece by piece - emptied the whole thing out and all that jazz. I must have a fever. I think there is a movie on Tivo in my future. My NEAR future.

            Day 26 and tossin' bricks (at the BoozeBeast) **************************
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Sunday the 5th

              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Sunday the 5th

                I'm back for a few, but there's a nap in MY near future. Allergies, I think, cause my head feels like it's stuffed with cotton. My colleague and I had a good meeting this morning, which was nice, and then I mowed the lawn and ran the dog around a bit. A little nap would be nice.

                I'm glad you liked my rhyme, but I'm afraid I might have made some trouble for myself. Not much rhymes with five!! Bribe? Alive?

                7 and Heaven reminded me of the old teenage game, 7 minutes in heaven. Remember that? :H Feeling like heaven after 7 AF days makes a whole lot more sense to me at this point! Good for you, Starlight--you've come a long way since last Monday night! Good on you for your idea about the A.S.A.P. forum, too.

                I envy you your trash bag, Laura. Unfortunately, most of my papers MUST be filed.:upset: I can't believe how much I throw out as it is! Good luck to you, too, on tackling the paper monster. It's such a pain. I'd prefer eating nails, really. Your tri-tip sounds really good, as well!

                I hope my book is long enough, Deter. I know I am verbose, and usually, I am trying to keep it short, for me, at least!:H I'd like to get rich by thinking, as well. I would imagine you have to DO something along the way though.

                You must feel satisfied about cleaning the fridge, DG. Keep tossing those bricks!

                Well, my mattress is whispering my name seductively.....Comon' Kath, wouldn't just a little nap be verrrrry nice (James' voice), you are now going deeper and deeper, as you walk up the stairs, to that special place, as you sink deeper....ZZZZZZZZ

                AF as of August 5th, 2012

