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6 August 2007

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    6 August 2007

    Hello Absville,

    I thought, I'd just start off this week, well because I'm the one up earliest (apart from the Aussies, grin ...). Still AF. Started AF on 23 June, and despite 2 slips, still doing fine, so quite happy with myself. There are the occasional cravings, but they are being dealt with.

    By the way, I'm on 150 mgs TOPA now. Decided to titrate down to 100 mgs. Better that way. Topa should be a means to an end, not a permanent means.

    Otherwise all fine.

    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    6 August 2007

    Good morning Paddy and all to come.

    Good luck with scaling down the topa Paddy.

    My AF is now Day 8 and feeling blooming great!!! LOL

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x


      6 August 2007

      Day 1

      Good morning to Paddy and Star,

      I had really bad day yesterday which has prompted me to come here..

      Day 1..And feeling strong and determined..
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        6 August 2007

        Hi All,

        A little sad here--just sent off an e-mail to my ex. Maddy is going up there to visit this week before meeting me in NY next weekend. My former FIL is not doing too well. It might be congestive heart failure, but FIL is refusing to go to the doctor. I think he might want to die, after losing his wife almost 2 years ago. My ex doesn't want me to come or call, blah, blah, blah. I don't blame him, really, but it makes me angry. My ex-in-laws were really good to me when he went gallavanting off to Poland to become the next Donald Trump (NOT!), and I want his father to know that I am thinking of him. Now that my ex is back in the States, he wants to play PapaBear and manage everything. I don't want to cross boundaries, but I do want ex-FIL to know I am thinking of him, as I said.

        Otherwise, things are okay. I got a lot of paperwork done yesterday, and that made me feel good!

        It's Day 56
        Don't need no tricks
        I got MWO
        For all my kicks!



        Hi Paddy, Starlight and Mackerel--you can see I'm a little self-absorbed here. Welcome back, Macks!!
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          6 August 2007

          Hi all,

          Day 14 turned out to be a little mean. Well, not too much. I do need a do over though. Hubby came home with a bottle of great red and I had two measured glasses. It did not start a chain reaction, and I'm back to it today.

          "So I'm thinking a lean me on day 14".

          It has got to be the Campral, I have gained 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks. As of today, I will be writing what I'm eating down. I have to be slipping in food I am not aware of.

          Paddy and Star, you both sound very good today. It's nice to start the day with clear eyes.

          Mack, I was feeling like you a couple of weeks ago. I am usually a good moderator, but I felt so out of control. Moderating was becoming so much work. When you get a couple of AF days behind you, you will remember why you like being here. For me, the second week of abs was harder then the 1st week, even with the Campral. I guess it was because I didn't feel like poo anymore. I hope this 3rd week will be easier.

          Kathy, I did not work on my paper monster, but spent time with the kids when they got home instead. It was great meeting them at the door with no booze on my breath.
          As to your FIL. You have your own relationship with him outside of your Ex. If you feel you need to see him, please do. For you as much as for you FIL. Do not let your Ex. stand in your way!

          Good day to everyone and all to come.

          Humor is just another defense against the universe!


            6 August 2007

            Top of the MOnday AB -landers!

            well, day 47 and I'm 5000kelvin (boy..that was weird)

            had a kick-ass AF weekend while home alone in a house full of boozely temptations...did great, feel great, outlook is great. great great great great great great great great!!!!

            Macks, welcome again...catching any fish lately?

            I'd smack your husby for opening that red in front of you Laura!!

            hang in there Kathy, I know family drama can be very taxing.

            Starlight, you are the little engine that could....bravo! you outlook has shown an amazing turnaround since you've been here...yeah!

            Paddy, you groovy topa doper you...hey...didn't you go on a trip into the mountians? how was that?

            BTW I saw the simpsons movie and it was great fun.

            well. off to share my garlic breath with the world......
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              6 August 2007

              I just wanted to pop in and say goodnight to everyone..And Thankyou for being here..

              Now...In the words of Gordon Ramsey

              Day 1...DONE
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                6 August 2007

                Have a good sleep Macks. You can do this. I know you can.

                ps. I LOVE 'Hells Kitchen'. It is my fav show at the moment. Gordon Ramsey is a 'Donkey' LOL!


                  6 August 2007

                  yes Chef!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    6 August 2007

                    I'm so aggravated with my ex, I could spit. I won't go into ALL the gory details. Let's just leave it at my having to deal with guilt-provoking, paranoid, self-pitying e-mails and be done with it.

                    Lauralynn, the problem with my relationship with my FIL currently is that my ex and his wife now live with him. My ex has not had a great deal of success upon his return to the States, and he is sort of stuck there, and it is miserable for him. His father is not the easiest fellow to get along with (when I first met him, I wanted to punch him within about 10 minutes). He is particulary hard on my ex and is not grateful that my ex is working hard to take care of him. He is quite crochety.

                    I maintained a relationship with his parents (MIL is now dead) after my ex moved to Poland so that Maddy could have a relationship with them. Neither FIL or MIL really accepted our divorce. Nevertheless, I'm not sure how my having contact with FIL is disruptive to my ex, especially if it is only by phone. It would be easier if my ex would just be honest and explain, instead of trying to play on my guilt, or alternatively, handing out imperious demands. Thank God he is another woman's problem now!:H

                    Oh well.....end of rant. I must get to work on my rhyme for Day 57.

                    Maddy wants to use the computer.

                    Thanks for listening. GRRRR.


                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      6 August 2007

                      Kathy - it must be painful. Divorce sucks for many reasons. May it be the children, having good parent in laws etc... Can you write your FIL a letter to let him know you are thinking of him? Maybe send him a card? Or can you just go anyway? If your PIL's meant that much to you, then don't let your ex call the shots and prevent your seeing him.

                      Good for you with your 57 days!!! Keep up the good work!


                        6 August 2007

                        Thanks AFM. After my last e-mail yesterday, I got a short, but concilliatory one from ex. It's probably all b.s., but he knew he had gone too far with me. I had thought of writing to FIL, but I don't trust my ex not to intercept the letter. I'm not sure I'm not being paranoid here, but I don't trust him. I'll figure something out though. When push comes to shove I get done what I need to. I just want to be respectful, if possible, while I'm doing so.

                        Thanks for the support.


                        AF as of August 5th, 2012

