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Wed 8th

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    Wed 8th

    Hi guys I am one day behind Macks-Day 2. Crap that means I am always going to be one day behind Macks. Right Macks? :h

    Congrats to all you superstars. I hope to be in your company soon (since no other company wants me! :H ). :h
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      Wed 8th

      Glad to see you here Happy. You are welcome here, there and everywhere! I am sure you will be feeling better in a couple of days. Detoxing is definitely the roughest part. All the best!


        Wed 8th

        Happy...All that means is we get to party for 2 days when we hit our 1 year mark...If i can do it..So can you..Good luck to us both..

        We decided to go and watch Hairspray at the pictures....4 guys in the whole packed picture house including me...1 was straight...Including me..Gonna have to do some macho guy stuff before i go bed..Think i'll go lift some weights and listen to the carpenters...Grrr

        Lisa i knew you were doing well...but 285!!!...Oh my god...Amazing..
        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


          Wed 8th

          yeah! Camper!! Camperoonie! Campadampadooooo!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Wed 8th

            gosh thanks macks - I sure didn't think I would be at this point when I started last June.



              Wed 8th

              Oh me oh my! What wonderful inspirations we have in Popeye, Lisa, Barry, and Gabby! And of course, Etexan, too, although he doesn't often post here. Who knows what we all can achieve? Macks and Patty, special hugs for both of you!:l

              It's nice to see the forum so full of activity today.

              For your foreign language edification Deter, je ne sais quoi literally means, "I don't know what", but sort of means "a certain something". It is usually a compliment, and I meant it to you as a teasing compliment. You crack me up with your Jennie sasquatch!

              I'm glad that you got through your cravings Macks, and I'm sure pumping some iron will help get you recover from the movie and an AF night!

              Tkeene, congrats on your 12 days.

              Hang in there Starlight! Tell us more when you're ready....

              Lisa, I'm glad your boss is being cool about this. I would imagine that you are a good employee, and even good employees make mistakes. You've gotten through a lot sober, and I'm proud of you! I can imagine there is a lot of stress with your mom and dad. I'll be happy for you too when all the moving is done and you can just enjoy having them closer. Wedding drama, UGH!! That must be quite wearing.

              I'm glad you have gotten a clean bill of health, AFM. That must be very reassuring after all that you have been going through lately.

              Camper, please don't be absurd that no other company wants you! You are a treasured member of this board, and I'm so happy that you are working hard on being ABs. We're going to have to work on you to be nicer to yourself.

              At any rate, I'm feeling mellow tonight. I have so much to do, but I can see I'm not going to get it all done, so screw it. I'm just going to make sure that I get the most important stuff done, and then I'm heading off for a long weekend. I'm leaving Friday afternoon and coming back Tuesday night. Yay!

              Anyway, hugs to all!:l

              AF as of August 5th, 2012

