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Thursday 9th August

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    Thursday 9th August

    Good morning abbers

    Day 4

    I forgot how good it felt to wake up sober for a few days on the trot..I gotta say aswell...Isnt water great..I never used to touch the stuff..I used to drink lucozade on the way to work in the morning..i'd get through about 5 bottles a day..Even after 4 days i feel so much healthier already..

    No big plans today..I'm going to work and lisa is going out to spend her birthday money..hmm..just depressed deserves it..

    Hope everyone has a wonderful af thursday..

    Love Macks
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Thursday 9th August

    Good Morning Abbers and.... Macks, i'm so glad things are good for you again.

    Today is a BIG day for me. I am going for my 20 week scan at the hospital. I hope this baby is normal!!!! Wish me luck and i will be back on-line this evening with the results. I'm scared!

    Have a good Thursday everyone.

    Bella xxx


      Thursday 9th August

      Hi Mackeral and Bella and good morning to everyone else! Day 13 af for me today, which is great. As you say Mackeral "Enough is enough". I am aiming for 30 days and then another 30. I have tried to moderate in the past but it hasn't worked for me. I wish you all well today. Bella, you especially will be in my prayers. I hope your little one is healthy and thriving. Love to all, Joesgal xx


        Thursday 9th August

        Just another day here, but it is DAY 59! Almost 2 months, and I'm feeling pretty darn good about that.

        Macks, it is great to see you leading off the day again--it feels like a long time since you were starting the daily posts. Of course your life has changed a lot with the new job and now getting sober again. I hope Lisa enjoys spending her birthday money.

        Bella, my heart is with you as you go for your scan. I can imagine that you are scared. I have my fingers crossed for you. Please keep us posted when you get the results. :heart: I am praying for the health of your wee baby tucked inside you!

        Hi Joesgal, nice to see you here. Good for you for your 13 days. They really start adding up when you just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep up the good work.

        Well, I've got a load of laundry to do and catboxes to clean--what a glamourous life!


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Thursday 9th August

          Molto Bene Thursday AB-landers!! "Day 50 isn't half nifty".

          Thanks for the kickstart Macks and glad the Mrs isn't letting that money burn a hole in yer pocket
          Joesgal, nice to meet you and welcome!
          Deep breathing Bella...let us know how you do.
          Kathy you enjoy a catbox for me ok? LOL cleaning a catbox I admit is a worldly pleasure I've yet to experience.
          Hey, there is a meteor shower this weekend which should be interesting as it will be cool!

          Be well everyone.......
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Thursday 9th August

            Hi Abbers
            How are you all going? some new faces since i logged on last which is great!
            i am nearly 2 weeks into the new job and i think it's safe to say it's been a mistake. i have jumped from the frying pan into the fire as they say. The temptation to resist drowning my disappointment and exhaustion in the bottle has been overwhelming at times, but I remain resolute. It will not help my situation, only make it worse. It's at times like these when the spirit is really tested that you need to be fully sober and clear so that all coping mechanisms are firing!! 3 months AF for me now
            nice to touch base with my old friends form MWO, I miss you all, isn't that strange? funny world we live in nowadays.
            Jane :heart:


              Thursday 9th August

              Happy Thursday Absters! It's Day 30 for me and that is so FRICKIN' cool I can hardly sit still! (woops - that doesn't rhyme now does it...)

              Many new faces here for me too and I'm really enjoying getting to know everyone.

              Congrats Macks on Day 4. Here's to health, water, and no hangovers!!

              Hi Bella. I hope your 20 week scan goes smoothly. Fingers crossed for you and baby.

              joesgal, it's good to see you and congrats on Day 13 AF!!!!

              Congrats Kathy on Day 59!!! Have you ever wondered if those cat litter contraptions that fits on top of the toilet seat work? I used to have cats and I often wondered about those cwazy lookin' things every time I saw them advertised. Mean time you should get a dog. They really, really like cleaning the cat litter box....... (once again, the lack of a puking smiley is inhibiting my communications....)

              Congrats Deter on 50 days!!!! YOU'RE a TWEENER!!! Half way 'tween 0 and 100! Oh I wish I was an Oscar Mayer Tweener...that is what I truly want to beee eeee eee...... mind is whacky today. What's for dinner? Crab legs here. We don't have them often, but for the 30 day celebration. Can you believe it?? I don't have to ask how to cook them!! But of course if you have any special tricks or anything I'm all ears...

              Hi Jane. THREE MONTHS!! Congratulations. I can't wait to be where you are with that! Sorry to hear that a new job isn't working out. bleh. And I say BS to that "builds character" stuff that my Dad used to dish out in such situations!! Hope things improve.

              30 days rocks, it just rocks and rocks and rocks! OK I'll shut up now. I picked up my new glasses today and can't wait to wear the ones with the bling (little shiny rhinestones) somewhere tacky.

              Have a great day all!

              DG * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Thursday 9th August

                Hi everyone!

                Things are Hot here... I think 103 today and 106 tomorrow
                Oh Det. A meteor shower!! I can't wait!
                I saw an awsome one the summer of 2003 too! I would sleep outside but it's just too hot.

                My baby boy heads to CA to train Sat. I guess it's not hot enough in NC...duh! It was so good to have him home last week. I found out yesterday that I won't get to see him again until April or May 2008..:upset:
                My sweet DIL is going out to see him right before they leave for Iraq in late Sept... I'm Yesterday was tough (NO booze though)..just alot of tears...

                We are staying busy with the garden stuff still...but it is slowing down.
                Hubby promised me a day out tomorrow, so we'll maybe go to a movie and out to eat.

                It is so good to hear from our Macks and Lisa and ALL of you...Doggy girl, Jane Rees, Kathy, Joesgal, and many prayers for the baby and you Bella.
                "Having a child is like letting your heart walk around outside your body".
                Love you much!
                PS...Here is an old song for the "star showers"! I'm a "Joesgal too!!
                Stars Fell on Alabama
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Thursday 9th August

                  Way to go Jane on 3months!!!!

                  DoggyGirl on your big 30!!!!!

                  that's some darn fine ABing! go team!!

                  Nancy, I can't imagine what it's like having a son go off to battle in a distant country....lot's of prayers for him and you.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Thursday 9th August

                    Hiya all,

                    I'm sorry for not doing personal replies tonight..I'm just not in the mood..Still af but questioning myself all the time..Its late now and i wont get beer but its so tough...I hope tomorrow is easier than tonight...i know fridays are a killer..AHHHHH...Got a hot face and feel so aggrivated..I better go bed...NaNight all..

                    Love Macks:l
                    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                      Thursday 9th August

                      It's great to read what is going on with others. I have stayed sober for a month now. Will probably have my license taken away tomorrow. If all this keeps me from drinking again, it's worth it. I still can't get in to see the doctor yet but have found the vitimins really work for me. I was at a wedding last weekend with a lot of booze and wasn't tempted at all. My DUI charge led me to this web site and it has been a miracle for me. I choose to look at the positive side of things. My life is good. I have not hurt anyone. It will only get better from here. Thanks for everything you have shared. Stay positive!!!


                        Thursday 9th August

                        Macks can you get Lglutamine there? it really helps me, but I take it in huge a couple heaping teaspoons in juice if I need some emergency relief. Hang tight!

                        hey Saki, welcome and kudos on the month...that's fantastic! and great attitude.

                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Thursday 9th August

                          Macks, great to see you lead the day! Hello all. I'm posting on the 10th! Better start a new thread. Sorry Nanc for all the jazz on seeing your son off again. Life's a bitch ...
                          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

