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    New to this forum

    Hi Everyone: Yesterday, I completed 30 days AF & am starting my second 30 today. I wanted to wait to come to this forum until I had stayed AF for 30 days. I've changed so much in the 30 days that I've been sober.
    -I'm more assertive. (No guilt holding me back.)
    -I have clarity at last. (No paranoia about what I did & said.)
    -I'm healing physically. (No hangovers.)
    -I'm healthy emotionally & spiritually. (No secret drinking.)

    I'm a person who must stay AF, because I cannot say "no" once I start. I haven't put an open bottle of wine back in the fridge in a long, long time. I drink the whole thing. My newest goal is 90 AF days. I have read that it takes 90 days for the brain to reset the decision-making & impulse-control functions to proper levels. Mine were completely out of wack from years of drinking.

    I know I'll see some old friends from the newbie forum but hope to make new friends too.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    New to this forum

    Hello Mary and congratulations to you on 30 days. You are a true inspiration. I am on my 29th and hope to be right behind you when we both hit the 90 as well! Your post is so true for me as well. Isnt it amazing the differences that we can see if ourselves after only 30 days? I feel healthy, happy and confident!

    Thanks for sharing your experience, I look forward to joining you at your next goal!


      New to this forum

      Welcome aboard Mary,

      Good to have you here!
      Some of us are right behind you - some - like me - have a little way still to go - but we WILL get there - I am confident of that!

      Talk to you later

      Oh - we are a wee bit mad here - hope you don't mind!


      on day 22 AF
      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        New to this forum

        A very warm welcome, Mary. I'm glad to hear that you are noticing so many changes after 30 days sober!

        As Satori said, we are all a wee bit mad, and I hope that you enjoy our particular brand of wackiness. We are always serious about our sobriety, however, and you'll find lots of support!

        :welcome: Mary!


        DUH! Oh, and congrats too on your first 30 days' success!
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          New to this forum

          Welcome Mary and congratulations on 30 days, Day 1 of your next 30, and your goal of 90 Days AF. I have always enjoyed your insights, and look forward to sharing more of our journey together!

          Day THIRTY!! AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            New to this forum

            Hi Everyone: You're all right behind me. Together, I know we can do this. If I feel this well after only 30 days sober, I can only imagine what's to come. D.Girl, I love your energy! You're terrific! Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              New to this forum

              congrats! I CANT WAIT mysle to start the af. i need to get this book immediately. img onn see if i can order it somewhere to be mailed to my house because i dont have a computer to download it to.


                New to this forum


                Congrats! I am truly happy for you. Where can I read "your story"? Or have you posted one?


                  New to this forum

                  Lynnie: My story is in the "Tell Us Your Story" forum on p. 3. I told my story there in June & didn't have the 31 day sobriety. I was in the "getting ready" stage. I had my last drink on July 9th. When I woke up on July 10th, I decided I wasn't going to drink (just for that one day). The next day, I did the same thing: I decided not to drink for one day. In the beginning I took it one day at a time, & that worked for me. I decided not to look into the future. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    New to this forum

                    Mary - So happy to have you herer, your positive outlook is a real inspiration to us all. Isn't it great how many of us are really learning how to turn our lives around? Good luck on your next 30 days, and the next 30 after that (and after that, and after that!)
                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                      New to this forum

                      Hannah: Thank you. I'm starting my 3rd day into my second 30. It feels great not to be plotting & planning my next binge. By the way, I have a puppy who looks just like yours, except mine is cream/apricot. He was a rescue dog. He had 2 previous owners who didn't think they could train him. Love, Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        New to this forum

                        Hi Mary - Welcome and congrats on your 30 AF days. I know you can do the next 30 too.
                        IT is good to have a goal like that though.
                        Good luck with the new puppy. What is his name?



                          New to this forum

                          Hi Mary! Congratulations on your 33 day run! Today is Day 1 for me and I always enjoy your posts. Keep up the good work and stick with me on my journey. Thanks, Don


                            New to this forum

                            Hi Mary - Great to see you and read all about it... thinking of you.
                            Don - welcome to Day 1 and WELL DONE!!!!!
                            Great to catch up with everybody here - hello! Thanks, Mary, for bringing us all together here...
                            Love 'Feet' - with a tall cocktail of coconut milk, pinapple juice, bitters and lime tonic water with two straws, ice and an unbrella!!!!! Yum! (And I used to think I didn't like fruit juice....!) For those in the know I'll call it a 'Trotter 78' ('Only Fools and Horses' and my days today...!)
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              New to this forum

                              Chief good luck on Day 1. Drink lots of water!
                              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

