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Sunday 12th

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    Sunday 12th

    top of the world ABeroonies!

    just going to stay home today and get lots of organizing done, go though camping gear etc getting ready for the burning man event at the end of the month. Camping gets complicated when you are getting older and want comfort! i recall when as a teenager things were simple. hey lets just sleep under the truck. (yeah right!)

    I've been listening to the audio CD version of napoleon Hill's "think and grow rich"...anyone familiar with this? it's supposed to be quite famous. it's interesting although a bit odd in places...which is ok. I'm a bit odd in places too. ?

    Be well everyone!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Sunday 12th

    Hi Det...
    Hummmmmmmmmm...the burning man event?
    Where exactly is that hell-ed?
    Sorry couldn't help it!

    We stayed home today also ....I made my favorite chicken rice--spanish--dish and hubby installed two ceiling fans! Yeah! I've been asking for them for years.

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!
    Where is Dx?

    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Sunday 12th

      Hi Det and Nancy and all,
      Just popped in to say am on Day 14 and loving it.

      Hope it`s a great day for all.

      Starlight Impress x


        Sunday 12th

        Hi All!

        Just having a very lazy Sunday in New York. A few family members have gone to my BIL's family for a barbecue, so I'm going to cook for my mom and sister tonight. We'll have salmon with a butter, lemon and dill sauce and a sauteed veggie mix.

        I can't find my AF champagne for love or money! No one around here carries it, or even the Sutter Home stuff. So I'm doing without. I was scared at first, but I really don't want to blow my sobriety. I only had a half bottle to take to my good friend's house last night, but I made do with that, even though I had some pretty strong cravings after watching her drink wine all evening. I had a good time though, anyway.

        My friend was very impressed with my not drinking and my slimmed down looks. This is a friend that I have been drinking with since age 14! I guess the ego strokes were helpful, too! Well, here's to iced peach tea....

        I checked out the burning man event, Deter--it sounds interesting. I prefer a more civilized type of camping though. I dream of owning an RV someday. I hope you have a great time when you go, though.

        Hi, Nancy! I hope you enjoy your dinner.

        Happy Day 14, Starlight--you sound great! Keep up the good work!

        Today I get to celebrate 2 months sober!:yay:

        Anyway, I'm working on a laptop, and it's driving me nuts, so I'll sign off for today, but I'm thinking of you all. I know that thinking of you helped me ward of temptation last night. Smooches!


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Sunday 12th

          just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone not been around much this wee while back so will have to make a bigger effort ,anyway i was doing really well and had not drank in just over 2 wks which is excellent for me i even had a couple nights of with out succumbing to the temptations of booze until last night ,why oh why oh why i just do,nt know and the funny thing is i have not even missed it which makes last night even more annoying never mind back on the wagon tonoght and know i can do better hopefully ,will have to get back on here more so will catch you all soon

          love maryt


            Sunday 12th

            Good to see you back maryt and "going for your gold."

            Small cyber world!!!!! must live about half an hour`s drive from me!!! LOL

            Starlight Impress x


              Sunday 12th

              Delighted for you reaching your 2 mths. AF.........take a bow!!!

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress x


                Sunday 12th

                Hi All-
                Det...have not heard of that book but I'd love to think myself rich...this working stuff is getting old. Have fun camping.
                Nancy...he was just working his way up to those celing fans...perhaps the 100 degree weather spurred him on You sound good - hope you are doing ok
                Starlight...I for one am Impressed with your 14 days AF. You're doing great.
                Kathy - WOW- Did you think you would be here 60 days ago !! I knew you could do it.
                Sometimes everything just fits and it is the right time. And you did great at that dinner with friends. :h :h So happy for you.
                maryt ...come here lots- 2 weeks is awesome!!

                I'm starting atkins tomorrow so today I had popcorn at a movie and now chocolate ice cream!!
                Going to bed early tonight.


                  Sunday 12th

                  Happy Sunday to all and glad to hear everyone so bright!

                  It was a beautiful day here - a nice respite from all the rain we've had this summer. Started the day with homemade pancakes, fresh fruit and maple syrup - and then I finally got off my arse and went for a bike ride - paying for it now but it's that lovely ache from using muscles that have been content to live the easy life for the last few months! I have a feeling they're going to make me pay...!

                  Hope you all get a good start to your week and achieve your goals - many congratulations to all your successes so far :goodjob: ! Talk soon x
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
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                  100 days

