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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    Welcome one and all to the NEW Booze Busters 30 Day Challenge Thread! I will open this greeting with a quote from our wise and very quotable Booze Buster July: "Today is someone's Day 1 AF."

    Got that right!! So welcome to anyone who is interested in working at 30 days in a row Alcohol Free. Doesn't matter if this is your Day 1, or Day 29, or Day 129. You are welcome here whether this is your first ever 30 Day Challenge, or your 100the 30 Day Challenge. You can jump in at any time.

    The Booze Busters exist to support each other in 30 Days and possibly beyond that, and CELEBRATE each day of success along the way. EVERY AF Day is a victory! That's why you will see folks talking about "gold stars" for each AF day. We are loud and we are proud. And we would LOVE for more people to join us in our mission to collect gold stars for AF days!! So don't be shy about bragging and cheering about each little victory you have!!

    For the benefit of new Booze Busters, I hope all of our existing Booze Busters will give a brief introduction.

    I am loud and proud Booze Buster Doggygirl. Last week I finished my first 30 Day AF Challenge which was VERY exciting!! I hope that is step one for an alcohol free life for me. I'm sure some people can use AF time as preparation for moderation. And for those who can, GREAT!!! I need to be AF, so I am working on 30 Day Booze Buster Challenge number 2. Welcome all Booze Busters New and Old! (well, maybe "old" wasn't a good choice of words....)

    Edited to Add: Here is a link to just one of the many awesome posts by a long term AF'er xtexan that in my ever not so humble opinion, every aspiring AF'er should read. There are LOTS of good posts by long term AFer's here - this is just one of them! This post details Neil's 600 Day AF Journey, and the benefits he is now enjoying as a result. In case you didn't come across it in your MWO travels, I hope this post motivates you all as much as it did me when I saw it today!

    End Edit.

    I will close with another quotable quote from July enhanced by Satori: "It would be GRAVE to CAVE to the CRAVE!."

    Day 30 + 4 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * (my gold stars that are blue!)
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    HAPPY MONDAY!! Hope everyone had a good AF weekend. For anyone who struggled, we've got the duster for dusting off britches, and of course the kick squad if a kick in the pants is needed.

    Mary, it sounds like the party for your grandson was really nice. Isn't it funny how easy it is to leave before "Phase II aka Heavy Drinking Part" gets going in full swing. I bet lots more people left as Phase II was cranking up than maybe we would have noticed when we were active participants? Don't know if that was true at your party - just something that occured to me to observe more carefully at future events..... Anyway, you're becoming really good at dealing with parties where drinking is going on!!

    PINKIE!!! Welcome to Day 33! Hope you had a great weekend and got everything done that you had hoped to.

    Welcome back Chief!!! We are so glad to have you back and now it's Day 3. * * * (Chief's gold stars) WE CAN DO THIS. Good for you pouring that beer down the drain. Being a Booze Buster will be way more fun than feeling rotten in the cycle of drinking, guilt, blah blah blah that we all know too well.

    Hi 'Feet' and welcome to Day 79 if I've got all this right with the time zones, etc.!! We gotta be on the lookout for your Day 90 so we can throw your Challenge #3 party!! I'm sure you will be sad as this will come up while your beloved partner is out of town. (I can empathize with that - this house feels SO empty on the thankfully rare occassions where Mr. Doggy is away...) We will NOT allow Satori and the all male cheerleader review chicken out this time. So at least you will have some eye candy to enjoy!!!

    Arial, welcome to Day 2 AF * * (Arial's gold stars) and for pouring the rest of the wine down the drain. I feel bad even mentioning that I had some issues to deal with yesterday - it was petty BS on a veree petty scale of pettiness compared to the issues you are facing with your daughter. I'm glad you had a bit of time just for "you." The bike ride sounds heavenly.

    Hi July and congrats on Day 18 AF!! I love your Booze Bustin' quotable quotes and I hope you keep 'em comin'.

    Hi Hannah! These time zones have me oh so confused!! So is Monday 8/13 Day 24 or 25 for you? Of couse ask this critically important question so that Satori can have the all male cheerleader review squad ready for action on the correct day. Saturday will be Day 30??? Please confirm as my mind is feeble. I'm really glad for Guerinno and your whole family that he is able to spend his last time at home rather than in some hospital room. I bet that means a lot to him - you have always described him as a very family oriented person. ((((Hugs for Hannah's Family)))

    The weekend's trials were minor in the grand scheme of things. Why do I make mountains out of mole hills? Life would be less stressful if I would STOP doing that right now! I'm happy it's Monday! I'm happy to be on Day 34 AF! I'm happy to be done with Dreadmill and Torture Trak for the Day! I'm happy Mr. scale was good to me today! Life is good.

    Congratulations to all who are staying AF while traveling, and all who are yet to come. And welcome to all new Booze Busters!

    Day 30 + 4 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * *
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

      I am sad to say that I had made it 3 weeks then blew it at a family party on Sat. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's last week and left dear daughter for a few days so hubby and I could have some time alone. Did great up til Sat. night then drank enough beer that I deserve one serious fanny kicking.I beat myself up enough yesterday and was so mad and sad that I had done that. At least my daughter wasn't around to witness. I am now starting day 2 and WILL do this this time.

      DG- I am so proud of you on making your 34 days. I wish I hadn't blown it. I am not looking back though. I will be where you are.

      Hi to Satori- I am sure you would have made a lovely preg. cheerleader!? Keep up your good work. You are now way ahead of me!!!

      Ariel-Welcome back.

      Hi to all the newbies and everyone else. It's good to be back.
      AF since 2/22/2012


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

        Hello Everyone, new and not so new! (does that work better than old?)

        Today is my day 32 AF and I am loud and VERY proud about it! Only 28 more to go until the next finish line. By that time Satori and the "all male review cheer squad" should be fired up and ready to go!

        Dont have time to say hi to say hi to each of you but I hope everyone had a great weekend!



          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

          Hey Doggy - thanks for starting the new mini thread - hopefully some more newbies will take the plunge while the water is shallow so to speak!

          Well - for once - I've not a lot to say!

          I was really busy over the weekend - helping a friend install a new kitchen, so I was basically working from early morning to late evening both Saturday and Sunday.
          Didn't have the time to think about drinking really!

          My friend had "thoughtfully" bought in a load of beer - but then remembered too late that I wasn't drinking.
          (He seemed to manage most of it himself tho'!!! )

          Never mind - I had plenty of water with me!

          Didn't get the time to do any real exercise over the weekend either - so I will have to remedy that this week.
          Off to the pool tonight to get some swim time in! And then back to my friend's place for a couple of hours more work!

          Today is day 26 :shocked: for me - only 4 more to go on this 30 day challenge - can't really believe how easy it has been TBH!

          Oh sure - I get the odd mini-craving - but now I just don't act on it!
          Last night SWMBO even asked me to drop in by the supermarket for some wine for her on my way home from my friend's.
          Didn't even occur to me to buy any beer! Just bought the wine and handed it over when I got home!

          A year ago - that would NOT
          have happened!

          Talk to you all later.



          Here are the 25 stars I have gathered to date (Just plain Gold ones Doggy - NOT Sapphire encrusted BLUE ones like you have awarded yourself!!!!!)
          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

            OK AF.... here goes...

            kickbu_c - Fotosearch Stock Photography

            Consider your butt kicked. The only value in looking back on things is just to learn from the experience, and I'm sure you've already figured out your lessons. Onward and forward. You might not mind a swift kick in the butt, however I KNOW you don't want to wear that ugly green suit any more.

            Welcome to Day 2!! We CAN do this!

            Day 34 AF
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

              Hi Pinkie - keep on rockin' you are doing great - only 28 days to go till the next 30 is completed - that's the way to look at it - makes it look simple!

              Almost - you NEEP!


              Ah well - I will not beat you up cos it sounds like you are doing that yourself!!!
              Right - get right back on this thread with us - I KNOW you will get there this time!
              See ya later

              Hi Chief - good to have you here again!
              Hi Arial, Hannah, Reteacher, July cos I'm sure you will be along any minute.

              And HI to all the rest of you yet to come!

              Have a good one

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                Good Mornin' BoozBusters!! Spent part of my first official AF day reading the really long previous thread. Very entertaining and informative and a great way to get to know y'all

                Doggie-I kept tellin myself, ok, I've gotta quit readin' now, but just could not stop till you got your 30 stars--big congrats.

                Pinkie-Same goes for you, sorry Satori wossed out on the cheerleader thing.

                Satori- Love your sometimes inspiring and sometimes bawdy posts

                Ariel- Hope your daughters do well. I couldn't help but feel how isolated you must be where you are. I'm glad you can come here for support.

                Hannah-What a rock you are! To maintain your sobriety throughout your BILs illness as well as continuing your own life.

                FMF- I'm glad to see that there are those who do not feel that they can stay connected to MWO and both give and recieve help.

                AF- I admire your courage in coming back with your chin up ready to try again.

                July- I always look forward to your thoughtful comments.

                And to all those I missed. I look forward to getting to know y'all better.


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                  Today WILL be my 1 AF day

                  Well done to you all.

                  I have decided that enough is enough. I have not had a day AF for the last 4 weeks. 30 days of drinking. Now I want to do 30 days of AF and see the difference.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                    Hi Rob

                    Hi Lotus

                    Welcome to the madhouse known as Booze Busters!!!!

                    If you are not mad before you join - you sure as h*ll will be before you leave!!!

                    Look forward to seeing you around!


                    Day 26 AF
                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                      Hi atpeace and welcome to Booze Busters!! I hope you find your way to this newer (and shorter!) Booze Busters thread. You will find many people here who are happy to help and support you. MWO is an AWESOME program and if you really want to stop the madness with the booze, you can do it.

                      Welcome also to rob and Lotus!! Lotus, I haven't even tried to mod since coming to MWO because any efforts to "get my drinking under control" previous to MWO were abysmal failures to say the least. I can sure say that 30 days AF is FANTABULOUS compared to 30 days of the kind of drinking I used to do every day. It will be great to share your journey with you, and hear how you like the difference at 30 days!

                      rob, we already know you have lots of internal fortitude that will server you well in your AF journey. We know this because you read the previous thread. I hope you packed a lunch!! Welcome and Happy Day 1 AF!!! Don't forget to collect your gold star at the end of the day - which of course goes for everyone.

                      Hi Satori! Happy Day 26. Did you have a good weekend? Did you get lucky with some decent mountain climbing weather? (oops that didn't sound right somehow...) Anyway, we are busy preparing for you and Hannah's celebrations later this week. Hmmmm..... We need some new smilies around here. (and this time, I'm not speaking of my need for a puking smilie.....which is still a communication need of mine, just not for your celebrations... )

                      How is everyone else doing?

                      Day 34 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * *
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                        Dg- Thanks, I needed that. I will be shedding that green suit fast!!!!! It was in no way worth falling off the wagon. I was caught up in the moment of a family (husbands) party. Wish I would have stayed sober to enjoy being alone yesterday with my hubby instead of laying on the couch feeling like crapola. As Cher sings..."If I could turn back time..."

                        Hi Rob and Lotus- welcome! Keep on posting.

                        Satori- I have never heard the word "neep" before but it cannot be good. I look forward to 30 days of sobriety. I made it 3 weeks so now the goal is to get back on track for 30!!!! I got my kudzu in the mail when I got back home on Sat. I am back to my suppliments full force today.

                        Have a great day everyone.
                        AF since 2/22/2012


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                          Pinkie, I was so after AF there with the Fugly Green Suit that I somehow missed your post!!!! And you too Satori with the kitchen remodeling details. HEY - Wanna be MY friend?? I could use lots of friends like you!! Pinkie congrats on Day 33 AF today!

                          AF, sorry that you ended up spending some of your private time with Mr. AF nursing a hangover. That's even worse than the Fugly Green Suit. Onward and forward.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                            It's day #3 and no booze for me!!!


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                              feet first


                              I want to go 30 days without a drink! This is my first day and I am so happy to all of your success. I told my husband my recovery program will be measured at 30 day intervals. and then repeted till I hit the 90 day mark. I love being sober, why do I drink?
                              Thanks for the welcome, support and this awsome challenge!:thanks:

