Got that right!! So welcome to anyone who is interested in working at 30 days in a row Alcohol Free. Doesn't matter if this is your Day 1, or Day 29, or Day 129. You are welcome here whether this is your first ever 30 Day Challenge, or your 100the 30 Day Challenge. You can jump in at any time.
The Booze Busters exist to support each other in 30 Days and possibly beyond that, and CELEBRATE each day of success along the way. EVERY AF Day is a victory! That's why you will see folks talking about "gold stars" for each AF day. We are loud and we are proud. And we would LOVE for more people to join us in our mission to collect gold stars for AF days!! So don't be shy about bragging and cheering about each little victory you have!!
For the benefit of new Booze Busters, I hope all of our existing Booze Busters will give a brief introduction.
I am loud and proud Booze Buster Doggygirl. Last week I finished my first 30 Day AF Challenge which was VERY exciting!! I hope that is step one for an alcohol free life for me. I'm sure some people can use AF time as preparation for moderation. And for those who can, GREAT!!! I need to be AF, so I am working on 30 Day Booze Buster Challenge number 2. Welcome all Booze Busters New and Old! (well, maybe "old" wasn't a good choice of words....

Edited to Add: Here is a link to just one of the many awesome posts by a long term AF'er xtexan that in my ever not so humble opinion, every aspiring AF'er should read. There are LOTS of good posts by long term AFer's here - this is just one of them! This post details Neil's 600 Day AF Journey, and the benefits he is now enjoying as a result. In case you didn't come across it in your MWO travels, I hope this post motivates you all as much as it did me when I saw it today!
End Edit.
I will close with another quotable quote from July enhanced by Satori: "It would be GRAVE to CAVE to the CRAVE!."
Day 30 + 4 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * (my gold stars that are blue!)