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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    Thank you, all of you

    Since I have been monopolizing the computer all day, I promised my hubby he could have it for the rest of the night - BUT - just wanted to say a really big THANK YOU for the lovely party, you guys all really outdid yourselves. :h you all.

    Will be talking back at ya tomorrow again, but in the meantime, have a really super AF evening! :wave:

    xoxox Deb

    My 30 day cup: :award: :whee:

    The future lies before you like newly fallen snow
    Be carefull how you tread it, for every step will show.
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

      July, You are right about the runs, it seems the last couple of days I start running and am immediately into it. Like you say, it no longer takes 15 minutes just to get comfortable and breathing right. I love it. I feel like I'm living for the first time in years instead of just existing. Have a good night all...Don


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

        Just a quick hello to 'clock in'!!

        Don - I am really glad for yuo. Well, well, well done!
        Deb - What a truly beautiful little saying at the end....thank you. In the ol' brain now for sure!

        Feet x
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

          Good Morning-Or-Whatever-Time-Of-Day!

          OH it feels so good to have the Dreadmill and Torture Trak out of the way early! I'm still looking for my Bowflex manual. DRAT!! I know it's here somewhere. I e-mailed nautilus this AM asking if I can get a replacement. Mean time, it's Day 30 + 10 = 40 Days AF here which is practically unbelievable!! But it sure feels good and we can all do this and then go on to do what Feet and a whole bunch of others have done, and beyond it goes.

          An observation from before, that was made again yesterday..... I LOVE not having to worry about what I said like I did when I was drinking - even a little drinking. At dog training yesterday I DID have to tell one guy to be quiet (in the POLITEST possible way of course.. ). He's a "man's man macho man" to begin with, and he DID NOT appreciate me telling him to shut it. In days of old, I would worry whether I should have said anything, how it came off, etc. etc. Yesterday? He was mouthing when he shouldn't have been, and got what he deserved. That's that. It's so liberating to now worry about these things.

          Anywho.... Good morning 'Feet!' Happy Sunday and another AF day. Hope your visit with your cousin is going great. Are your kids still there too? We're callin' next Saturday 90 days for you.

          July, happy Day 24!! Looks like you will be having your 30 day party next Saturday too!


          What other parties do we have coming up soon? Everyone has to help keep mind is old and feeble.

          Don, good for you on your running and feeling good! although.... (wise great pumpkin why do Don and July and Almost Famous and others run like that when nothing is chasing them...oh wait maybe :alf: is chasing them)
          Speaking of which - where IS Almost Famous?? I think we need to send out the search party. Who else has been missing too long??

          Hannah, Happy Day 31!! When is the last time you had so much fun at a party and NO HANGOVER!! Life is good!

          Hello to all who are yet to come today!

          Day 30+10 AF :award: + * * * * * * * * * *
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

            Good mornin' absters!!! DG--I hope Naut. will send you a replacement manual for the bowflex. Did you check online? Sometime companies have their manuals in downloadable PDF format. Then of course there is that cosmic law- Ten minutues after the new manual is in your hot little hands the old one will turn up! :H

            Deb-Love your new sigi line, very thought provoking.

            Chief-you sound so wonderful and strong, congrats on day 9, tomorrow you break into the double didgits!

            July-I was never into running, but it sounds as if you and Chief have made it not only a part of your exercise program but a gague for improvement in your wellbeing. Looking forward to your party next Sat.

            MedMa-Hope your day goes well. Something you said yesterday really struck me. I was reading elsewhere about the right dose of topa being the "switch" dose that turns off the desire for alcohol. I'm pretty fortunate in that my switch dose seems to be 75mg/day. However, yesterday I found myself thinking more about not drinking than I had for awhile. Anyway, I ran across your post where you described being outside reading a book, getting a massage and other things, you concluded with something like: "After all, if you're thinking about not drinking, you're still thiking about drinking". This made perfect sense to me, thank you.

            To everyone else- Have a great day, will check back later


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

              Morning everyone, good afternoon, good night....whatever the case may be!

              Havent posted in a while as we have been very busy but I have had time to check in and read. Everyone seems to be doing great and those that havent are at least realizing why and moving past it. That really is all we can hope for, to learn from our pasts and make better futures.

              After all the construction and physicall labor I have done the last 3 weeks, last night I just wanted to relax and actually thought about having a drink. I didnt NEED one but felt I should reward myself for my hard work but then it hit me, "Nothing tastes as good as sober feels!" well that was all it took to get that thought out of my head!

              I did followed what someone mentioned about adding up how much I have already saved from not drinking (if you guys havent, you should) and I am happy to report $248.82 in just 39 days! No wonder I never had any money!

              Sorry I dont have time to name off everyone but we have more to do today and I must go exercise before everyone else wakes up - so a big high five from me to each of you for your accomplishments and encouragements!

              Have a fantastic sober Sunday!



                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                Hello my friends!

                What a glorious day it is! My husband and I had an AF night and watched a really bad movie - it weas great! We talked about me not drinking at all - I mean AT ALL, which is a conversation well over due. You see, my hubby likes to have a drink, but he is a "normal" drinker, and he is used to the days many, many years ago when I was a semi-normal drinker. I don't actually think I ever was, I just think that the honeymoon period (which for us lasted for at least 3 years ) was filled with travelling, drinking, etc. Anyway, he has seen the way I have changed when I drink over the past few years and doesn't like it either. BUT, he would also like his ol' drinking buddy back.... the one who used to party with him. I think we both had an epiphany that he was drinking so much he didn't notice! A little chuckle there. Long story short, over the past year or so he has kept trying to "teach" me how to be a normal drinker... funy, huh! Some nights were good, some were bad - none of which "I" really enjoyed. So, FINALLY, he has also given up the dream that we will drink our way into the sunset like we did when we first met. Now we will do some more adventue-like traveling (his idea). This is all good new and a big relief for me. I now have a REAL suppport system in the house with me. I know he will continue to have one here and there, but he has decided to not drink in the house. - So guys, I think I am going to make it this time!!! What a great guy I have!

                Thanks for listening!

                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                  Sunday Morning After Party - & No Hangover

                  Wow, now is THAT a treat!

                  Must say, first off - M. Mama - Yahoo!!!! I'm so glad you and hubby have had your talk, and made the decision not to "drink you way into the sunset". You guys have reached the same decision hubby & I did - I know he may have a drink or two - mostly when he is w coworkers on business trips - and that bothers me not at all. Your decision not to drink is your decision, and his decision not to drink, or to drink, is his. The two only need to "interact" when you are both at home - and I really tnink the no booze at home policy is about the best decision anyone can make. I really admire people like Satori, who maintain their sobriety when their spouses still drink - possible, but much more difficult, I am sure. :kudos: to you both, and go kiss you guy - he is a keeper, for sure.

                  Pinkie - musta missed something- what construction are you doing? Renovating? I admire you staying sober is that is the case. Enough to test anyone's resolve! I too have added up our drinks bill every month when we get our Master Card bill - and ours always hovered between $300.00 and $400.00. When we were golfing last time out, we were talking about whether we could afford for us both to buy memberships to the golf club where we live now. The membership we had in the small town we used to live in was pretty cheap, but in the city it would cost about $3500.00. And then it occurred to us that our not drinking pays for the membershop. How cool is that?

                  We also have some friends who go on an expensive holiday or cruise every year, and even thou he makes more $ than my hubby does, she doesn't work and I do. So go figure? Then we realized that they haven't been pouring their $ down their throats liike we have been for most of our married life. Something to think about!

                  Pinkie, how many days? Is this 39 or 40 today? :wow3:

                  Chief and July - I see you are up and at 'em already today. Where is Satori? Could it be that he is just exhausted from all the dancing at my party? (heee heee!) You guys are really racking up the days - looking forward to your party next Saturday, July. And it'll be a double duty party because it'll be FMF's 90'th. Who Hoo!

                  FMF - my signature line is something my beloved aunt wrote into my autograph book (remember when those were popular) when I was about 12 or 13. She is still a go getter at 90+, my Dad's side of the family is very long lived, so I hope to be a matriach just like her someday.

                  DG - How do you make the printing so tiny when you are talking to the Great Pumpkin? I can't seem to make it any smaller, only bigger. Is it a secret only the great pumpkin can reveal? I'd just like to make my sig. line a little smaller. Fess up, please. Oh, never mind, when I previewed this post it actually worked this time. Duhhhh.

                  DG - congrats on 40 days!!!!!!!! I know we only party on multiples of 30, but 40 days deserves special recognition! :wings: These are your pearly white wings we always talked about giving you. Don't worry, they are machine washable.

                  Well, my poor hubby has the flue. Has been spewing from both ends since about 4:00 this monrning. He is diabetic, so when he gets sick he gets very, very sick. Poor baby. Hope he feels better soon, and also doesn't spread it around!

                  Best run & see how he's doing. Talk at you all later, have a great AF Sunday!

                  :award:+ *

                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow
                  Be carefull how you tread it for every step will show.
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                    Hi Everyone, Day 9 for me today. Everything is good except I feel like I may be coming down with a flu bug. I think I'll just relax today and not do too much. Tomorrow is double digits!! Hope everyone is having a good day. Good luck to all who are in Dean's path. Evacuate if you need to. Our prayers are with you... Don


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                      MM, I think that's great. It's so important to have support at home. I think you might be on it now.. Stay strong.. Don


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                        Checkin' in to touch the life line! Actually, today is very relaxed. It's raining so a GREAT day just to lounge around.

                        rob, good to see you. I'm not the most clever internet searcher. I did find the Nautilus (with Bowflex brand) site. I couldn't find any PDF owners manuals - that would have been nice! So I just e-mailed the customer service address. I hope they come through for me. After a BAD time with my back a few years ago culminating in surgery, I have no interest in "guessing" about the right way to do anything!

                        mm - I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! That is awesome about you and hubby making a plan together. YEAH!!! Getting all of that out in the open must have been a huge relief. I can't WAIT to hear about your travel adventure plans. Any goal destinations / activities yet? I just know I'm gonna be pea green!

                        Pinkie, glad to hear DD's room renovation is finally complete!! Happy Gizelling and Happy Day 39!!!! You're not kidding about all the saved $$. In these later years most of my drinking was at home. I hate to think how much $$ I pissed away in my 30's when so much of it was "out and about."

                        Hi Hannah and welcome to 30 Day Booze Busters Challenge Round 2!! WE CAN DO THIS!! **the wise great pumpkin walks softly and carries a big...something big. the great pumpkin speaks softly too and i could not quite here what is so big that the great pumpkin carries** Hope Mr. Hannah is feeling better soon.

                        Hi Chief!! WOW - double digits for you tomorrow. HOW COOL IS THAT!! Hope the flu doesn't get you down real bad.

                        Well, gotta go find some lunch worthy food. Then back to my book. Have a great rest of the weekend whatever you are doing and wherever you are.

                        :award: + * * * * * * * * * *
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                          Hello again!

                          Hannah, it is day 39 for me and loving it! Sorry but I thought I mentioned the construction a while ago. About 1 year ago we gutted a floor in the house and have been since rebuilding. 2 bedrooms (for my kids), 1 bathroom - as of yesterday those 3 rooms are done!!!! Now we have to start the family room and laundry room and then we will be finished. I think that my BF would perfer if I drank, at least then I wasnt "slave driving" him to get the work done. It does feel good to get something accomplished though.

                          MM your talk with hubby is inspiring, it is so important to have support in the home as well as outside of the house.

                          Chief, sorry to hear you are not feeling well but a big "KUDOS" to you for your upcoming double digits!

                          DG, what book are you reading? I am always looking for something new to read. I went to the library today and it was closed...must be preparing for the start of school, but I was disappointed to say the least.

                          Well I must be off, I am going to take the spare room that my daughter was using and make it into a dressing room/guest room - must keep busy!


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                            Hi everybody- Geez- o- pizzeria!!!! I leave for a few days (to pick up my munchkin from Grandma's) and sooo much has happened with you all. I made it through day 8! Still hanging in there. I'm feeling good. I went out for dinner and my parents wondered why I wasn't having a drink. I felt proud to say I gave it up.

                            Satori- YOU ROCK MR. MAN! Congratulations to you!!!!! : )

                            DG- You are still doing terrific. You (and the rest) are so inspiring.

                            I am exhausted from the drive so I'll check in tomorrow. Hi to all the new people. This is a wonderful place!!!!! Have a great night.
                            AF since 2/22/2012


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                              Good (insert whatever here.......) AFers

                              Satori returns after his usual mad weekend - TBH - not sure what YEAR it is - never mind what month/day! Far too much going on in my life just now!
                              Don't know how I found time for all the drinking actualy!

                              Anyway - I have another of these really sore heads - I actually woke up this morning and my first thought was "Oh sh*t - how much did I have to drink last night?"
                              Then I realised - as I was on day 33! it couldn't be a hangover - sure feels like one!
                              I need to get to the bottom of this - I still suspect a combination of dehydration, and not eating properly. As I have described elsewhere, I tend to forget to eat regularly when I'm busy!

                              Anyway - enough about me.

                              How is everyone doing?

                              Hannah - have you recovered after your 30 day celebrations?
                              Sorry we couldn't make it (Most of the boys are now out of intensive care and are doing well)! I hope my stand-in was acceptable!

                              As to the various requests from various ladies on here for the various parts of my various friends - we will have to see what we can do after they recover - not sure if there are many "useful" bits left TBH!!

                              Must be day 32 for you now Hannah - awesome

                              Doggy - I had a look earlier in the week on the Nautilus / bowflex site for PDF manuals when you mentioned you still hadn't found yours - and they don't do them - so it wasn't just you who couldn't find them. Hope you get copies from Nautilus OK.
                              Wouldn't like to think you were missing out on your daily torture!!
                              Day 41(?) for you insn't it? Amazing how the days rack up!

                              Pinkie - day 40(?) Awesome too! And while having construction work done - cool.
                              Have to admit I am also in middle of this type of thing as well - and am actually doing most of the work myself too! (As well as helping friends do work on their houses!)
                              Doesn't bother me as I actually enjoy that kind of challenge.
                              Just finding the time for it all is exhausting.

                              Chief - double digits! How cool is that??? Sorry to hear you are under the weather - but at least you don't have to cope with a hangover too!
                              Keep on bashin' that beast!
                              Looks like you have got him on the run!

                              July - day 25? Well done man - It gets easier the longer you go on doesn't it - and the exercise REALLY helps - I need to get back into running some mileage too - I have been ticking over recently - but If I am to get in shape for Tri I need to start some serious training!

                              Rob, Meditation, sorry - lost track of where you are now
                              (Dodgy Brain - obviously had been rather "well used" - picked it up at a not too reputable auction recently!!)
                              MM - good to hear Hubby is on board too!
                              Good to see you are both still here and motoring on - well done

                              Famous - good to hear you are on day 9 - yep it is interesting the reaction when someone asks why you are not drinking - and you say "I Quit"
                              Usually disbelief in my experience!
                              TBH - that was MY usual reaction too until recently - I could not imagine a life without at least SOME alcohol.
                              Now? - I'm not so sure.
                              I can quite easily see me continuing to be AF indefinitely!

                              Starlight - you are Rocking! well done!

                              Feet - you must have needed that Hotty Bottle this last weekend! Dont you just love the UK "summer" !!!

                              Lotus - you OK? - did you make it thru the weekend OK?
                              We are confident you made it! You seem pretty determined this time!

                              Hi to anyone else I've forgotten - but I need to go do some work!

                              Day 33 and Lovin' it! (apart from the non drink induced headache :upset: ).



                              :award: + ***
                              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                                Hi Booze Busters!!

                                It's Day 41 here. I really didn't think hardly at all about drinking over the weekend which was great!!

                                Pinkie, congrats on day 40!! Sounds like your remodeling project is bigger than I realized. LOL - I won't set up a guest room cuz that might mean guests. (my bad) I LOVE throwing big parties and especially barbeques (we have a big yard and big deck). I'll do that all day long. But I have a very hard time with overnight guests. No guest room makes that issue less of an issue ...

                                AF! Great to see you and congrats on Day 9. Cool that you mentioned to your parents that you gave it up. It's sorta scary at first, isn't it? It seems so final. But since I WANT this AF decision to be final, I think it's all good. But it's still strange, right? You are almost back in those double digits!! :yougo:

                                Satori, congrats on Day 33! I would be 20 bucks that your headache is from not enough water and food. I hope you start taking care of yourself!!!! Thanks for looking for the manual for me. That sure would be a great things for them to just have on-line. Or even sell - I'm sure a lot of that equipment gets sold used and probably without manuals much of the time. We shall see if they respond to my e-mail. Have a good work day!!

                                HEY!! Did you all across the Big Pond send your rain to IL??? It's been raining here since Sat evening and rain in the forecast all week. We need it though - it's been drought here for several years and the big trees are really suffering. Hope I don't melt like a wicked witch out there today!

                                Happy Monday to all who are yet to come!!

                                :award: + * * * * * * * * * * *
                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

