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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    Hi guys! Great new thread DG - thanks for all you do here.

    Just clocking in to say hello - meant to be out of the door 10 mins ago! Been posting elswhere for hours!! Where does time go!?

    Back later but wanted to send my good thoughts to everyone. Been thinking of you all today.

    Feet x
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

      Hi all, thanks for the warm welcome: Finishing up day two. I got my supps on Sat and the big, big challange has been to try to figure out when and how to take them! There's the booklet, and then there's the orange paper that says ignore the booklet and then there's the little green card that says to ignore the orange paper, or is it the booklet, nevermind, I'll just go by what's on the bottles and hope I can remember to take them at the appropriate times and work them in around the topo and nubrain stuff.

      However, something is working-just fleeting thoughts of drinking, no real cravings, which is pretty amazing to me. Next I need to focus on diet and exercise.


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

        Hi all,

        Just back from my dance class (Salsa) - Yep, can't let Sartori have all the fun with his cheerleading squad! Only a beginner but a great way to get excercise, listen to music, and get up close and personal to someone you've never met before! I've put in my list of requirements for the perfect dance partner, (let's see: tallish, darkish, handsomish, at least 2 abs showing (sorry, Satori, but need to get beyond 1 - in any light!), good rhythm (we're talking dancing here!), a left and a right foot, smiling eyes - and patience with my poor attempts - sadly I haven't met quite the one to fit the bill yet, but failing that maybe I should just go for 'still breathing' !!! - beggars can't be choosers !

        Actually, I had a really good meeting with the psychiatrist today so I'm now confident my daughter will at least get the help she needs- she knows him from before and they obviously have a good mutual respect and trust which is great - It's really reassuring that I don't have to deal with it all on my own as all I have to work from is instinct or a 'gut feeling' on what to say or do, never knowing if it's right or wrong. So another step in the right direction ...

        A warm welcome to newcomers - Rob, thank you for your thoughts - I can't believe you actually read the original thread - you must have real staying power! Lotus - great to see you here - 30 days abs/30 days alcohol??? I know which I now choose - i'm another one who can't moderate effectively...Atpeace - love the name as it is so apt for how it feels once you have a sense of freedom from alcohol - I hope you find it here - and don't forget to claim your gold star from DG at the end of your first day! Great job, Chief on day 3!, and AF sorry you tripped but that's all it was - a minor blip in your fabulous achievements so far, so glad you're sticking here! Hi also to 'Feet', Satori (nearly there !!) DG (thanks for the new thread and all your continued efforts - they're definitely going to keep me on track this time!), Pinkie, Hannah, Starlight, and everyone else old and new!

        Warmest wishes to all :l :l
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

          AF - good for Doggy for not only kicking you in the but but making you wear that shamefully horrid suit! But hey, kudos to day 2 and we will still be there to celebrate with you at the finish line. Actually, it gives Satori more time to practice his cheer stunts,
          something else to look forward to!

          Satori - NEEP?!? Explaination needed or the non-scottish people please! I suppose since you are fastly approaching the 30 day finish line, that us ladies will need to come up with a cheer for you. Hmmm, what to do? Ladies, any ideas?

          Rob, Welcome! Another man...are you ready to join Satori and his all male cheer review? Congrats on day 2! although everyone does supps differently (from what I understand) i followed the updated info in the book that I got with the order. If you dont have that and want to know what I did, feel free to PM me and I will send it to you.

          Lotus, Welcome to you as well. You post indicated that you wanted to see the difference but let me tell you, you will feel it long before you see it! It is a great feeling! Keep coming here and we will help you make it there! Dont forget...the fugly suit must be worn if you dont!

          Chief - 3 days!! Yippe!!! Hang in there, the worst part is least in my opinion.

          atpeace, Day 1 - big step! Hang in there, the morning will look so much better.

          Feet, I agree Doggy does do so much for all of us! At this rate we are going to have to start paying her for all her time and motivation. Maybe we could send her supplements in lieu of cash!

          Have a great night everyone - sorry if I missed anyone, not intentional!


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

            Arial - Salsa dancing huh? That sounds like fun! Good luck in finding your perfect partner and one that is breathing is a good idea.
            Glad to hear you found someone for you and your daughter to talk to. Finding the right person helped my son (and me) to deal with his diease. Isnt if funny how they will tell them the same things we told them but for some reason they listen to them and not to us!


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

              Hi all...........hope you`re continuing to do well.

              Just after midnight here, so can now say am on Day 16.

              Been a little scatter-brained since going AF (LOL), so got a bit of catching up to do with you all.

              Starlight Impress x


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                I'm joining in with you bunch of Booze Busters... Day 2 for me. I'm leaving work soon, and am a little nervous about going home - all those beer and wine stores along the way.... Last AF bout I had, when I went 8 days a few weeks ago, I remember how hard the first couple days were - I just went home and slept to avoid being conscious. Maybe I'll rent a movie. I also quit smoking cigs yesterday too. (well, been cheating just a little bit on that one.)


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                  Sorry to dissappoint Piggy-rob is short of if you can believe it Roberta. Satori is still the lone male member of our travelin' salvation show.

                  Ariel, glad to hear that you have found help for your daughter that you're comfortable with and bike riding as well as salsa dancing--woman where do you get the energy?

                  Ima, starlite,chief, july,fmf and all, howdy!


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                    still af!

                    I am enjoying a quiet time at a resort in Va without my 4 precious children and husband. It's only 2 days, but I had one bag just for supplements and the cd's. and books.

                    Thank you all for sharing your stories....

                    My biggest challenge is to love myself and to allow others to befriend me. Not a sob story here, but I am overcoming years of emotional stress and abuse that I re-created in my marriage.

                    emotional and physical abuse is what I've know for all my life. Like Jewell, I looked so normal but carried pain and medicated it with wine. My drinking use went from binge(20's) to chronic use. I managed it so well, no one new it but my husband..and now kids. Since he was so abusive it gave me more reason to hate myself and drink. That is over, the marriage is healing.

                    My self abuse...always give and give, not eating, not resting, over working, wired with anxiety to the hilt! full throttle my name should be Evil Kenevil(sp??), but atpeace is a better "fake then make method".

                    Nice to have friends and tools! brings so much hope. I've learned it's ok to relax and enjoy life....

                    The cd's are truely great. Has anyone else had the chance to listen. I have a wild imagination so it was a fun trip. day one after tape and no desire to drink. The calms forte is also very helpful. I love this mellow feeling.

                    sweet dreams......


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                      Hi All!

                      Just a quick checkin, will come back later as my doggygirl is sitting here with a telltale gleam in her eye that tells me we'd better go for a walk pronto or I will be cleaning up a mess on the floor!:eeew:

                      Just one quick observation - day 1 of the new thread has 24, count em, 24 posts in it already. Great to see all the new AF'ers! :welcome: Talk at you all later, much go get the leash!
                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                        welcome thirty day booze busters

                        :kudos: Great to read the new posts and new posters and so too the familar names.
                        DG you have taken us to a new height with this week's thread.

                        Glad to see others getting started. Time to get walking and collect your stars.

                        AF day 18


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                          Hi Everyone, Things are so fast paced on this thread that if you don't log on for the weekend you practically have a book to read to catch up !! Great to "see" all the new Booze Busters ! Welcome to AtPeace, Rob, Lotus and Imatree. Chief, you are doing well. Nice to see you again.

                          DG, Hannah, Piggy and Satori, I just can't go thru my morning at work without sneaking a look at your posts even if I can't take the time to post myself. They really lift my spirits (and often give me a chuckle or two !!) Arial, I am glad things are working out for your daughter. If you find that perfect salsa partner, find out if he has a twin brother, OK? Satori, how are you at renovating bathrooms? I have one of those that needs doing.

                          Waving HI :wavin: to July, Retteacher, Starlight and all others who I may have missed.

                          Finishing Day 20 AF here. Feeling a little down because I had been running everyday but I have hurt my leg somehow so I stopped a few days ago but it has not improved. Tomorrow I am going to a doctor's. I finally got back into the exercise habit only to be thwarted again...ah well !!!

                          Have a great Tuesday.


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                            Alrighty, I'm Backkkkkkkk!

                            Back from the walk, Dog's happy, I'm happy - all is well in my own little world. How's yours? Welcome to all the newcomers, looking forward to getting to know, or know better, all of you.

                            DG - Thanks for starting us off in your usual fine fashion. You are truly the top dog around here, and we are truly blessed to have you here (shucks).

                            Let me introduce myself - I'm Hannah, now on 25 days AF!
                            This site has been my salvation. Rob - you said I was a rock to keep sober with what is happening in my life right now - but if I didn't keep sober right now, I leterally couldn't cope, so I have no choice.

                            Lets's see, so far we have:

                            Lotus *
                            Rob **
                            Almost Famous **
                            Arial **
                            Chief ***
                            Starlight Impress ****************
                            July ******************
                            Lilaclover ********************
                            Hannah (Me) *************************
                            Satori **************************
                            Pinkie 30 + ***
                            Doggygirl 30 + ****
                            Finding My Feet 30 + 30 + *******************

                            Hope I got it all right. Wow, are we an impressive bunch of stars!

                            Almost Famous - All aboard, your boarding pass is still good here. Glad you are hopping back on the train! Fanny kicking over and done with, suit back in closet.
                            Arial - Just a speed bump on the highway to heaven. Not to worry. Glad your daughter has found some help, looks encouraging, must be a relief. So you are a Salsa momma? Bet that's a hoot, and really good exercise! Work it out!!!

                            Lotus, Atpeace Imatree, Chief and Rob - Welcome to the club! We are a little bit crazy but a whole lotta nice, and we all hang together and help one another out. It's a pretty good place to be. Good luck to you as yiou rack up your stars :welcome:

                            Starlight, - so proud of you. You are such a caring and sincere person.
                            July - how to go, enjoy your metaphors
                            Lilaclover - hope the leg feels better soon. It's a bummer to want to exercise and not be able to!
                            Satori - Hope you are practising - I expect big things on my 30 day party! (Which reminds me, gals, what are we gonna do when Satori hits the big 30? Maybe we need to start a secret thread - Satori - don't look!)
                            Pinkie - Doggygirl - FMF - :wow3: Someday we'll be there too!

                            And this is our little group so far. Hope I haven't missed anyone, if so you are welcome to shoot spitballs at the screen. We are not an exclusive and snotty club, , everybody is welcome! If you are reading and thinking about joining, come on in, the water's fine and the more the merrier!
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                              Morning (or whatever) everyone!

                              Well - this thread is growing fast! Both posts and people!

                              Well better say hello to everyone

                              Lotus, Ima, atpeace, Rob (the non man!) nice to have you here!
                              You will soon get the hang of it all - simple really - you log on every day at least once and post a load of nonsense - well - it works for me !

                              (Lotus - one of the things that is REALLY noticeable for me is I seem to have found a HUGE amount of energy from somewhere since I satarted AF - especially in the last week or so!)

                              Almost, NEEP is a word used in Scotland to describe someone who has done something daft. Or is generally a dit daft.
                              (Do Americans use Daft? Daft = Silly)
                              It is used in a friendly / joking way rather than a nasty one.
                              (Neep is Scots for TURNIP! - I guess the implication is that the person's head is - like a turnip - a bit dense?!)

                              Arial - HEY - I DO have more than 1 ab now - I lost another 2 lbs this week as I'm ramping the exercise up, so I can see half of another one! - that is 2 1/2 now! - but Salsa dancing? Hmm perhaps not my bag - but ENJOY!

                              Chief - well done - this is the hard bit - it just gets easier and easier as you go on!
                              YOU are a guy right??
                              Surely I am not the only male trying to control all these mad women on this thread am I?

                              Starlight - you are not scatter brained - just a bit neepy - it will pass - day 16 - pure dead brilliant!!

                              July - you gotta be BRAVE not to Cave to the Crave - Day 18 - Cool!

                              Lilac - yep bathroom installation not a problem - done 4 so far in various houses over the years.
                              I have a confession to make - I am a control freak and a perfectionist - so I do everything myself so it is done exactly the way I want it! Don't worry - I actually enjoy doing that kind of thing!
                              I have completely rewired, replumbed and done building and joinery work of all kinds in all our houses over the years - and because I can - I get asked a lot to help out friends who can't!
                              Sorry to hear about your injury - perhaps you started out doing too much too soon - I am a past MASTER at that!
                              Day 20 - Brill!

                              Hannah - 25 days - nearly there! What an Amazing achievement considering what is going on in your life just now! (Hugs!)
                              You can start a secret thread about me if you like - I wont look - HONEST :sofa:

                              Pinkie - Awesome - you are in the 30+ league now - how cool is that??

                              Doggy - You too - awesome - thanks again for being the main man (person?) around here and keeping everyones spirits up!

                              Feet - since you are heading fo 90 days - I think we can safely say you have definitely found them now!

                              Retteacher - you are doing so well too - one day soon I plan to be where all you guys have gone before!

                              Well - I did go to the pool again last night and spent 90 minutes working on drills to improve stroke technique as I was a bit rusty!
                              Then I did a couple of hours on my friend's kitchen (my friend was at the pool too so we headed back to his place looking like prunes after we got out of the pool!)
                              You must admit I am keeping busy!
                              So busy in fact, that when i finally got home aroung 10:15 last night, I realised that I had only eaten an apple, a banana, and a cereal bar all day! AH - the penny drops! - THAT's why I have found another 1/2 ab!

                              Anyway - heading out into the big unknown of day 27 for me.

                              See you all later - sorry if I missed anyone!!


                              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                                Hannah;178935 wrote: Lets's see, so far we have:

                                Lotus *
                                Rob **
                                Almost Famous **
                                Arial **
                                Chief ***
                                Starlight Impress ****************
                                July ******************
                                Lilaclover ********************
                                Hannah (Me) *************************
                                Satori **************************
                                Pinkie 30 + ***
                                Doggygirl 30 + ****
                                Finding My Feet 30 + 30 + *******************

                                Hope I got it all right. Wow, are we an impressive bunch of stars!
                                WHEE!!! Hannah thanks for putting that list together. We need one of these with the Booze Buster(tm) :alf: logo on it to haul all our stars and keep them safe! Google Image Result for

                                Hannah, welcome to DAY 26 and congrats!! You're closin' in on your party there girlfriend! I'm so glad to hear you say that you are better able to cope with your family situation NOT drinking. Why is it for so many years, many of us (me included big time!) thought booze helped us cope, when in fact I think it's just the opposite?? I hope that Guerinno is resting comfortably today, and that your family and especially your sister is somehow hanging in there.

                                Hi Chief and welcome to Day 4 AF!!! I'm so glad you are back, and with such a great attitude as well. I think this will be THE time for you!

                                atpeace, I can relate!! I want 30, then 30, then 30 more, etc. etc. The resort in VA sounds heavenly. It's wonderful that you can get some initial days (some of the hardest ones!) under your belt in a peaceful setting without the regular day to day pressures. I'm sorry to hear that you are figuring out how to break the cycle of abuse in your own life. You CAN do that too. You are worth loving!

                                I really enjoy the CD's and I know they help me. LOL - the first time I listened to clearing, I was so impatient with the whole stairs / es-cue-later / elevator business. But once I realized we were goin' to that beautiful private beach to lay in the hum-ick - YEAH BABY!! And I want you all to know that I look so hot in my purple bikini in my hum-ick on my private beach!! (42 more pounds to lose in real life to look like that in real life ) I named the voice "Will" because he reminds me of the voice in some of Will Forte's characters on Saturday Night Live. Where he does that sort of slow, methodical, monotone type voice. I started liking "Will" a lot once I gave him a name. Now I LURVE "Will."

                                Welcome to Day 3 rob!! In addition to all the MWO supps, I also take some other stuff for other things. some with food, some not with food, blah blah etc. etc. I made a spreadsheet, and it's taped to the inside of the kitchen cabinet door where the supps are! If you like I could e-mail the sheet to you as an attachment. This is the MWO document I went by to figure out current recommended doses, etc. I'm sure a hard copy shipped with your supps. Gotta stay sober to figure all THAT out LOL!!!

                                Arial you sure know how to tell a good story!! I was giggling out loud reading about your Salsa Dancing! 2 Abs, ability to dance, a left foot AND a right foot, etc. v. a breathing man. LOL! I lived in the south way many years ago, and a gal pal of mine whose voice was the epitome of "Southern Belle" used to say "When I first moved to Florida I had visions of a man with lots of money and a fancy car. Now I'd be happy to find a man with a job and a drivers license." You made me think of her. Have fun searching and dancing. Also glad to hear about the good meeting with the psychiatrist. Hopefully you feel like there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

                                Hi Pinkie and 'Feet'!! Pinkie, welcome to Day 30+4!!!! "Feet" welcome to Day...(I have twubble counting that high)...umm....79 is it??? You gotta keep us posted every day so we don't blow in on your 90 day!!!

                                Starlight welcome to Day 16. The scatter brainy feeling which I called Nopa Dopa (like Topa Dopa only without the Topa) started getting better right around now. Hopefully the fog will start lifting for you.

                                Welcome imatree!!! Welcome to Day 3!! And also a big congratulations on quitting smoking. Beware the nicodemon 'just one' lie. You will be SO happy when you feel free of both these things. I sure am happy!! I rarely think of smoking any more (it's been almost 6 months now) which is so nice. MAN that first month an out of body alien experience or something Steven King Horrific. Part of why I KNOW i will never ever take one puff ever again is because NO WAY will I go through quitting ever ever again.

                                July!! Congrats on Day 18. BTW I am not the top dog or lead man or any of that. I am the Alpha B!tch and I have the sweatshirt to prove it. And one day I will have a matching baseball cap too. Both in my fave color purple.

                                Lilac contrats on Day 21! I'm sorry you hurt your leg though. **oh wise great pumpkin please answer my question. why does lilac run when nothing is chasing her it's not logical**

                                Now Satori you KNOW I am not the main man. I am the Alpha B!tch and I have the sweatshirt to prove it. And one day I will have a matching baseball cap too. Both in my fave color purple. Now that we have settled that bit of confusion, congrats on DAY TWENTY SEVEN!! Yepper it looks like your party is up next and Pinkie is right - we must come up with something ever so special to roast you with oops I mean help you celebrate with. 90 minutes in the pool actually STROKING? Are you crazy?? **wise great pumkin i have same question about people swimming as running** Oh - I have two bathrooms that really need to be re-done. What's your schedule lookin' like?? Congratulations on finding another .5 Ab. Which reminds me - Hannah, any luck finding your T & A?? 'Feet' have you found your feet? Are there any other missing body parts?

                                Also waving to AF and Lotus and anyone I might have missed!! Hope you are gearing up for another great AF day.

                                Mr. Scale was berry good to me again today so I have now lost a total of 11.2 pounds and I am finally under the overweight number I was at on Feb. 26 when I quit smoking. That is progress. "only" 42.4 pounds to go.

                                It will be another AF day here today. NO WAY will pour a drink - there is just not a reason that would be good enough to make me drink today. Instead I shall try to find my instruction book for the Bowflex torture device.

                                We're on a group mission today. Let's keep the Fugly Green Suit in the closet!!!!! (the one you have to wear if you need a butt kickin' for bein' bad) kickbu_c - Fotosearch Stock Photography

                                Day 30+5 AF lor: DarkOrchid;">* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * *
                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

