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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    MM - hello and really well done! I was right with you in a way - felt like day 1 but knowing I'd done that one that really helped me. Like, I was sooh anxious but not cos of booze this time - actually, thank you for mentioning the word 'anxiety'; maybe it was the (pretty natural let's face it!!) anxiety that I interpreted as wanting a drink...?!?! Coz it was like day 1...? Hmmm, coz I walked thru the booze aisle (only way thru that supermarket) and looking at the bottles realised it did nothing for me at all!! (I had a banana!!!) My brain's befuddled enough after last night without that "brain-zap, oh-no, can't undo it now, why'd I do that?!?!" which was the old story! (she says firmly!) It's the fear of drinking that both helps and freaks me out I think! So, maybe I wasn't on the brink of disaster after all - that feels good!!!
    So, MM, see, day 1 and you've already really helped someone - me!!!! Great!

    Mary - what a star...and to think my negative, soupy moanings got your fingers to the keyboard... ooh-er!! But it meant so much - to help me go on seeing facts and not 'David-ol-ism-ing' him into being good for me!!! (He did have lots of good, guys - don't want to be a comp-lete b*t*h!!!) It was really good to hear - for you as well! - that in two years you were so happy (yes, all - I will be a happy singleton first...!) Am I too old though...? I don't feel old but 50 seems rather beyond it! Am I really going to be 50?!??! That was positively ancient
    to me when I was the age I still feel I am!! (16!)(Crazy me; giving away half my life away saying it's old - I don't think anyone else over 50 is old so?!?!..)

    It's a lovely word 'cherish' isn't it...I must learn to cherish myself - started already by being here! - and then..'therefore as night follows day' and all that quote stuff...! (well, God willing but I hope He's listening! - I just enjoy company in life as well as quiet solo time...I've done that being an only child.) I'm so glad for you that you are cherished.

    Hannah - thanks, yes, doesn't matter how 'old' I get, change still
    leads to growing pains = pain! And me?!?!?!...take time?!?!? Hey ho, back to my favourite saying: "Take the Time it Takes" which can be put to anything on this planet... if I let it! Thanks for the reminder. I hope you've had a good day off and got somewhere near doing the 1,000 things done you planned!

    I wish we could get melatonin in the UK... sounds wonderful!... or can we?? Anyone know?

    See you all later and thanks again. Feeling much better now, my kids are home in half-an-hour and
    I got supper for us all. Different from this morning. Just know that if I got through the feeling that I would 'white out' at any moment and come to 100th of a second later and find a glass of half consumed alcohol in my hand without it actually happening, anyone out there can too!

    You guys are special - what a place this is!

    Back up on my Feet xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!


      FMF - Quick recheck in before leaving the house to do the 1,000 things - glad to hear you sounding so much more positive! Have a really great day, the start of a journey of change - to a much better place! :h
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

        'Feet' - glad you see your most recent post being more positive! You DESERVE the very best that life has to offer. Drinking won't help you get it, and spending time with a man who doesn't want the same type of relationship that you do won't help you get it. You son and daughter and it sounds like you are hoping for Grandchildren deserve the very best 'Feet' possible, right? We are Woman hear us ROAR!! Congratulations on Day 81!!!! That is awesome. Don't ever give that up without a huge fight, OK?

        medidation mama - Congratulations on finishing Day 1 and happy Day 2!!! Sounds like you are doing well. I love your description of hands helping each other up the hill. Perfect! LOL on "monkey mind" if you mean what I think you mean. For the first couple weeks of AF, my brains were like scrambled eggs in a way. (and at that time, Mr. Doggy was carefully watching for withdrawl dangers). I called it "Nopa Dopa" and people often talk about how Topamax has a "Dopa" sort of side effect initially. I would transpose things and make the funniest typos. I would also think "words" in one order, but they would come out of my mouth in a different order. Nothing MAJOR major - more funny and/or mildly frustrating depending on the situation. Anyway....I'm PEA GREEN WITH ENVY that you got 8 hours sleep after Day 1. ROCK DAY 2!!

        Welcome madisonmary! Congratulations on moving past a bad relationship, hence becoming available for this better one. Sometimes self improvement projects need to happen in phases. If this is the right time for phase Boot The Booze Beast, I hope you will join us!!

        Hannah - doesn't it feel great to be busy busy with regular life instead of busy busy figuring out the drinking plan for the day??? Only Thursday and Friday to go...then your PARTY!!!!!!

        Today marks the end of Kimba's first week of recovery after her spay. She's going bonkers being cooped up so as to follow all the doctor's orders about no jumping, no running, no stairs, no life, no fun. One more week to go. I might have to try some of these doggy vitamins to see if that is where she gets her energy from.

        I'm making Clean the Fridge Chicken Surprise for Dinner tonight. Doesn't that sound yummy???? (be smart - be very smart - ask me what's in my fridge before you insist on a dinner invite!!)

        No booze for this girl today! No way, no how. Not gonna happen. Happy rest of Wednesday everyone! Kick some Booze Beast Booty!

        Day 30 + 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * *
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

          Thanks much...feeling good...

          You know the short (!) post above about getting out to town and getting to feel better coz I had nothing to worry about coz I was alive?.... Just a gentle thing here if any of us need a reminder ever....
          My kids (? at 14/18) just got in and daughter (18) told me that the mum of a lad my son (14) was at school with last year and who's roof I am looking at right now across my garden died on Thursday.... She was given a month to live a month ago..pancreatic cancer...

          I am very, very, very grateful to be here and everything that means, eh? What's anything else compared?...

          I hope I haven't upset anyone by posting that - just thought it sometimes 'helps' in a way...gratitude is a powerful thing...

          Prayers to Sheila....

          Feet x
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

            Oh, I hope that last post wasn't too upsetting.... it's gone quiet...time zones?

            Just wanted to sign out tonight by saying a huge
            THANK YOU to everybody who helped me through today.

            I don't know how I would have done it without you - knowing you were all out there for me...and for each other. This place is quite extraordinary! And so are you...

            Right. Time to pile up the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's!! (81 of them I think!!! Still!!)

            Have a good day/evening/night everyone - catch up tomorrow.

            Lots of love
            Feet x
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

              Am cool........Day 17 and feeling great.
              Amazing just how well we`re all doing........

              Starlight Impress x


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                Day 20 AF, feels great.

                Some one asked me today if I lost weight or was it just a new haircut. I smiled.



                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                  G'Night Everyone

                  July - Ain't it great? It's probably your much healtheir glow! (Do men glow? Or is it just a woman thing?) Anyhow - I'm sure the difference shows. What I often get is that people tell me I don't look as tired, which is funny because I am not sleeping that well! But I did buy some melatonion today, will give that a try tonight. Congrats on day 20!

                  Starlight - Wow, 17 days. Soon you will be putting a "2" in front, and before you know it, a "3". Congrats to you too! :heart:

                  Satori - Where are youuuuu? Hope you're so busy practicing your cheerleading routine that you plumb forgot to check in - better not be anything else - only 2 more days till your party! Wahooo!

                  DG - Kimba will be sooo glad to be able to rip around, Does she still have the cone head? Misty absolutely hated that, and she had to wear it for a very long time because she is the type to worry her incision to death, and open it up again. Oh yes, we have had some experineces with this lttie girl, let me tell you (sometime). And yes, it does seem just fabulous to just be able to go about our day and not be "planning" our drinking - I am at a stage of the not drinking seeming almost normal again (remember, I did that for 10 years once before) BUT - I do know I cannot - and have made the mistake before of thinking I could - drink in moderation. The moderation would last for maybe 2 days, and then I would be right back in the place where I was, well, 27 days ago. Even after 10 years, I couldn't do it, so I definitely know I can't do it after only 27 days. Maybe we do get a little wiser as we get older and have taken a few more of the hard knocks in life.

                  I got about 4 of the 1,000 things done that I was intending to do today, but did manage to squeeze in a good workout and another long walk w Misty. She got a double whammy today because Hubby took her for another long walk after supper - she will definitely sleep well tonite!

                  And I am toddling off to bed myself, so :hallo: & goodbye to everyone, congrats on accumulated AF days, see you all tomorrow!

                  My 27 gold (well, red) stars: ***************************:whee:
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                    plan help

                    I you all!

                    I made it till day 4 and then was jsut overwhelmed with withdrawal! when I am away it is so easy, but then I get home and it's too easy to self medicate. I drank 2 glasses and fell fast asleep. I did jsut however detox from anti-depressent so I guess detroxing again will be a challenge .

                    melatonin makes me sick after 2 days of use...I have tried this in the past.

                    The hypno tapes help, but the reality of life is rough. there is always so much to do My hubby was abusive for 15 years and though he is ok now...I am a wounded soul and on guard, there are no trust or feelings of love/care/proctection yet. I am the msut do it myself kind of gal

                    I still have 4 small children and I provided financially for the kids as well. As Mom I am one who really cares they are eating right, exercising, protected, nurtured , . my husband developed MS and has depression so he stopped working 4 years ago! I silently resent this and it eats at me. some eat in pain...I drink it away. used and abused... what a way to live.

                    My Dad died at 34 when I was 8 and then Mom hated me cuz I cost her too much money...there went my self esteem. She became verbally abusive until I got the balls to say stop we are close. sefl esteem is a huge issue!

                    I really want to booze bust, but detox makes me soooooooooo tired! I can say my self defense comes on strong when I dont dont drink...what a great reason not to.

                    so I started the wine thing, but really want to detox. Anyone on Meds for this?


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                      FMF well done on day 81, fantastic achievement, I am hoping I can achieve at least 30 days, fingers crossed. BTW 50 is not old, it is the new 40, I am 55 and I don't think I am old(25 in my head). Day 1 for me, reading everyone's posts here has given me a new incentive. As I said in a previous post did MWO sometime ago, and did quite well, but I let my guard down and let the booze beast in, so I am back to knock him down again, going for a KO this time, total abs. Well done everyone who is achieving AF days, Hi to everyone who comes after, hope you have a good day.



                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                        Good Morning (or whatever it is where you are) folks!

                        Hannah - I am still here - just had VERY busy day yesterday - so no time to be on here at all!

                        Today will be busy too - but not so bad.

                        Only problem is - If you go away for even 5 minutes it is almost impossible to catch up with all that has been going on!

                        So - a quick WELL DONE to all who are racking up those days / weeks / months here!

                        Feet - sorry you are having a rough time - relationships can be hard work and can cause so much soul searching - but I see your latest posts are a bit more positive - good on you - Painful emotion is unfortunately part and parcel of what we must experience as humans - it is the attitude we take to it that determines how we will come out of it at the other end.

                        Like the "craving" advice I gave to Lotus earlier - you can use the same technique for almost any situation - really deeply experience / examine the sensations / emotions WITHOUT the mental dialogue and you will find that they are easier to deal with.
                        As for worrying about the future - there is no point! The future is rarely like we imagine it will be - and usually we don't have much control of the future (as in the sad case of your neighbour)
                        What we DO have control of is what we do RIGHT NOW!
                        At 80 plus days AF - you clearly have a pretty good handle on doing the right thing minute by minute already.
                        You WILL come out of this OK a stronger, more contented, more confident person.

                        atpeace - sorry you slipped - but you are still here - awesome! - Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start again. There is no disgrace in falling down - the only disgrace is in NOT getting back up again.

                        Madisonmay - welcome - I don't think I've "met" you yet - you have joined a group slightly er... "eccentric" - but wonderful people here!
                        Looking forward to having you around.

                        Starlight - day 20 is just around the corner!!! You are doing great!!!
                        Wasn't you who won that 35 million pounds :wow: (70 million dollars!!) on the lottery last weekend was it??
                        It WAS lady from down your neck of the woods!
                        No - couldn't have been I suppose - she was on TV drinking champagne last night! Ah well - better luck next time!

                        Lotus - glad I could help a little - but it was YOU YOU YOU who did all the hard work!!
                        Well done - we knew you could do it!
                        (Thanks for the cyber smacker too' - made my day! ).

                        Shout if you need us, the next couple of days are sometimes difficult - we are right here. After day 4 or so it gets MUCH easier!

                        July - day 20/21? Cool! How are the energy levels - I found I started to get LOADS more energy around then!

                        Doggy, If I remember, you were giving me a hard time about the amount of exercise I do - but what is this I hear about a BOWFLEX "rack" as well??? Seems to me you have your own private gym there.
                        I don't know - Dreadmill, TortureTrak, Bowflex Rack what else have you got hidden away there.
                        Yep - no doubt you MUST be one hot mamma but are using anonymity of the ineternet to assume a false non-hot identity to make us all feel better. S'not fair!

                        Hope your Doggy doesnt explode before the week is out and she can run about unrestrained!

                        As to hazardous meals - my older son has decided to "help" by cooking "healthy" meals for the family as he is on vacation from school right now.

                        Although the meals he makes are usually edible - myself and SWMBO now come home from work each day to scenes of utter carnage and devastation in the kitchen!!!!
                        The actual food may be healthy - but it is doing NOTHING for our blood pressure it takes 15 minutes to eat the meal - and four hours to scrape the remainder of the ingredients off the floor, walls, ceiling and his brother.
                        (Altho - the oldest lad may be getting bit of a bum rap here - we actually suspect the green mouldy growths on his brother may actually grow there of their own accord!).

                        Ah well - the joys of family life!

                        Hi to everyone else I have missed - not intentional - just better do SOME work today!

                        Satori went to pool last night for another 90 minutes of stroke drills - gotta get the daily fix!
                        Gym session tonite - yippee!

                        Today is day 29!

                        Whatever day it is for YOU - have a brilliant one!


                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                          Hello to all since my last post yesterday!!

                          'Feet' I hope you are feeling good today! You have accomplished so much - no man is worth throwing it away for. I hope you are enjoying the visit with your kids and Day 82.

                          Starlight, congrats on Day 18!! You are closin' in on 20 which must feel really good.

                          July, congrats on Day 21! Cool that people are commenting about your looks. Even though I still have chubby cheeks with my excess flabbage (well, I guess there is extra flabbage on both sets of cheeks), I'm sure that the bloating of being hung over every day has diminished. Now where the sam hill are some people to notice that dag nabbit!! Congratulations on your continued Booze Bustin' success! You are closin' in on 30 days now.

                          Hannah, can't wait to hear how the melatonin works out for you. Day 28 for you...WHEE!!!! Yes, Kimba is still in the lamp shade for another week. She uses the dang thing like a weapon. We call her Crash. I have bruises - many bruises. There are scrapes on the kitchen walls that were just painted last year. The next week cannot go by fast enough. Yes, I want to hear Misty's stories - sounds like you have been up and down the hill with her. But who could resist THOSE eyes! I'm with you on not bothering with a moderation attempt. I already know how that would end up. And I'm not willing to go through this early part of quitting again. And that's where a mod attempt would lead for me...right back to Booze Prison. I'd rather just concentrate on my life of freedom than ever take the risk. That's just me...but I know myself!

                          atpeace, I'm very sorry that your return home to the regular stress of life was difficult. Satori is right - it's awesome that you are right back here asking the questions with a desire to get free of the booze. It sounds like you lots of emotional things to work through as well. When we've been hiding our problems behind a haze of booze for years, it can be blinding to face our problems sober, in the bright light of day. Is this something you are or can see a counselor to help you with? Mean time, I know the prescription meds discussed here have helped lots of people. Might be worth considering to add extra ammo to your booze bust. Have you checked out the various threads in the specific section for meds? I would sure consider that if I felt the supps and CD's weren't quite enough to help me over the hump.

                          madisonmay aka Mary - Welcome to Booze Busters and Day 1 AF!!! Good for you going for ABs for awhile. Glad to have you in the 30 day challenge! Satori is being quite polite when he calls us "eccentric." Previously, he has used phrases such as "nuttier than squirrel poop." Have an awesome Day 1!

                          Satori, you seem so wise and have a great way of giving advice. You are so right that we can only control right now this minute, and that the future rarely turns out exactly as planned. You are funny too - LOL on your son's culinary skills. don't insist that the cook clean up their own mess at your house???? I still have not found the instructions for the Bowflex and after back surgery a few years ago, will not risk my feeble and fuzzy memory, do something in the incorrect form, and injure myself. So the search is on for that manual. I am also missing a body part. I must have a waist around here somewhere but I sure as hell can't find it. If anyone sees a spare waist lying around..please contact me.

                          Mr. Doggy and I have a computer support business (he's the techie one...I'm the idiot proofer). One of our clients is basically a retirement home for Catholics and the majority of the residents are elderly nuns. Our main job is to take care of the official computers owned by the organization to run the business, etc. Some of the residents of course have their own computers, and the organization is very good to the Sisters - if they need help they pay Gary to take care of the privately owned computers too. Anyway, one of the Sisters flagged him down in the hallway yesterday and said her computer was broke. Gary asked her what was wrong and she said.... Are you ready for this?? You CANNOT make this shit up..... "I've been playing Solitaire all morning and only won one game." We of course have a pretty good collection of stories for our business, but this one is right up there at the top of the list.

                          It's Day 30+7 AF and it feels great!! Today is house cleaning day and I my new cleaning angel and will never take her for granted!! Life is good.

                          **WAVING** to all who are yet to check in today!

                          Have a great day all! Get ready for Satori's 30 day celebration tomorrow!

                          Day 30+7 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * *
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!


                            I believe we may have a problem here!
                            Not that I'm a conspiracy theorist type at all .........but
                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                              Morning everyone! Glad to see that everyone is doing a little better today. At elast we are all not hung over feeling filled with guilt and shame. For those of you that did "slip" at least you have dusted yourselves off and are back on track. Please stay that way otherwise Doggy will make you wear that hideous green suit!

                              DG - loved the computer story! I dont know how Mr. Doggy kept a straight face. Hopefully he was able to help her with her problem.

                              Satori - maybe if we start finding and collecting all the missing body parts we will eventually be able to make one whole person. Good god, just imagine what that might look like! See you in less than 24 hours at the Boozebuster 30 day finsih line!

                              In case we cant make it to Scotland tomorrow, I did find a local willing to be waiting for you to help cheer you on!

                              Have a great day everyone, stay busy, stay focused, stay AF!

                              36 days...still LOUD AND PROUD!


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                                LOL Pinkie - so it was YOU that has been collecting all the body parts!

                                Your "creation" sure aint purty!.........but then again....... I guess he would have been made in your own image wouldn't he!
                                I believe that is the usual procedure anyway.

                                Oh boy - Am I in trouble again! :sofa:


                                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

