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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    Hi all

    Sorry for not being able to reply personally. I am reading this post from page 1 so am trying to get "know" you all.

    Congrats you all of you that have another day of AF. I managed day 2 and looking forwards to day 3. Only thing is that I woke up and I was really tired this morning. I had no problems sleeping. In fact I did not even get up at in the middle of the night for the usual drink of water.

    Anyone struggling or needing a boost I would suggest reading through your previous posts. It helped me reinforce why I joined MWO, what my goals were. And of course Satori's post. (Psst...Satori you can pay me later for advertising/exploiting you!!) LOL

    Hope today is a better day than yesterday.

    Love Mandy x


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

      I'd like to join your 30 day if it's not too late. I'm on day 4 and new to the program. I have the arsenal of supps, CD's and Topa. Usually I stumble on day 2 or 3 so this is new to me. I think I love this program. I know there is already a Rob here so I'll be-

      Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

        Hi Rob2

        Welcome aboard.

        I'm on day 2 and so far am feeling confident. My concern is this weekend.

        I assume you have read RJ's book in regards to dosage. I also suggest you read through this post. (I'm doing it too). There are some great words of wisdom with this thread.

        Keep posting too.

        All the best.
        Mandy x


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

          Good mornin' all: Didn't get to post yesterday. Just too darned exhausted. Don't know if its withdrawl, med/sup side effects or what but getting through work was an uphill battle.

          Day 5 today, yippeee!! No cravings, am loving that.

          Satori-I'm so excited for you, you are right there, 30 big ones right around the corner!! It means a lot that you take time from your busy busy life to come here and goad, oops, I mean cheer us on.

          DG--While you're lookin' for your waist will you keep an eye out for my brain, it seems to have gone missing.

          Pinkie--Thats another part for you to add to your Abenstien (although I wouldn't recommend it) P.S. Glad to see ya here today.

          Lotus--You're right about reading back over the posts for inpiration and help. I've only been on this thread five days but its really exciting for me to see "our peeps" break into the double digits, then the two and then the big "30"

          Hannah- As always you inspire and uplift.

          Imatree - get back here and tell me about Claudia, I love her books!

          Starlight, Madison, Meditation, FMF and anyone else I missed. Good Mornin


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

            Thanks Mandy,
            I have read the book and have spent considerable time reading the posts (especially about topa) and will titrate at the recommended dosage.

            The weekend has always been a stumbling block for me. I'm a big sports fan and some of my most prolific beer drinking has been watching football and basketball games. I am at the point where I'm going to have to find a way to watch without drinking or just turn the games off. It will be a challenge but I am going to give it everything I have. Good luck to you too, it sounds like you are on the path to success.
            Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

              Hi Robs and Mandy -

              Welcome, good luck and enjoy the fun and games that go on here!!!

              Anyone got a spare neck? I slept really well after no sleep the night before after ("that day") but slept on Teddy or my hotty bottle (sad eh?!) who are back in my life now and I can't turn my head today!

              See you all later!

              Feet x (Up on about my knees now!)
              :heart: c: :heart:
              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                Hi Rob2 and Lotus

                Lotus - glad you are still feeling strong and on track - yep sleeping problems / tiredness are common early on - it will pass too. The best thing is - that the sleep you DO get is now REAL refreshing sleep rather than the low quality sleep you get with alcohol in your system.

                Strategy for weekend is exactly the same as for during the week - PLAN every minute - keep yourself so active that you have no time to drink.
                You don't have to be doing anything energetic - reading or watching a movie is fine too - as long as you give your full attention to whatever it is you are doing. Dont use a movie as an excuse to have a glass of wine for example - if you feel the need to have a glass in your hand - then get a big glass of goji berry juice or something healthy and nonalcoholic.

                (BTW - just thought of ANOTHER business opportunity - you could go into production of the MIL dolls we discussed - I bet there would be a HUGE market for those!!!)

                The benefits of going AF definitely accumulate as you get more AF days under your belt.

                I have more energy than I believed possible, and have discovered that I actually have white bits in my eyes! The whites of my eyes never really looked white for as long as I can remember - usually they were just tired looking!

                Rob2 - it is NEVER too late to join in here!
                We have folk here from day 1 to day 81 right now. We are all slightly wacky most of the time - but humour is GOOD!
                It helps us get thru the day!
                Day four is awesome - you have done the really hard bit already!
                Look forward to having you here!

                Take care


                Day 29 half way done!!!
                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                  Finding My Feet;180054 wrote: Hi Robs and Mandy -

                  Welcome, good luck and enjoy the fun and games that go on here!!!

                  Anyone got a spare neck? I slept really well after no sleep the night before after ("that day") but slept on Teddy or my hotty bottle (sad eh?!) who are back in my life now and I can't turn my head today!

                  See you all later!

                  Feet x (Up on about my knees now!)
                  Oh no feet, not another missing body part - you need a neck?????

                  Mind you - you are one of the lucky ones - I've lost my mind!


                  PS - A Hotty Bottle - in August?????
                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                    Whew - this is going to be confusing -

                    Must remember :

                    Rob is in fact not a man and is a different person from Rob2, and Rob2 is not in fact Rob - and IS a man - which is also different from Rob (or something like that!)

                    Rob(1) - If you find your brain - can I borrow it for a while - my one hurts?

                    EEEEEK!!!!!!! NOOOOOO a lady brain! That wouldn't be any good to me - I'm confused enough without all the weird unfathomable stuff that goes on in a lady brain to cope with too.

                    (Mind you - I suppose it might be in better condition than mine - seeing as how its a female one it wouldn't have been used much! )

                    Tee Hee - I am DEFINITELY living dangerously today! :sofa:

                    (Only joking Rob! Don't send round the heavies. Er Rob.........step away from that weapon!)

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                      I want to be a part of this. Don't get much time to read and post but I think this is great! I am now on my second round of 30 days AF. In fact, I am on day 3. It feels soooooooooo good. I was at a wedding and then a family reuion the last two weekends. Wine, beer and the works were everywhere. It felt great not to be tempted. Well, I was tempted once. Not enough to venture back into hell. I'll keep checking back in. Thanks for all the posts. It does me a imense amount of good.


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                        Welcome aboard Saki :welcome:

                        The more the merrier!

                        You are doing great - feels good doesn't it

                        Look forward to having you here

                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                          S A T O R I!!!!!!!

                          You cheeky so and so.

                          Now if you did have a woman's brain working out who's who wouldn't be so daunting!!!!


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                            Ah yes - maybe - but then I would have to spend my life worrying if my shoes matched my handbag, and if my bum looked big in this outfit .

                            Life is too short!

                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                              Sator---I think you've got your topknot screwed a little tight today


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                                Hello All! Day 6 here and feeling good! Slept good last night for the first time. It's funny, sometimes it's like I'm seeing things in life for the first time. Interesting how the booze in us clouds reality. I'm so glad I found this place and everyone here. Had a very sudden and strong craving yesterday around 4:30pm that caught me off guard but I decided to go running and after 15-20 minutes into my run The Beast was back in it's hole! It was great to slap him around a bit!! Hope everyone has a great day... Don

