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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    rob;180085 wrote: Sator---I think you've got your topknot screwed a little tight today
    Ah - could be - I'll loosen it off a bit - never thought of that!

    See Ya

    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

      Chief;180086 wrote: Hello All! Day 6 here and feeling good! Slept good last night for the first time. It's funny, sometimes it's like I'm seeing things in life for the first time.
      Y'know Chief - when I got those first few days under my belt, I sometimes wandered down the street with a big silly grin on my face for exactly the same reason - I seemed to be actually SEEING things again, smelling things - experiencing things in detail I hadn't experienced in years.
      Folks must have thought I was Nutz! (A fairly accurate assumption right enough!)

      You want the good news? - It is still happening 6 months into this programme! Life is SOOOO much better than it was back then. I don't EVER want to go back there - going thru life on autopilot - not actually BEING there - it Sucked!

      Our senses must have been dulled down big time by the alcohol that was always in out system.
      My emotions were all levelled out and numbed by the booze too - now I am beginning to FEEL them again - Happiness, Joy and yes the sad ones too - highs and lows are higher and lower now if you know what I mean - but at least they are REAL.

      Take care - and keep on keeping on - it is SO worth the effort!

      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

        Hi Everyone: We just came back from a nice get-away to Vermont. I just wanted to check in & see how everyone is doing. We had 2 lovely, gourmet meals which I thoroughly enjoyed wo/any wine. I've discovered there's no need for it. Stay strong & keep coming here. We all need each other. Mary
        PS: Day 38. I'm working toward 90 days when I hope my brain is back within normal range.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

          Satori - now see here!!!.... *$@#?%#*!!!!!!!!!!

          I can't say anything more clever as without a neck the connections are all severed!

          Realised it's all everyone here's fault!!!..............:nutso: Ha Ha really... my neck hurts because I spent SOOOH long here yesterday receiving all your wonderful help that, cos my poota screen is on my right, my head got stuck looking off-centre. (Matches the brain of course which is seriously off-centre!!) It'll settle down and is hardly important!

          Um, oh, pleeze, lickle me needs my hotty...on my tummy, like soothes. (Only on my own promise!!!!! Not that dumb!) Daft isn't it, August?!?!? Still got the fan I bought at the end of summer 2005
          in its box up in my bedroom...never been used yet...been a bit cold this year in the UK guys!! Got any spare heat you could let us have?

          Back later, my beloved elderly cousin has just arrived for 5 days.... she's just great.

          Good to read all your posts - even if, Satori.......................................! :b&d: No, I'm not like that, really!!!

          :hug: to all,
          Feet xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

            Hi everyone - bit blind here as my poota wont refresh and I'm not getting any posts since this morning coming up...soooh, I am now paranoid I've been axed for being cheeky to Satori!!!! Sorry Satori! Especially now we're in your PARTY!!!!!!! Yea! Brill!!! I'm sure you've done it... and it's someone else too...!? I can't find my piece of paper I use as a crib sheet when posting as I've tidied up (?!?!) my room/desk for my aunt/cousin/83 to stay in and I can't get the posts up.... So, I'll get all names right tomorrow but you know who you are and it's great!!!!!:wd: :wd:

            In case it doesn't 'refresh' until tomorrow I'll say goodnight from here in dark UK!!

            Thanks for being there guys... best buddies. Feeling much better. Lots of hurty pangs but you all really pulled me at a time now.:thanks:

            Thoughts winging their way around the world to you all.
            Feet x :hug:
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!


              First tiime it's ever happened to me - couldn't log on - got one of those "this page is not available" things - OMG - must have fix! Must have fix!

              Thank God, 5 minutes later I tried again and it was up and running. Be still my beating heart!

              Wow, our little group keeps growing. Welcome, Rob 2, Saki (Wow, you are one of the "seniors" already at 30 + 3), Madison May - and anyone else I missed or is lurking but not posting - come on & join us! The more the merrier.

              Atpeace - I feel for you so much, you have had a difficult childhood, and went right into a difficult marriage. You have a lot on your plate with being the breadwinner, and apparently the most responsible parent. I'm so sorry, and am not sure what to suggest, BUT - I do know that if you can only make it through the first week or so AF, you will be so much more able to cope. We tend to drink to forget our troubles, but alcohol is in itself a depressent, and it just overshadows how we perceive the rest of our life. Please try again, we are rooting for you.:h

              Rob - I was lucky enough not to have any real withdrawal symptoms, except that I was also extremely tired, didn't sleep well, etc. I'm still not sleeping great, but strangely enough when I get up in the morning, I seem to wake up fairly refreshed - the difference between getting a longer, but less quality sleep from basically passing out (Can't tell you how many times I would wake up, still w wine glass in hand, propped up against my headboard, often w wine spilled all over the sheets. . . . ) and having a shorter, but much better quality sleep.

              I think the biggest difference I notice is my outlook on life. I am much more happy, content, and not as likely to let little things get to me. And that's even w what's going on w my brother in law. I used to be pretty depressed a lot of the time. Someone once gave me a fridge magnet, and the saying on it was something like "This life is God's gift to you. What you do with this life is your gift to God". I am seeing the wisdom in that saying a lot more these days.

              I was wondering what the medium age in this thread would be. Seems to me it must be around 50, give or take. I suppose that's a natural progression in the life of an alcoholic - you start w the binge drinking and partying in your 20's or so, gets progressively more heavy, but propably more secretive, in the 30's and early 40's, and then towards 50 you finally wake up and smell the roses and realize you have one very big problem! Too bad we can't seem to convince a lot of the 20 somethings in the partying stage what they may be in for.

              Just previewed this and it sounds much too reflective and stodgy - must lighten up!

              You may not have figured it out, but your various and assorted missing body parts have been ciber snatched - we needed to raise funds for Satori's big party tomorrow - so I have on offer:

              One slightly used brain (male, so largely useless, the mind has gone, and now only good as decorative marbles in your table top fountain). Satori, you may be interested.

              One better quality brain, neat and tidy, and well maintained (Rob, you may start the bidding anytime)

              One waist - remember, we must waist not, want not. DG - there is a hot item, so be prepared to spend big $$!

              Now, as a double offering, we have found some feet behind the couch (don't you ever vaccum under there, FMF?) and out back, in the neck of the woods - you guessed it, one somewhat kinked up neck.

              To finish, one pair of T's and a generous A. I expect top dollar on these items.

              Start your bidding, going once, going twice >>>>>>>

              Well, that's about it for my useless ramblings for tonite. (Collective sigh of relief :H ) DG, I didn't find the malatonin helped me much last night, didn't sleep much, but also didn't feel quite as tired as normal this morning, so maybe it did help some. Will take some again tonight and see.

              Satori - So many congrats to you on reaching day 30! You have well and truly showed the
              Booze Beast you can do it. Looking forward to your celebration tomorrow!!!!!!!!! To Mary (wow, 38), FMF, DG, Pinkie, Lilaclover, July, Starlight (18!!!!!), Chief (glad you're doing so well), Imatree, Arial, AF, Rob and Rob 2, Atpeace, Lotus, Med. Momma - and anyone I missed - goodnight, and have another happy AF day tomorrow!

              Loud & Proud: 28 Days AF
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                DG, Satori & Hannah thank you for your welcome, DG & Satori you said this site is a little eccentric, I love eccentric.

                Yesterday I committed to start on day one, last night I had half a bottle of wine left over from the night before, and couldn't believe I poured it down the sink. So now I have completed the first day of my 30 day AF days. Upwards and onwards.


                :goodjob: :l


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                  Thanks Madisonmay - but your achievement is by far the bigger one of today!

                  The first few days are the hardest - it takes a lot of courage to pour the booze down the sink and step out into the unknown!

                  After I got past that first, difficult bit - it was relatively plain sailing.

                  I hope you get here too - it is an awesome place to be!
                  And - considering my history - fairly miraculous.
                  It is all down to this place - and all of you amazing people!


                  THANK YOU ALL:thanks:
                  for making this possible!!!



                  I've decided to melt down all my stars and make them into a gold cup every 30 days! So: here is my very first one - easier to polish than all the stars!

                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                    Satori wow did you have a haircut and shave in celebration of your achievement? How long where you in the chair?

                    Mary:H :H


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                      WOW look at all the action I missed yesterday! How Cool!!

                      Pinkie, congrats on now day 30+7!!! **ummm...don't tell anyone but in your post 89 there is a picture and I think that is my lost waist. May I have it back pwetty pwease**

                      Lotus, welcome to Day 4 AF!! I will get easier - hang tough through these early days. Big incentive - if you stick with it you won't have to ever have a re-do. Your idea about reading your own posts going back in time is a really good one! I'm going to remember that when I have my next "off" feeling day.

                      Welcome to Booze Busters Rob2!! Welcome to Day 5 AF. I'm sure by now Satori has explained to you the All Male Cheerleading Review which must perform for ladies 30 day celebrations. Don't worry about the costume cost - they are rather inexpensive since there isn't much fabric. Mean time....I'm sure facing the sports season will be a challenge, but you can do it. Like Satori mentioned, having a good PLAN for each and every day is key. I don't necessarily avoid situations where I used to drink, I just have a different plan for them now. I think it's important that at some point, we "practice" new habits in the old situations. Cuz let's face it - you are just giving up booze, not your enjoyment of sports, right? Plan and practice - you can do this.

                      rob, welcome to Day 6 and Happy Nopa Dopa - at least that's what I called that early on feeling of having no brain. Actually, a defective brain is a more accurate description for me. This too shall pass. (and don't let Hannah over charge you in her body parts auction!!)

                      Feet - if you are on your knees you musta found your feet but now you lost your neck?? Oh my!! What day is this for you again? 82? We gotta get this straight for your 90 day party!! hey - where'd you get that whip it good smilie?? I love that!

                      Satori. Here's all I can say about your tart little remark about lady brains. Through the process of evoluation, lady brains got smaller. Why? It doesn't take much thinking to keep up with single track man minds. Take THAT!

                      Welcome saki and CONGRATULATIONS on 30+3 (4 today?) days!!!! WHEE!!! Jump right into our Booze Bustin' fun around here!

                      Hi Chief!! Congrats on Day 7 today. Sounds like you had fun on your run b!tch slappin' the :alf: Life IS good, isn't it!

                      Mary, it sounds like you had a good time in Vermont. Good to see you back and congrats on Day 30+9!

                      Hannah! LOL on your body part auction. Can I trade my 40 longs in for some 36 C's? Of course if I have enough $ left after getting a waist. TOMORROW IS YOUR BIG DAY!!!!

                      madisonmary, CONGRATULATIONS on pouring that wine down the sink. I bet that felt awsome. Welcome to Day 2 AF!! WE CAN DO THIS!!

                      It's Day 30+8 here. Almost to 40!! Dreadmill and Torture trak are done for the day. Mr. Scale is being EVIL and I do not wish to discuss what I have in mind for Mr. Scale. Other than that, life if busy but good! I'm still really enjoying my FREEDOM from the Booze Ball 'n' Chain and doing all kinds of stuff I've been putting off forever. Driving whenever I want to go somewhere is still making me smile.

                      Have a great AF day everyone, and CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN SATORI ON 30 DAYS AF!!!! I like your idea of melting down the first 30 gold stars into a cup. Can I steal that idea??

                      Day 30+8 AF :award: + * * * * * * * * (my trophy and gold stars)
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                        Morning - or, whenever! - guys...

                        Doing ok here - still grabby horrible moments in the old gut; I do miss him, :boohoo: but keeping busy. Lovely to have my dearest cousin (83 - her grandfather was oldest of 9 children and mine was the youngest with 26 years between them...or something confusing!) staying.

                        You are just great!!!

                        30 days!!!
                        Well Done Satori!!!!!!

                        30 days :applaud: AND with all the wonderful stuff you've helped us all with too.
                        What a guy even if you do have funny ideas about women's brains!

                        Hannah, thanks for great post! Um, vaccuum? Wotsat?!?! (Yes I do, honest, although what's actually INSIDE the sofa bed I'm on for the next 4 nights doesn't bear considering!!)

                        Madison - I applaud you LOUD and CLEAR. What a wonderful feeling, eh? Down the drain...(I poured the last half bottle down the loo as it was the most 'dirty' (I do clean that too, I do, Hannah!) place I could think of....! You are just great for doing that. Hang in there now...

                        DG - Yea, finding my feet again a bit now....slightly wobbling on my knees but keeping the anxiety/sadness re David separate from the sense needing a drink. The two feelings (well, only one coz I don't actually want a drink!!) don't have to be linked at all. (Satori - maybe you're right, No-Brain here's got to make sense of this somehow! All in good time of course.) DG - the smilie is with all the others about half way you get different one's to me from this site? (I think it's 82, 83 Saturday...eek! Seems so much and yet so far!...)

                        Chief- you are doing just great. You've got thru the past couple of days - big pat on the back!

                        And everyone else - sorry not to type all the names but I have my cousin waiting for me downstairs.... - keep going, thanks sooh much for being there, have a good day/evening, thinking of you all, party time soon for more clever bods, and.....

                        Lots of love
                        Feet x
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                          madisonmay;180462 wrote: Satori wow did you have a haircut and shave in celebration of your achievement? How long where you in the chair?

                          Mary:H :H
                          Yep - But waxing my own eyebrows hurt like a Bi*ch!!!

                          But I wasn't gonna let Pinkie have the pleasure of doing it - she was forever offering!
                          She has the collected works of the Marquis de Sade on her night stand I'm sure!!!!

                          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                            Good mornin'all: Just time for a quick read/post before heading off to work
                            Most importantly:

                            BIG CONGRATS TO SATORI 30 DAYS YOU ROCK MAN


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                              Hi ya all

                              Just a well done to all and a thanks for your support. I managed day 3. Even though MIL was picking things to argue with me last night I kept my cool. All this time I was hiding my drink and she "caught" me out, well found out that she doesn't know any better. It must have been the guilty look on my face (when drinking) that gives it away.

                              Anyway, just wanted to wish you all the best for this weekend...before I get busy at work and wrap up for the weekend.

                              Thanks for sharing with us how these past 30 days have been for you Satori and congrats to you.

                              Here to looking forwards to a weekend of sobriety..

                              Take care
                              Mandy x


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                                Thanks Rob and Feet - wouldn't be here without you tho'

                                Feet - you think it has been cold down there in Cornwall - you want to come up here!!!

                                Rob - I took your advice and REALLY loosened the old top knot!

                                Lotus - remember, PLAN that weekend - they were danger times for me early on.
                                You have a double whammy a weekend AND day 4 ish to deal with!

                                Take care

                                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

