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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    Hi ya all

    I am well, just been a typical busy Monday morning.

    I am pleased with myself I made it through the weekend. I must admit yesterday I did feel the need for a drink, but only because I had my grandmother and my MIL taking about "their days". I asked hubby to go out and get me wine - which he said he will after football was finished. (Note he did not once discourage me not to drink). However by then I went upstairs, locked myself in the bedroom with a glass of OJ and a ciggarette. Sat in my room for about 20 minutes and then felt no need for alcohol. All I needed was time to myself.

    Meditation - it is so great to have the support at home, it really does make it that slight bit easier. Well done.

    DG - Congrats on day 40. WOW. I can just imagine how you feel. I am so ecstatic on day 7 today.

    Satori - 33 days AF is great. Even better when you're not even thinking about drinking. Up on the water though. I had a headache on Saturday, but realised I needed to drink water ( and eat chocolate - to help with the sugar cravings).

    Almost - Congrats to you on day 8. Even my MIL was shocked when I had a cup of tea instead of wine over the weekend.

    Pinkie - Congrats to you on day 39. You are doing well esp with all the work going on at home. The painting "stressed" me so much I was using that as an excuse a few weeks back. But since not drinking I am making progress and getting it done.

    Chief- Congrats on Day 9. Like I mentioned earlier keep drinking water. Also you might just benefit from taking some pills if you feel the flu coming. Hope you feel well otherwise.

    Well done to those I may have missed. Hope you are all having a good day.

    Will catch up with you all soon.

    All the best.

    Mandy x


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

      Well done Mandy - I knew you could do it!!!

      You are now over the worst - the rest is just easier and easier as the days roll by!
      Well done on not drinking the wine (but BAD girl for getting hubby to get some for you!!!!!).

      Yep - I'm drinking water like a good'un today! Hopefully will start to shift this headache soon!

      Take care

      Love :l

      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

        Clocking in everyone to say Good Morning - ?!?!? coz it's 14.35 here in UK: just been on here getting sooh much strength for ages this morning since my cousin got her train home....

        She's so lovely but still it was slightly a bit of, "Like fish, guests can go off after 3 days...!" in my new sober state. Can you come and do the food for me DG as I hate that (?!) and I'll do the overnight bit??!! We'd make a good team.

        I've really 'dumped' my w/e and day in a new post just now so wont say much more here except thinking of you all. Thanks for just being there - it's lovely....

        I'll 'personalise' later after something to eat - rumbling here - but I hope the headache's going Satori... and Lotus, I salute you... and recognise what you said about space and time especially after the last 5 days... thanks.

        Feet x :h
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

          Hi All

          I am glad to report I have 4 days AF, especially over the weekend, couldn't believe I didn't drink on Saturday night. I am on day 5, just taking each day at a time, but feeling great so far.

          Congrats to all who have passed their mile stone 30 & 40 days, and everyone who has achieved any days af, you all inspire me to continue with my quest for 30 AF days. Apologies for not mentioning everyone by name, still got fuzzy brain from alcohol abuse!!

          Waving to everyone ahead of me, and everyone behind me. Have a great day.

          Mary :l


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

            Meditation Mama feelin' fine!

            I had a reallly good weekend totally AF and not even thinking about it. Got up yesterday with DH and went out for cofee, read my tricycle magazine in peace at Starbucks for an hour, then went shopping around for a new vegatarian cookbook.

            I am starting a 30-day DR.Natura cleanse with the urge of my acupuncturist.. I am a bit FREAKED after going on the website, though. They have a picture gallery - AARGH! Nothing more needed to be said on THAT subject - but I am sure I will feel better after the 30 days.

            I also got a FOUR hour nap in yesterday - OMG, that felt AMAZING! Then started my cooking - I love to cook and cooking vegitarian takes much more time, so it kept me busy in the kitchen for a few hours. This wil be a good thing for me for the next while....

            My Dearest little daughter came home from hockey camp to a sober, happy, Mom - That was the best part of all...

            Thank you all for your kind words yesterday; PINKIE, HANNAH, DOGGYGIRL, SATORI (happy belated 30!), LOTUS, ALMOSTFAMOUS, FEET, STARLIGHT, ROB, JULY and anyone I haven't met yet.... I will get to know you all soon, and can't thank you enough for all your support!

            Cheif, I wanted to shout out a special congratulations on you double digits, though :happy: :yougo: :applaud: YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION!
            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

              Hello All!! Congratulations to all! The AF days are piling up!! Satori- 33 Days- awsome my friend! Hope you are feeling better. I was a bit under the weather yesterday but seem to be fine today, which, by the way, is DAY 10 for me!!! Thank You to the MWO family. I feel blessed to be a part of this. To those of you who are struggling or have had a minor slip- stay with us. If I can do it so can you. Don't give up.. Have a great day everyone! Don


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                DG-You are in the rainy midwest, like me. It's suppose to rain all week here- UGH! My daughter will be spending her first day catching the bus in the rain, I am afraid.

                Chief- Great job entering double digit land. I am on day 9 so I am almost there.

                Lotus- good job not drinking. We all need moments to ourselves sometimes for some sanity.

                Satori- I have been having headaches too and I am normally not a sufferer. I thought it was from the milk thistle but stopped taking it weeks ago. Could be one of the other supplements I suppose. Hang in there. I know I have a MUCH worse headache after a night of drinking. BTW, I like your new avatar. Much easier on the eyes.

                Med mama- Wow- your daughter went to hockey camp???? Now, that is impressive. How great that she came home to a sober Mama.

                Madison- Isn't not drinking on a sat. night like hurdling a mountain? It feels so good on Sunday morning. I think you should get double stars for that.

                FindingMyfeet- Hi to you and hope you are doing well.

                Waving a big wave to everyone else that is old and new. Have a wonderful day!!!!!
                AF since 2/22/2012


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                  Don - good to hear you feel better. Hope the head's better too, Satori. MM - you are doing AMAZING!!! Enjoy the ride!! Mary - 5 days is just great.... Hannah - I hope hubby's better and you've not got it.... real sympathy from here - aaaagh! The very lurgy I so often drank on through terror of it!!! Don't do it! (sorry, my stuff - I really hope you're both well!) And it must be about time poochy has her lampshade off DG? Save-your-shins-time!

                  Love to everybody!.....
                  Feet x
                  :heart: c: :heart:
                  "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                    Congratulations (A little late...So Sorry) Hannah

                    So sorry I missed your party Hannah (Deb). Not even a cheerleader (hunk) leftover either !!! You deserve them all anyway...WELL DONE !!

                    I have company all week...arrived on Friday. Will only be able to check in sporadically.

                    Satori...still racking up those 33 now !! between the AF cups and the triathalon cups you will have to start building a new addition...of course now we know you have the skills for that !!!

                    Chief...double digits...Great job ! good to see that you stuck around ! I am a runner also but I am sidelined with an injury for a few weeks (Grrrrr....)

                    July, Almost, Meditation, Mandy, Starlight .... everyone is doing so well. Hard to keep up if you don't log in every day...several times a day.

                    DG...glad to see you are still holding things together here. I too have a VET bill story I can share. We had a champion Bulldog we used to show. He was the son of the mascot for Mack trucks !! Talk about VET bills !!! We can swap war stories some day !!!

                    Have to run but I will try to check in more often. Still holding in there at ...I guess this is Day 27 for me. :wavin: to everyone I may have missed.


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                      A very quick hello from me - it's amazing how long it takes just to check up on a couple of threads when you've been absent for a few days -and I haven't even got round to getting through the latest pages here!

                      So apologies to all for just saying congratulations to Satori and Hanah for getting through 30 it seems - fabulous job you guys! Sorry I missed the parties, but hope you saved me some cake!

                      I'll catch up with everyone else over the next few days - life has now got incredibly busy as school is back after the summer break so free time is a thing of the past. however, I'm with you in spirit and thinking of you all and will jump in when I can!

                      Had a wonderful weekend Kayaking with my daughter this weekend and she's doing really well at the self-injections, so a day at a time but pretty hopeful at the moment...

                      Warmest wishes to all and look forward to catching up with you all soon. :l xx
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                        Hi Arial - Welcome home!

                        So happy for you that you had such a good time with your daughter and that she is doing so well....

                        Missed you at the parties - hopefully we can find a bit of left-over-hunk for you!!!

                        With you in spririt too!

                        Feet x
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                          Hey all: Late checkin in today. Stayed up until 3AM reading iThe Glass Castle wonderful book.

                          Glad to hear that everyone is doing well, moving forward.

                          I actually got a little housework done today and want to get a little more done before starting dinner, so I'll sign off for now.

                          Love and Peace


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                            Day 3 and life is great! Had another massage today and then a two hour nap. If I could do this for 30 days it would be a breeze! I haven't taken the time to do these things for at least 8 months... and I actually own a day spa! Funny how I let those things get away from me when they are right under ny nose. But, as of now, I plan to take care of myself. My staff have been on me to let them work on me, so I am going to take them up on it as much as I can over the next while. May not be able to do the 2-4 hour nap, though!

                            Well, I'm off to try and finish this never-ending pile of paperwork to try and close on a house I'm trying to buy... Normally I would do this with a bottle of red, but I have poured myself a pomegranate green tea instead.

                            Best to you all!!

                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                              Hello everyone!

                              Just checking in, cant believe how fast this board fills up!

                              AF, good to see you again! I bet your parents were very proud of you when you told them of your choice to go AF. Im sure it wasnt easy but thier support will help you along the way.

                              Satori, I really dont mind the work its the mess that we have to live in while it is being done! I drive the BF crazy trying to clean around him.

                              Lotus and Madison, CONGRATS on your first weekend! isnt it great to wake up with a whole day in front of you and a night behind you where you actually remember what you did?!?

                              Chief, DOUBLE DIGITS - you rock! Id invite you to join me and DG in the Double Digit Quit Sista's group but for some reason, I just dont see that applying!

                              Lilac, good to see you again too! Another party in 3 days - hang in there I hear Satori has a new routine!

                              Arial, Kayaking??? are you crazy?? Actually something that I have always wanted to do but it scares the hell out of me for some reason. Of course in Illinois there isnt really any place to go anyway.

                              MM, DAY SPA OWNER - sign me up!!! I want pampering too!

                              Today is day 40 for me and I feel great! There is a Bears game on and I was somewhat disturbed by how to watch football and not drink but my water is doing just fine and I know that I will remember the game tomorrow, the score, the highlights and hopefully the WIN!!


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                                Hello B-Buster Friends,

                                It seems like many lives are picking up pace with the begining of school and the transition from everyday summer to the busyness of life. Mine is a similar story. Three kiddos ( 7, 11 and 13) to three different schools and my wife is a teacher (first day back today). So, today I told the little man, age 7, to help me with the first day and to let me know where he can help. Our middle child has Down Syndrome and when she goes into what I affectionately call Mule Mode, nothing budges her. So it is with great relief that I report that day one is complete--successfully. The difference between an AF parenting style and my previous life is palpable.

                                And, best yet it has happened on my AF day 25.


