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    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

    July - Congrats on 25 days AF. Boy, you are really racking them up! Sounds like you have a nice family, and you are a loving and caring Dad. I'm sure it IS a lot better and easier sober. Does seem strange to have school starting again, doesn't it? Always markes the end of summer, even if not officially.

    Pinkie - I must have been in never--never land when you were talking about renovating before, sorry. Boy, I wish my hubby was the handyman sort. He absolutely is not, and his answer to his ineptitude is "I work D*m hard in order so that I can pay someone else to do that." Which means that it is always me who does the painting, etc, and whatever I myself am capable of doing (not much!). Although the last time we moved, it was really me who moved us. We have a Ford Escape, and I took out the back seats, and the dog and I drove back and forth between houses. Thank God we only moved 8 blocks. It was amazing the things I got into the back of that Ford Escape! I was even lifting and hauling around things like table saws. Never went to the gym for a whole month, but still lost a few pounds. Anyhow, glad to hear your rooms are progressing so nicely, will be nice when it's all done!

    MM - Day 3! If you have got that over and done with, you are well on your way! Congrats!:goodjob:

    Arial - Glad you had a good weekend kyaking (sp) w your daughter, and things are going well for her. What sort of Rx does she take by injections? I know several people w MS, but they aren't on anything they have to inject. (Although I know there are many forms and degrees of MS).

    lilaclover - Thanks for the congrats. Party was a blast, I feel completely spoiled. Yes, we all could tell some stories about our pooches for sure. I'll write it up one day when I run out of other stuff (heaven forbid that I should have a short post! :H ).

    Chief - Hope you're feeling better. My hubby looks a little more human today - boy, was he sick. Congrats on 10 days! Soon to be 20!

    Satori - Hope your headaches ease up soon. Dehydration sure can do that to you, hope drinking more water helps. 33 days and still going strong.

    We are collectively like the energizer bunney - We keep going, and going, and going....

    Lotus and Madisonmay, Congrats on getting thru the weekend. That can be a tough go, especially your first one. Onwards & Upwards!

    DG - Think it's raining all over the world today. I was hydroplaning on the highway coming home tonite.

    Hi to Rob, AF, and anyone else I missed. So far haven't caught hubby's flue (knock on wood). Goodnite, and have a good AF day tomorrow!

    - Deb

    :award: + **

    The future lies before you like newly fallen snow
    Be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

      Hi guys - I feel 'all over this site like a rash'!!! Really sorry! :bonkers: I've got to sort out my poota's tendency to not refresh as I'm still posting in great excitement only to find that when the message comes up it has re-dated itself correctly and I'm about a week late! Just posted in Quick Poll by M Mama a week late!!! Quite pleased with that one; got my smilies going! Have a look and an update anyone?

      Have a grand day all and I hope the various lurggies (illnesses!) are getting better and not being passed around! uch:

      DG - you're being quiet! Are you OK love? Howz the doggy lampshade?
      And Satori, too - hope the headaches aren't keeping you down; we want you well and need your words of wisdom! (Genuinely!)

      Feet x :l (hey, sssh, guess what - it's 86 days and I feel I might see 90 after all! :exclaimation: )
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

        Mandy congratulations on Day 8 and also surviving the weekend AF! Your commenting about feeling the ?need? to drink, but later realizing you REALLY needed a bit of time to yourself really hit home to me. I think there are lots of times we get confused about what our bodies and minds really need. i.e. part of the reason I weigh as much as I do is from often thinking I?m hungry, when really it?s something else like maybe thirsty for water. I also think your experience was interesting from the standpoint of ?waiting out your crave.? You might have gone for the drink if hubby would have gone and got your some right away. But ?waiting til after the game? maybe gave you time to get past that crave?? All good stuff at any rate. CONGRATULATIONS!!

        Satori ? It?s Day 34 for you, right? Don?t the days just seem to start flying by? The first 10 sure seemed to move slower than the last 10 ? at least in Illinois they did!

        ?Feet? ? I?d be happy to do the food and you can do the overnight stuff! And thanks for thinking of me. I?ve just been busy getting a lot of stuff caught up around here that has been neglected for a long time.

        Madisonmay Mary ? welcome to Day 6 AF!! You can make it 30 days if you really want to. You are almost through the first week which IMO was the hardest. WE CAN DO THIS!

        mm ? that cleanse thing sounds yucky. I hope you feel great after it though. Glad to hear you didn?t think much about drinking this past weekend! Isn?t it nice when that starts to happen. Having a good plan for getting out and doing ?not drinking? stuff is an awesome idea. (can I come over for dinner?) How old is your daughter? Hockey camp sounds like fun! And from your next post ? MASSAGES AT YOUR OWN SPA!! :yougo: It really is amazing what we neglect and ignore when our heads are stuck in the bottle. Enjoy! Welcome to Day 4!!

        Chief ? congrats on Double Digit Booze Bustin? and welcome to Day 11! Glad you are feeling better too.

        AF ? staying dry was not easy yesterday! I had lots of errand running around to do, and it started DOWN POURING at the worst possible moments LOL. How did your daughter like her first day of the school season?

        Hi Lilac and welcome to Day 28! Hope your company is ?fun? company since you have them for a week. I break out in hives at the thought of overnight company. Yes, we probably need a ?vet bill stories? thread. AND?IMO?the pure bred dogs seem to require a lot more in that department than any mutt I?ve ever had. Hmmmm?.

        Arial, I bet you did have a fun week kayaking!! So glad to hear that your daughter is doing fine with the self injections. I hope she is developing a good outlook on things. I?m sure that will take time for her. Good for you both.

        Hi rob!! The Glass Castle ? I will try to remember that. I?m so backed up already with books to read! I?m such a junkie and keep ordering more and more books from I need to STOP IT and go renew my library card!! Congrats on another AF day, even though you have my deepest sympathies over the house cleaning part.

        Pinkie Hi!! And Happy Day 41!! Shoot I totally missed the Bears game. Mr. Doggy is not a big sports fan, but I really want to follow pro football this year. I clearly suck as a Bears fan already and the season hasn?t even officially started yet!! So did they win?

        Hi July and congrats on reaching Day 26! Sounds like you had an awesome parenting day yesterday ? I?m sure a rough day but it must have felt great to do it sober ? for you AND your family.

        Hannah Deb! Congrats on Day 33. My back hurts just thinking about your moving experience. I think a lot like your hubby thinks.

        LET?S MOVE ON TO A NEW THREAD!!! Please put any new posts in the 8/21 thread I am about to start. These get long fast, but that is SO COOL because we have many people really working at the 30 day program. AWESOME.

        Day 42 AF :award: + * * * * * * * * * * * *
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

          LET?S MOVE ON TO A NEW THREAD!!! Please put any new posts in the 8/21 thread I am about to start. These get long fast, but that is SO COOL because we have many people really working at the 30 day program. AWESOME.
          Figured I'd give this part a post of it's own!!! See ya at the new Booze Bustin' spot!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

            hello all

            I am so feeling on top of the world. I have passed the first level of my accounting course that I am studying. Got my results this morning. It feels so great to achieve this esp when MIL had made a comment that I will never be successful in life. However despite the reminders over last week and the weekend hubby has forgotten, so I am annoyed in that aspect.

            I started studying earlier this year when I first joined MWO. I needed something to occupy my evenings. Although I haven't completely gotten rid of the alcohol, just by cutting down I have achieved a qualification. Something I would only dream of a year ago.

            Any other time I would normally celebrate with an alcoholic drink. We'll I am off to the pub with work friends but I am so happy I am sticking to coke.

            Good to hear you are all doing well.

            Hope to catch up with you all soon.

            Love Mandy x

            P.S On day 7 AF today! :yay:


              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

              Good morning All: Up early today as its a work day.

              Hey its double didgits day for me!! :happy: I had to count on my fingers (twice) to be sure.

              FMF-Hope your options start to open up soon. Finding yourself stuck in a situation is so frustrating. For me the worst part is that my thinking becomes cyclic and I miss sometimes simple solutions and if not solutions, something, anything I can do to make my situation better. Please don't think that I'm minimizing your grief over your recent breakup or feeling of being stranded with limited resourses, I don't mean that at all. I guess I just want you to stay open to the possibilities, if that makes any sense.

              Pinkie- Glad to hear the remodel is done what a wonderful feeling.

              Hannah- If I ever want a project done, I just threaten to do it myself and my DH will jump right in and get 'er done--"Step away from the paint brush darlin', I'm goin in" . However, He thinks that our daughter's ability and desire to tackle any job is the most wonderful thing - go figure.

              July-Its intersting to me that as you've mentioned before that we are from different places and live differnt lives but that we are fighting the same fight for sobriety and sanity. I'm finding that on occasion "bump into each other" in different ways also. For example, I just finished reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter which is a fictionalized account of a child born with Down syndrome. After reading it I thought for the first time in years about the two realitives in my family who had Down syndrome, my aunt Rosemarie and my second cousin Sally. One of my sisters was involved in the care of Sally and told many a lively story of being out in public when Sally went into Mule Mode. You must be a patient, patient man.

              Oh boy, I've rambled on so long, I'm gonna have to scramble to get to work on time.
              Back later.
              Love and Peace


                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - Week of 8/13!!

                Rob - thank you; it makes total sense! Epecially when you've got a brain like mine - a washing machine on permanent spin cycle! Thanks for reminding me to 'click it on'!

                And double figures! Whay Hay!!

                Feet x
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

