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Monday 13th

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    Monday 13th

    well, slow day for AB land...comon...up and at' em!!

    Been a fabu AF weekend happy to say. Loving the hot, yet not dreadfully hot weather and getting lots done around the house.

    Something interesting I've noticed happening to my mental outlook..something very good. I've lot that yucky "empty" feeling that was left after going AF. at first there were cravings, then they dissapeared, then this emptiness that wasn't horrible but was very nagging. now that is lifting...yeah!

    hope you are all well. Congrads to Kathy for entering her second AF month!!

    garlic flavored cheers for all.....
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Monday 13th

    How wonderful to get a taste of your garlic-flavored cheerful mood, Det! How long have you been AF?
    Hey, wondering, since you're a foodie, have you ever seen Cook's Illustrated? Bi-monthly magazine and website - really great.

    I admit I dug one cig out of the trash yesterday afternoon. But today is AF day 2, and haven't smoked since that sneaky one yesterday. I feel more confident.


      Monday 13th

      Hi D and Imatree......

      Can I gatecrash here for a while please, My mods hasn't been as good as it could be recently so I'm going for an AF spell, Day 1 today for me ....

      Don't know how long i'm aiming for but at the minute if I can manage monday to friday it will be better than I have been for a while ....

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        Monday 13th

        thanks Ima and kudos on both AF and the cigs, I'm at day 54 and feeling mui bien
        no I've not seen/read that Cooks Illustrated..I'll be looking it up. thanks!

        Betty, nice you joined us dear. Crash this party anytime.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Monday 13th

          Hey BB - yeah, I know the feeling, moderating just didn't work out for me. The time I made it 8 days AF was wonderful, and so much easier than I imagined it would be. Easier in fact than moderating, easier than always arguing with myself - drink today or not, have another or not, was that too many or not... etc.
          Enjoy Abs!


            Monday 13th

            Det - link is
            Cook's Illustrated-Recipe Resource
            (tho you have to be a member to access most recipes- but they do have a 14 day free trial)
            What's really cool about the site and magazine is that they try a recipe for a dish - say fettucine alfredo - every possible way, even if it's 27 different ways, to find the absolute best way to make it, then share that method, giving all the details. Liek for the fettucine alfredo, one key is to warm the bowl before mixing the cream with the pasta etc.

            Wow - day 54. I'm impressed!


              Monday 13th

              Hi All,

              I seem to have come out of the complete lazyass place that I was in yesterday. Maddy just left to go back home, and I'll be following tomorrow.

              Deter, I know what you mean about your mood lifting and that empty place going away. That happened to me just around the time that is it now happening to you--maybe a week earlier. Nothing has really changed except my outlook just seems more optimistic and positive. Happy Day 54 to you! Well done!

              It's good to see you here, Imatree. I know that you will have lots of resolve and motivation. You are very strong, and I have a lot of faith in you.

              Hi Betty Boop! You are surely welcome here, however long you want to stay. I hope you find that being here helps you reach your goals. XXXX

              I'm doing well here. I forgot to bring so many things here, "little things" to do that I could have caught up on. I think something inside of me knew that I really needed some veg-out time!

              Here's to beginning on Month 3 and Day 62 for me!

              Feeling renewed on Day 62!


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Monday 13th

                Hi Det, ima, Betty and all to come.

                Day 15 and for some strange reason?? just seems to continue getting easier.........long may it continue.

                Working on the depression/anxiety issue now, as I really think that contributed heavily to my nightly drinking. Feel I`ve still a lot of stuff to work through, but at least I feel less nervous since I quit the booze. Was supposed to see doc last week to get an a.d., but chickened out as I see many people posting that some such drugs are difficult to get back off of.........reconsidered though, so seeing doc this week as I really do feel my mood needs a boost, and I feel constantly physically exhausted.

                Not letting any of this get me down just content knowing that I truly do not desire a drink at all, and I`ve lost 7 lbs. since I quit...........just about another 35 to go!!! LOL

                Hope everyone has a successful day.

                Much love x


                  Monday 13th

                  Congratulations Starlight.
                  I'm sorry though to hear you have the blues. I am fighting those myself, always a struggle for me. I am determined tho to not have to take ADs again. I have a book - The Mood Cure - explains how to fix the chemistry of the brain with amino acids and other supplements, much like RJs advice with overcoming addiction to booze. I'm hopeful that getting off the juice, getting this relationship over and done iwth once and for all, starting an exercise program, taking supplements religiously, and getting into a meditation routine - that all this will be a helluva lot better than ADs.

                  You know, when I have a cold, I don't take cold medicine to alleviate the symptoms. I take loads of vitamin C, drink ginger tea, hot baths, etc... I take measures to heal - rather than mask - the cold. Why not then, I think, do the same with depression?


                    Monday 13th

                    Thanks now re-reconsidering the not really a one for meds for me personally, but it`s just like I feel so very exhausted that I`m looking for a quick-fix, I suppose, although I know even a.d.s can take several weeks to kick in.

                    I guess, like many, I just wish I could feel more energized.........lacking oooomph big-time.

                    Oh well, am undecided again!! LOL

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Monday 13th

                      very wise words Ima regarding colds etc.
                      Ok Starlight and Ima I'd propose the following experiment for depression: (aside from being AF naturally)
                      1) dramatically reduce or completely remove all simple sugars from your diet
                      2) take extra supplements of omega-3 EFA's (fish oil)

                      if that doesn't cure it...then you get your money back.

                      really though that's made a dramatic difference in how I feel.

                      doctor feelgood signing out....
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Monday 13th

                        Hello all.
                        I've not been on much recently.
                        Still AF though....
                        I've been working my ass off.
                        I'm dead beat. And I need a holiday.
                        Nice to have you here Betty.
                        I'm going to bed now.
                        Have a great day.


                          Monday 13th

                          I was trying to post same time Det posted and lost it - but was saying same about simple sugars, and all refined foods. Forgot about fish oils - thanks for the reminder.
                          Also - Starlight, your body is detoxing which definitely causes lethargy. Drink lots of water, add fresh lemon juice. Eat tons of raw veggies and fruit. Take milk thistle. This will hasten the detox process. Also - are you exercising? (like I should talk! Ha!)
                          Glad this all came up - reminds me that I need to do more than just abstain from drink.


                            Monday 13th

                            Hi all,
                            Day 7 here, still starving, craving pasta and bread, and woke up in middle of night last night for a few hours, sleeping is something I wish I could do more easily. Some people put their head on the pillow and are out.

                            My hubby has job interview on Friday, which, if he got it, would give him normal hours. It is still in wine business but he would be a buyer and wouldn't be around people all day drinking in a wine store. They are always tasting which has been hard for him but he is doing ok.

                            I'll have to get the fish oils if I dont already have them. I have so many supps my apartment is too small for them.

                            I am glad everyone is doing well. Boop welcome to abbsville! Starlight I have been very tired since starting abs, maybe it just our body adjusting and it can be quite tiring to withdraw and stuff. i would wait a little bit on the AD's, maybe you really don't need them and they are a bitch to get off. :h
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              Monday 13th

                              Happy - a whole week - wonderful! I was so worried since that night of your phone calls... guess that was truly a 'wake up call', eh?
                              Have you tried melatonin for sleep?

