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quick poll... how many AF days today???

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    quick poll... how many AF days today???

    Good morning everyone, I am on day one again. Yesterday I was on day 10 and very confident. Late yesterday afternoon I had a burning desire desire for beer that I just could not overcome. It hit me like a ton of bricks. The good news is I only had three and the beer tasted like crap. I also didn't have the desire for any more.

    I am stepping up my Topa today and am vowed and determined to get this beast off my back.
    Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


      quick poll... how many AF days today???

      Good morning, Rob2,

      I am 2 full days AF and starting on 3.

      A 10 day string is awesome, so don't let one day get you down. You know the drill.

      I figure I have had more AF days since starting MWO than I have had in the last 20 years, so even though I have been unsuccessful in stringing a bunch together, I am doin' pretty good.

      However, I am truly determined this time to go all the way. I keep telling my self "I am not a drinker." Kind of a mantra.

      However, I can't wait to get back home where I left my new meds (Campral and Naltrexone) sitting on the kitchen counter.

      I am a wussie at heart and would like a little help to get through this. Right now it is just me and willpower, of which I have very little. Even if it is a crutch, I'll take whatever I can get to beat this thing.

      Best wishes for getting back on track.

      AF April 9, 2016


        quick poll... how many AF days today???

        This is day 6 for me. I started to take Valerian in the afternoon and it kills my appetite, as well as having no desire to drink. I also have been sleeping better than the stuff.


          quick poll... how many AF days today???

          day 65....and it's great to be alive!!

          eating like a pig and still losing!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            quick poll... how many AF days today???

            Only day 4 for me........and I don't feel any better than usual, but maybe that's all the chocolate I've been eating????? :H I wonder if that's keeping me awake too? Anyway, day 4 is not very nice but it's all I've got!
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              quick poll... how many AF days today???

              Day 7 for me..

              ROB2, No worries, buddy! 10 days is a great run! I upped my topa and it helped tons. I also am using calmes forte and l-glute on the tough nights. Hang in there and I am glad you came back!
              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                quick poll... how many AF days today???

                Day 4 is great Suze!! Congrats on Day 7 MM!! I am now approaching day 50 - and it is getting easier and easier. Only having the most occasional thought of drinking, which is great! Getting so much done, too.

                For those who are starting out on this path - do give yourself credit for all the AF days you are racking up. Few people try AF and are immediately successful - three steps forward and two steps back. It took me a long time to rack up my first 10 days in a row - and that was a great thing for me!

                If this is a constant struggle at the beginning, the important thing is to keep jumping on the AF train. If you slip, don't use it as an excuse to go back to the old ways. The very next day, do AF. Over time, you will see that the days between slips increase - and instead of only making it 1 or 2 days, you are now regularly making it 3 or 4 days. Then you will have 10 days before you know it! It WILL happen!

                D - 62 days is awesome!


                NOT eating like a pig and NOT losing weight - not fair!!!


                  quick poll... how many AF days today???

                  starting day 4 feeling good!!!!!


                    quick poll... how many AF days today???

                    Day 14 here!


                      quick poll... how many AF days today???

                      Never in my wildest dreams thought I would be able to say this but today is

                      329 days alcohol free.
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        quick poll... how many AF days today???

                        HOLY CRAP Irish! I was wondering how far along you were!!!!! EXCELLENT! You must be feeling so goooood!


                          quick poll... how many AF days today???

                          Wow Irish - all those numbers! Good on you.
                          And good on everyone for their numbers even if it's a half!!! Two halves are one and 1+1=2 and 2+2=5 etc etc...well, I never was any good at maffs but I know this works!

                          Finding xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            quick poll... how many AF days today???

                            Thanks AFM and FMF, yes I do feel pretty good now, but it has taken me almost ten years of trying and falling ( literally ) to get to this stage..
                            A F F L..
                            Alcohol Free For Life


                              quick poll... how many AF days today???

                              Louise: I get vertigo if I even try to count that high! Way to go!


                                quick poll... how many AF days today???

                                Irish: The most important thing is you ARE doing it now! Congrats and you should be very proud of yourself!

