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Thursday 16th

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    Thursday 16th

    G'day ABeroonies far and wide!

    well, had a drinking dream last night that shook me up...but ok now. Really haven't had one of those in months. I think that this upcoming camping trip on labor day at the "burning man" festival had given me a few doubts. And I should take that constructively as a warning.

    well, still wondering what I want to be when I grow up writing my resume and looking forward to a new adventure.

    Be well friends!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Thursday 16th

    Good morning to you Deter and all to come.

    The boards have been so quiet the last few days. Everyone must be getting their children ready to go back to school or enjoying the last couple of weeks of summer holidays.

    I am right along with you Det. Working on my resume and trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life.

    Before moving back here a few months ago I had a pretty good thing working on my own business. I am seriously thinking about doing it again. I tried to go and work for someone else and it lasted 3 months. (complete nightmare). I really wish I wasn't a procrastinator and got off of my butt and make a decision. My little one is in daycare full time and I feel guilty sitting here twidling my thumbs. I have had since July 31 to start to do something. I so need to get motivated. I am up at 5:30am being the chauffeur for my husband and daughter, get home close to 9am and piss around until 5pm to play chauffeur again. How boring is that?? Swift kick please!!

    I hope you all have a great day!!! I am going to try to do something now........ writing it out helped a bit. I am such a putz LOL!


      Thursday 16th

      Good morning Det, Accountable, and all to come,
      Day 2 AF, feeling good ... I'm a little groggy, I think I'm catching up on deep sleep that was disrupted from even a "modding" amount of booze.
      Det - I HATE drinking dreams, especially after a long run of AF. It may be anxiety about Burning Man, but believe me ... the festival is SO interesting and bizarre, you really can happily do without. I never understood why people wanted to get high there when everything is already so surreal! You can do it!
      Accountable - I can understand the dawdling with free time, feeling unmotivated, maybe you just need time to let things gel a bit.

      So, yeah, I am also wondering what I want to do for the rest of my life. My intention has been to wake up super-early and do some writing, but I've been VERY hard asleep when the alarm rings.

      My own excuse for dawdling is the extreme heat outside. I have 3 full days off in a row each week, so no excuse. Right now I'm trying to staunch all the little ways hubby and I are "leaking" money, so cancelling subscriptions, health club ... going AF should offer a BIG savings!
      "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


        Thursday 16th

        Day 6 for me. So far,so good. Had an interesting experience yesterday. I posted it on the Just Starting Out thread. Off to the gym. Be strong everyone! Don


          Thursday 16th

          Your not fooling AFM...this place is quiet! everyone must be out exercising and being good!
          Zin, I hear come people need to get high at such a creative place? I think perhaps they are lacking in the imagination department.
          Chief, nice to see you here man...day6 HUGE got a full week on your doorstep...awesome time. it WILL get easier.
          My gym night too...and it's 94 degrees. ick. not as hot as where Zin is mind you but still too hot considering my crappy little gym has NO ac!!

          be cool.....
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Thursday 16th

            It's hot in NY too. I am debating learning to play tennis but honestly don't know when I'd have the time. I have to see what happens with hubby's job interview tomorrow.

            Did I mention I like tennis now? :H

            I'm DAY 10!
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Thursday 16th

              G'day everyone,

              It's 17th here! Hot and humid due to Monsoon season. I'm on day three AF. Feeling better again. Up close to my usual Topa dose. 150 mgs. Alcohol cravings are gone again, thanks God. That makes it so much easier ... You won't believe what difference of titrating down to 125 mgs meant ... Disaster. Two consecutive days back on the bottle ... Nightmare ... So back close to my old self again, brrr, close shave.

              Tonight off home to Europe ... For a week. Have yourselves a good weekend.
              Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                Thursday 16th

                Bon voyage Paddy! glad yer feeling better
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

