We have been sneaking out and practicing our cheers, that's (L to R) Pinkie, FMF, Starlight, Me (Hannah), and Lilaclover. Wait! Where's DG? She siad she would be here! Attached files [img]/converted_files/11574=1568-attachment.jpg[/img]
No announcement yet.
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Yay Satori - I knew you could do it. We did well on our auction last night, and I am proud to say that we have some top notch entertainment in store for you today. Just a quick preview of what's in store:
We have been sneaking out and practicing our cheers, that's (L to R) Pinkie, FMF, Starlight, Me (Hannah), and Lilaclover. Wait! Where's DG? She siad she would be here! Attached files [img]/converted_files/11574=1568-attachment.jpg[/img]The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.Tags: None
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Where's DG?
Oh , wait, there she is!
and, the rest of the group is coming! Attached files [img]/converted_files/308587=1569-attachment.jpg[/img]The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Hurry Up, You Guys!
We don't want to be late!!!!!!!!!!
Get your butts in gear, and get ready for the main event!!!!! Are you ready? Attached files [img]/converted_files/308588=1570-attachment.jpg[/img]The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
The Grand Finale
Are you ready, folks? Start dancing!!!!!
Enjoy the show, Satori. (Remember, my turn tomorrow)
CONGRATULATIONS! Attached files [img]/converted_files/308590=1571-attachment.jpg[/img]The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Thanks Hannah!!!!! Awesome show!!!!!
Wow - looking at the pics of you all in the preview and then in the finale - you guys must have been practicing HARD!
So come on - fess up! Is picture 1 the real one of you guys or is it the last picture???
Doggy - you ARE one hot mama after all - I always knew it!
Yep - can't really believe it myself - 30 days AF and feeling fantastic - back to exercising hard - who would have thunk it?????:H
Sitting here at work with a big grin on my face - my boss just walked by my office door and gave me a puzzled look - LOL - I DONT think I am going to explain!
Thanks again Hannah - made my day!!!
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
WHEE Hot doggy!!Congratulations on this well earned, well deserved honor. THIRTY DAYS AF!!! Here is a little something special for you. It might not seem like much, but this is a LOT for a doggy to come up with.
There once was a man named Satori.
He showed off his "ab" in it's glory.
The women were faint,
SWMBO said "no you ain't!"
That's why there's no "X" rated story.
Hey why did you shave off your eyebrows and get rid of your hair and hair weapon????? I demand the former avatar.
So whatcha gonna do to celebrate today???
:kudos: :yougo: :kudos:
Day 38Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Hey Satori, I think it would be cool if you put together a little 30 day AF ramble here on your special day. You know...what it was like, how the last month was different than before, etc. I bet you'll enjoy looking back on it someday, and I bet it will be inspiring to all of us Booze Busters.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Congrats Satori.
I am really pleased for you.
DG is right. As I've said before you have such a way with words and wisdom that it would be gr8 to hear how you found these last 30 days. Your are an inspiration to us all.
Well done Satori.
Love Mandy x
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Paddy;180465 wrote: Watch out for Hannah's shaved poodle ;-))))
Satori"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
Aww guys - you make me sound like I have a clue!
I am not wise - just a normal guy struggling a bit with the boozebeast (but hopefully winning now) - but I wouldn't be doing it without all your help!!!!
Well - I guess the last 30 days have been a bit of a revelation to me on several fronts
I was already moderating fairly well since I have been here for about 6 months now.
I already knew I could go for several days without drinking before I embarked on the 30 day challenge - but I was curious to see what it would feel like to have completely cleared my system of alcohol and to have given my body time to heal a bit.
During my 30 days, I have been exercising, eating relatively sensibly, drinking lots of water and taking loads of vitamins etc.
I definitely feel MUCH more energetic - I was positively bursting with energy in the gym last night so that is definitely one positive effect.
I am sleeping better and waking more refreshed than I have done in many years.
I am suffering a lot less from stress than I have done in years - Alcohol definitely increases stress and anxiety for me - it definitely doesn't help - and that was often my excuse for drinking - to relieve stress!
When I am not drinking, have more energy and am less "down" I feel more like interacting positively with my family - going out with my sons more to go climbing or to the pool or out on our cycles - so they benefit too.
One down side to all this is that I am becoming more aware, and recognise some of my old symptoms (albeit Much less extreme) - ie lack of in energy, lack of enthusiasm, signs of stress etc in SWMBO - who continues to drink.
Although she only has a couple of glasses of wine a day - sometimes more - she rarely has a day completely AF.
I do not want to put pressure on her to quit, because it is definitely in her nature to do the exact opposite if someone tries to force her hand.
I am sure that she is becoming aware of the changes in me since I have gone AF. Hopefully she will want to try it for herself.
I still have cravings for alcohol - I definitely am not "cured" but they are manageable now and not so strong that I can't sit down and rationally decide what to do when they hit.
My meditation is becoming more regular again as well - which is a good thing.
I also posted in reply to Chief on another thread about the feeling that I am "seeing things" again and feeling emotions fully again.
I now realise that much of the last many years I have been existing in a kind of numbed out and blinkered state - on automatic pilot - not actually being completely "there" in the world.
I definitely feel that is changing too. I just feel so much more ALIVE!
All in all an interesting journey! I wonder what more the journey has to show me as I continue down this path???
Anyway - this post is much too long and boring and all about me me me!
But - I do hope it may act as an incentive to all of you who are following - it IS DEFINITELY a journey worth taking!
Doggy, I decided to change my avatar to this guy because he was a character (Kaine) in a TV show from way back who I relate to.
He was Buddhist, and a chinese martial artist thrown into a confusing foreign land (the USA) in search for his brother. He had to survive in a confusing land by relying on his Buddhist education and martial arts skills.
I too am travelling thru a confusing alien land, (Boozeland) trying to survive whatever life throws at me by leaning on Buddhist teachings and principles. I hope I come out of it as well as Kaine did!
And - sorry to shatter the illusion of the wise old guy with the flowing beard etc - the avatar actually looks very like I do in real life - shh don't tell anyone!)
Anyway - Satori is in much too reflective a mood today - I promise I will be back to my old self very soon.
Most of all - I want to say thank you to you all and to RJ - you literally have changed my life. :thanks:
Now - the fight goes on!
Hanah - we will expect a similar review of the changes you have noticed in the last 30 days from you too!
Just promise - keep it shorter!
XXX"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Booze Buster Satori Celebrates 30 Days AF
betty boop;180472 wrote: Congratulations Satori,
Sending you a huge BB Hug xx
Bigger hug back atya!
:h :l :h
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"