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    Good afternoon all.

    Beautiful day here in Glasgow and I`m feeling very cheery.
    Been feeling down, but gave myself a little much-needed pep talk and am feeling fabulous again.

    Not checked in last couple of days, as I really don`t like to post much about my feelings when to post when feeling brimful of happiness in the hope that it`s infectious!!! LOL

    Day 19.........WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!

    Have a superb day you all, my dearest friends.

    Starlight Impress x


    Hi Starlight and all to come,

    I was feeling down yesterday--just all wrung out. I had a long work day too, and I just couldn't get it together to write my usual book of a post. I did read everything though. The highlight of my day was watching "Men in Trees" on TV last night! Geesh!

    At any rate, I've gotta get ready for work in a few, but I thought I'd check in and say hey! Still sober.

    I'm worried about Southern Belle. I haven't seen her around much since her son left for training again and then to ship out.

    Day 67
    Not exactly in heaven,

    but definitely hanging in there!



    PS: Thanks for keeping things moving along Deter; you frequently get the day going when the rest of us DON'T!

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      FRIDAY 17TH

      Starlight well done on day 19 and also Young at Heart on day 67 wow to both of you.

      I just started on day one yesterday, felt proud to throw half a bottle of wine left over from night before down the sink, felt really good.

      Hoping to do 30 days af, but one step at a time as they say.

      Good luck to everyone who follows.



        FRIDAY 17TH

        Alooooha Friday ABsters!!

        Starlight and Kathy, you were down but pulled though and it's nice to see you back. way to go and look at those days rack up.
        Madisonmay, welcome and congrads on going will get easier!
        so I guess Paddy is on an airplane to Europe right now per yesterdays post.
        i worked out so hard last night my fingers can hardly type..arg. must rest as I have a big class tomorrow at noon as well. Maybe soak my whole body in ice water? Ha!!
        Day 59 and feelings sublime.
        be well freinds!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          FRIDAY 17TH

          Starlight, congrats on Day 19 and WHOO HOO - I bet you will feel GREAT hitting the "20's" tomorrow. It truly is amazing how at least some of our "funked out" times we really CAN talk ourselves out of. At least for me anyway, my down times or times of frustration are usually over things than don't mean much of anything in the grand scheme of life.

          Kathy, congrats on day 67 - that is AWESOME!! I hope your funkydom lifts soon too. Sounds like you've been so busy in addition to the recent craptacular communications with X.

          **waving again to madisonmay!** Good to see you again. One day at a time baby - WE CAN DO THIS!!

          Deter - ewwww on an ice water soak. I got all cringy just thinkin' about that! If an ice bath is where this working out business is going to lead eventually, maybe I should just stop right now. (looking for any excuse to quit - do not let me get away with that!) Mean time, congratulations on Day 59!

          It's Day 38 here and I'm sure glad it's Friday! Life is good - all except for Mr. Evil (who on rare occassions disguises himself as Mr. Bathroom Scale) who is being mean.

          Hope everyone is having a good AF day and gearing up for a great AF weekend!

          Day 38 AF
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            FRIDAY 17TH

            Happy Aug 17th All,
            Once again I've allowed some time to pass without posting and you know that means I've fallen back into my bottle of wine. I got angry at my teens for being on the computer so much and totally ignoring their required reading that I pulled out the computer wires. Of course that meant I was cut off as well (I was going to be damned if I was going to ask them to reconnect the wires so that I could use the computer). I had got to 10 days AF but without the support here and, the fact that I had company who enjoyed their wine every night was just too much for me.
            So I'm on day 1 again but certainly happy to be back!!!!
            Starlight, great going on day 19!!!!!!!

            Kathy, I'm just amazed at you at day 67. As I said before I've always felt we had so much in common. You are my wake-up call. You have found the strength to go over two months without wine and now it's time for me to get serious about not drinking instead of just going through the motions. I know Maddy must be heading off to school soon and I hope that is going well. Sending your child off to college for the first time is so wonderful but a bit bittersweet as well. I'm thinking of you.

            Madisonmay,I'm a day behind you so I'll keep following you.

            Determinator, congratulations on day 59!!!!Looking at your Gourmet Mag avatar makes me feel guilty as I really don't like to cook. Maybe if I take my face out of the wine bottle I could concentrate on cooking a bit more.

            Doggygirl, I was sure of one thing before I signed on today after being away for over 10 days.........that you would still be here as entusiastic as ever at day 38. Thank you for all that your great posts!!!

            What makes returning to abs hard this time is that I didn't seriously overindulge of late. There was a part of me that said of course I can continue drinking moderately. Then, I come to my senses........ I know I can't!!!!!! We've all been down that road of self-deception.
            August 17th (and a friday to boot) is as good a time as any to start (again)

            Happy Friday evening all



              FRIDAY 17TH

              Hi Abbers
              well aren't you all doing well!! terrific! and I would like to echo kathy and say thanks to you Det for keeping us all on track...and thanks to you too DG for your upbeat posts they lift my spirits too. I have decided to quit my horrible new job. Sod it, life's too short! It's very pressured with impossible targets and I don't wanna play...
              Now I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I am 100 days AF on Tuesday ( YAY ), hubby say's he's so proud of me he's gonna buy a bottle of Moet to celebrate !!??
              Jane :heart:


                FRIDAY 17TH

                JANET!!! It is so cool to have you back. LOL on ripping out the computer wires, and then not wanting to ask the "kids" for help re-doing the wires. I don't have kids, but could see myself doing that with Mr. Doggy who is the one who knows all the fix it stuff around here. (I on the other hand, know where the yellow pages are stored around here) Congratulations on Day 1. WE CAN DO THIS!! Come play with the Booze Busters! I know what you mean about the notion of moderation being OH so attractive - but reality is that I KNOW I can't. It always helps to *hear* other people say it - just reinforces what I already know to be true for me. So we'll be old and gray someday together in our rockers sipping ice tea.

                WOW jane. 100 days on Tuesday - that is awesome!! I hope you will write us all a 100 Day Ramble about how that time AF has been for you and how your life is different and all that jazz. ALL inspiration is needed and welcome!

                Well, I'm getting ready to sign off for the evening - hopefully Mr. Doggy will be home soon. Hope everyone has a good rest of Friday and great weekend. If you get a chance to check in tomorrow, I hope you will look for the thread for Hannah - her 30 Day Booze Buster party will be tomorrow!! (shhhhh...don't tell her)

                Day 38 AF!!
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  FRIDAY 17TH

                  :welcome: Madisonmay and congrats on Day 2. It's good to see you here. Just take your 30 days one day at a time, and those days will rack up. I hope you will keep coming here to post. In good times and bad, these guys are great!

                  Good to see you Deter, but really, Ice Water? Yeeech!! I guess that will keep the garlic from leaking out of you though!

                  DG, thanks for your kind words. You're right too, most stuff isn't that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. I'm thinking of those poor miners and their families in Utah, and what are my problems compared to that??

                  Welcome back, Janet. I hope this is YOUR TIME to get things going on the Abs Train. I think that we have things in common too. Anyway, I am just as amazed as you are at 67 days. I've developed a passion for Lipton Diet white and green flavored teas instead. Losing a little weight along with the wine has been a big motivator too--as well as knowing that it will come right back if I start drinking again!

                  Jane, your husband is funny....missing the point a bit, perhaps?? I'll be waiting with you as your 100th day approaches!

                  Anyway, I'm off for a walk with a friend--sweet. I'm hungry though, but I guess that will have to wait for a bit.

                  Take care all!



                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    FRIDAY 17TH

                    Hi everybody..
                    I'm alive!
                    It's just been crazy busy here...
                    I canned over thirty quarts of pears today.. My SIL has a tree that just was loaded this year.

                    Thanks for thinking of me Kathy...and for calling.
                    I hope things are better there... I'm very impressed with your days af!
                    I'm just working all day so that I will drop at night.

                    I watched a Shanda Pierce video tonight while shelling beans. She is so funny ....she had a rough year but has bounced back and is using what she went through to share...with humor.... inspirational!
                    She used "my" verse...."Be still and know"..

                    :l s to all.
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10

