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I BLEW it.. sorry!

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    I BLEW it.. sorry!

    I had two days AF then just gave up. I had so much stress - an eviction notice to vacate, not knowoing if I was going to qualify for the loan on new house - hubby and daughter gone (I guess I eed their suppport more than I thought) - just blew it. I sat down and drank a bottle of red wine. AARGH!

    Anyway, I didn't enjoy it, I now know how good it feels to be sober - those mornings were remarkable! I guess I needed to test the water. I don't want to go in again. just a toe dip was good enough for me.

    My spirituality (I'm a buddhist), is SO calling me right now, I know I am going to make it.

    So here I am, try, try again. Hopefully this is it for me... Day 1

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    I BLEW it.. sorry!

    Nothing to be sorry for`ve just had a false start.........I had many.

    Feel I`m really going to make it now that I have 20 days under my belt, as you know you will.

    Not easy, but so very worth it.

    Love and strength to you.

    Starlight Impress x


      I BLEW it.. sorry!

      I am with you

      I am the same boat been home alone for a few days and fell of but I am back and ready to try or should say DO again!

      Peace and wellness to you


        I BLEW it.. sorry!

        Just keep plugging on MM. I,too,go a few days and then fall. I'm hoping that it's like riding a keep falling and getting back up. One day you just keep on going, never fall down, and don't look back.
        We can do this.
        Good luck


          I BLEW it.. sorry!

          Keep your chin up MM!! Let's do this together!

          "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

          ~Red :h


            I BLEW it.. sorry!

            vinophile;181038 wrote: I'm hoping that it's like riding a keep falling and getting back up. One day you just keep on going, never fall down, and don't look back.

            Yup, it's exactly like that. One of these days you'll hop on that bike and ride off into the sunset and never look back! Rootin for ya!

            :h Deb
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              I BLEW it.. sorry!

              Thank you all! - I really like the bike analogy! At least I didn't hit a pole!
              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                I BLEW it.. sorry!

                mm, I'm sorry to hear about the fall.'re right back here like a trooper and going at the Booze Beast again. That's what we have to do. So....Here is your Booze Buster's Butt kickin'. The WORST part of it is the Fugly Green Suit you have to wear.

                kickbu_c - Fotosearch Stock Photography

                Now THERE's some incentive for you!!! Welcome back and WE CAN DO THIS!!!!! It's so worth it.

                Day 39 AF
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  I BLEW it.. sorry!

                  green is DEFINATELY not my color.. I'll be good!
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    I BLEW it.. sorry!

                    Hey Mama,

                    Stress is what usually gets me, too. Hang in there; it sounds like you had a learning experience and are right and ready to brush yourself off and try again.

                    You are a valuable member of our group, and everyone is rooting for you!


                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      I BLEW it.. sorry!


                      Good luck tonight. It is tonight that matters most.


                        I BLEW it.. sorry!

                        MM, Don't beat yourself up too bad. The important thing is you came right back here and also you said you didn't enjoy drinking. I think that was a big turning point for me the last time I caved. The whole time I was drinking I was feeling guilty and thinking about this site and the people here. Get back on the horse. We are here for you. No need to be sorry. We have been there. You can do this, you know you can. Keep reading and posting... Don

