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Sat 18th

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    Sat 18th

    happy hangover-free Saturday AB-originees!

    vinophile and Southernbelle....great to see you

    oops, today is 59 not yesterday....darn math!

    Well, don't know what it is about my dreaming lately. Last night I had one of those rare but horride "sudden pannic" type dreams that a huge spider was all over me. I lurched out of bed, hit the dresser and landed on the floor with a 200lb thud! poor Dx, she was sure I'd really hurt myself. anyway finally got back to bed....dream free.

    Last night we went to a barby-Q with drinking friends and it was fine for me. I had my N/A beers and tonic water later on (forgot how much I like that) and we ate grilled veggies and steak until we near popped. So it's good that I've got gym today.

    enjoy the day and remember: we become what we think!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Sat 18th

    Hi Deter: After 40 days AF, I'm starting to really enjoy being AF while others drink. Last Sun. was my grandson's 4th b-day party. My son-in-law's family is loaded w/heavy drinkers (beer mostly). It was the first time I was sober around them. It gave me a real view of what I must have been like after hours of drinking. At last year's party, I drank so much that I blacked-out on all the presents, cake, games, etc. Not so this year. I enjoyed it all! Have a great rest of the weekend. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Sat 18th

      Happy Saturday Deter and Mary! Deter, that talk of steak and grilled veggies made me realize I'M HUNGRY!!! Congrats on Day 59 and your success staying AF at the Barby-Q. Sorry to hear about the wierd spider dream. Hope you didn't end up with bruises!! I had a strange dream last night too - really suprising. When I quit smoking, I did enough research to expect strange smoking dreams in the first several months. So they didn't come as a shock when I had them. One of the prevailing theories about those dreams is that since the conscious mind isn't allowing smoking, the subconscious mind is working through dreams to get a fix. (in the dreams you often you end up with a cigarette in your hand with no idea how it got there)

      I haven't really heard much about drinking dreams around here. But last night I dreamed I was in some restaurant - I'm fuzzy on who all was there - Mr. Doggy? I think one of my brothers? Anyway, I had a glass of wine in front of me and I was having this battle with myself over whether to drink it. Hmmm... Hope I don't have too many of those just because they are disconcerting in the middle of the night.


      Mary - congrats on day 40!!

      It's Day 30 and goin' fine here. Dog training just wrapped up. I hung with the guys for a little while during the 'after glow' but once I caught up on the "gossip" stuff I wanted to know about, I left them to continue with guy talk. The weather was awesome - it's only in the 70's today. First COOL day in a long time and now I'm hungry for fall. The dogs work GREAT when the weather first cools off - they are rarin' to go.

      Just catchin' up a bit, then will be off to the grocery store! How cool to be able to drive ANYWHERE after dog training!

      Happy AF day to all!

      Day 39 AF
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Sat 18th

        Hi All,

        It's a beautiful day here, too, DG; the weather is just right! I wish I had a hammock (or a hummock) between two trees so that I could lay down and relax and have a little nap in the fresh air. What a treat!

        Maddy just roared in here and roared back out again. She just got her hair cut and doesn't like it. So she was banging around here pissing and moaning and yelling. Ugh! I can't help but feel, no wonder I drank! My telling her it looked pretty didn't help in the least bit, obviously. Fortunately her friend came around and rescued me, cause I was about to lose it with her. Maybe her friend will convince her that her hair looks good (it really does!) I am so ready to be done with drama!

        DG, clearly you are enjoying not being limited by having drank earlier! Hurrah! Also I'm sure you must be so pleased with your 39 days! Well done!

        I'm glad that your party went so well last weekend, Mary. It's pretty amazing being sober when others around you are getting drunker, isn't it? Congrats on your 40 days!

        Hey Deter, your barbeque sounded great! The spider dream not so much....I hope you're not too banged up!

        It looks like everyone is having a busy Saturday and hasn't posted yet.

        I've got to update my profile on a health providers' site so that all the insurance companies can update my profile, then I have to check again to see if Maddy's student loans have posted, blah, blah, blah. No nap today, I'm afraid.....oh well!

        Hugs to all!:l


        AF as of August 5th, 2012

