vinophile and Southernbelle....great to see you
oops, today is 59 not yesterday....darn math!
Well, don't know what it is about my dreaming lately. Last night I had one of those rare but horride "sudden pannic" type dreams that a huge spider was all over me. I lurched out of bed, hit the dresser and landed on the floor with a 200lb thud! poor Dx, she was sure I'd really hurt myself. anyway finally got back to bed....dream free.
Last night we went to a barby-Q with drinking friends and it was fine for me. I had my N/A beers and tonic water later on (forgot how much I like that) and we ate grilled veggies and steak until we near popped. So it's good that I've got gym today.
enjoy the day and remember: we become what we think!