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Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

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    Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

    When it comes to quiting drinking me thinks me thinks too much!!!I know when I stop thinking so much my life flows so much smoother.

    I pulled out a story I remembered that reminded me of my "thinking dilema called "THINKING ABOUT WASHING". It goes something like this...

    One night each month the monks had to forgo sleep for a whole night to meditate all night. They didn't mind becasue they know they could nap next day. One morning after one of these all-nighters the abbot callled to one of the junior monk and ordered him to wash a huge pile of robes. This was an enormous task because in the traditional way of washing these robes he had to haul the water from the well, make a fire, machete the chips for the water so the color wouldn't fade, then pour water over the robe slowly, and pound the robe until it was clean - this had to be done one-by-one. To do one was a big task, but to wash such a large number of robes would take hours!

    Seeing this young monk's dismay, one of the older monks went over to help. The young monk said, "couldn't he have waited until tommorrow? Didin't he realize I haven't slept all night? I didn't sign up for this, this is unfair, isn't there an easier way, why isn't anyone helping me, why me?"

    The elder monk looked at him and said "thinking about it is much harder than doing it"

    The young monk fell silent and just stared at him. After a few moments of silence he quietly went back to work. Later that day the young monk came up to the elder monk and thanked him for "helping him with the washing". It was true, he discovered, thinking WAS the hardest part.


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

    Yep - washing is "just washing".

    Not drinking is JUST not drinking!

    It is the attachment or aversion that goes along with it that causes the suffering!


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

      Hmmm, Satori and MM - yes, know-it-all here knows it all (?!?!?!) but just needs to be and /or do and not think!!

      We certainly get what we most need to learn here and I am sooooh grateful

      Off to 'not-think'! (Can I ponder in a healthy way though? Ponder on both your lovely words? Or not? Like, fly lightly over them butterfly fashion and not wade in with hob nailed boots like I ususally do?)

      Blessings :l
      Feet x
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

        Oh how I can relate MM!!!!
        I have stumbled so many times by overthinking an issue. As an old irish saying goes......"you'll never plow a field by going over it in your mind"

        something to think about........



          Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

          Totally agree with you mm, that thinking about quitting is far harder than actually quitting.
          However, I think like many, I would have found it difficult to relate to this idea, whilst still determinedly latching onto my wine bottle.

          I appreciate this idea now that I`ve quit and find myself in no great pain though, so I guess it`s right how it`s said that "hindsight is a wonderful thing".

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress x


            Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

            Oh, how very true this is!
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

              MM I can relate to this, I had been thinking for weeks and weeks to take the plunge and get started on af days, but could always think of a reason to "I'll start next day/week/weekend" etc. Then last Thursday read one of the posts by Feet, which decided me "this is the day", go for it, stop thinking about it, and now I have been 6 days AF. Should have done this weeks ago instead of thinking what it would be like once I started, could I do it etc etc etc.

              Mary :l


                Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

                I really needed this post too, thanks.

                I think about drinking/not drinking/how much to drink/when/where etc blah blah blah...all day and often all night. Too much thinking. I just need to stop thinking about it and stop drinking too.

                Day one AF it is then.


                  Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

                  Pebbles, best wishes for AF Day 1!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!

                  MM, I love the story about the monk washing the robes. I can relate to the "pain" of over thinking things. As Mr. Doggy says, I put the "Pro" in Pro-crastination. I also like the quote about can't plow a field by going over it in your mind.

                  I guess that's where Nike got the "Just Do It" from too huh?

                  I've only sky dived one time, but I can say for sure that all the fun starts AFTER you finally step out of the plane and get the jump underway.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Thinking about it is much harder than doing it...

                    What are we talking about here ! HA ! Oh ya AF. Sorry. Your right it's the hardest thing you have to do ! Got to put my foot down & make a permenet decision. Go AF...& go with it. It's so hard sometimes. I drink because of anxiety. Need to deal with my work problem. Dr. asked me if I wanted to increase my anziety meds. I told her no. Maybe I should'nt have. I ramble on....tomorrow is a new day & will see everthing in a new light. IAD
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss

