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Wednesday, August 22nd

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    Wednesday, August 22nd

    Good Morning Absters!

    I noticed yesterday that the daily thread didn't exist! Yikes! Not that I started the thread either, but we are really in the doldrums around here!

    Have we outgrown having a daily abs thread? The abs "newbies" have their own 30 days threads, and that is great and very creative, but the daily thread used to be for everyone, from Day 1 to whatever. I know that, at one point, some people seemed to think that they needed to HAVE 30 days of abstinence to begin posting here!

    Should some of us start giving the Long Term Abstainers forum a workout? I've always felt comfortable here, so I'm a little shy about posting over there. I don't feel comfortable posting on a 30-day thread, since I'm working on 90 days right now.

    What are people's thoughts on this? I am missing our daily abs thread being a busy exciting place to come, with EVERYONE being welcome. I hope that no one takes this as being critical of the other threads, because they are great. I'm just missing the vibrancy of how it was.



    PS: Day 72
    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Wednesday, August 22nd

    Hi YAH!

    I love the idea of a daily thread.. I keep up with he booze busters thread because I am only on day 5 right now and it is a great support group for that, but I would like ot see a daily thread for ABS that is new and fresh each day, our daily thoughts - so my vote is yes!


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Wednesday, August 22nd

      Kathy, I totally agree....the daily thread needs some turbo-charging! perhaps some of the newer members are shy about being here? we'll cure them of that! we could always harass the long term abs but I'd love to see this daily thread thrive too.
      Had a great day yesterday and got in a super workout.
      MeditationMama, nice to have you here and congrads on your great journey into abs.
      be well everyone
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Wednesday, August 22nd

        Me too! Great!
        I miss Absville as it once was...
        It still is a wonderful place to be.
        It was a growing small town with all kinds of people and businesses! We EVEN had parties! Non drinking , of course!

        Do we need a new mayor to get the ball rolling?
        :h Nancy
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Wednesday, August 22nd

          Hey you all,
          I am in. What a great way to start the day!
          I'm on day 2(again) but I feel good.
          looking foward to today. Got to check on some work.
          and I am doing it with a clear head! never done that before!!
          This whole experience here with you all is so exciting for me!!

          Love and Respect to all


            Wednesday, August 22nd

            Hi Kathy, mm, Det and all to come.

            Kathy, no doldrums here........Day 23,
            Says I`m feelin` free!!!

            Kathy,have only just realized, your username is the title of a song by a Scottish band from my youth(many moons ago!!! LOL).....The Bluebells........loved them!!
            I still try to post daily on the Newbies In Need thread Kathy, but have "soft-spot" for this one...........came here as soon as I committed to AF, and was immediately made to feel at home..........thanks to all of you. A 90 Day abs thread might mean you and Det leave me......BOO HOO
            72 days is wonderful, Kathy..........truly hope and pray that I`ll follow you.

            MM............great to see you`ve joined us.

            Sun is shining here in Glasgow today........My!!!!, What a wonderful life!!!

            Splendid day to all.


            Starlight Impress x


              Wednesday, August 22nd

              Hi nancy and propartychief!!!!

              Starlight Impress x


                Wednesday, August 22nd

                Kathy: I was just going to start the daily thread when I saw that you did. I absolutely need this. I'm working on my second 30 days. My immediate goal is 90 days, though I wouldn't mind going through life abs since I've never felt better.

                I began drinking in order to have fun & be more social. All that went by the wayside when I progressed into solitary drinking. Now that I've been AF 44 days, I'm undoing the damage of those drinking years:
                -I'm regaining my confidence behind the wheel of my car - (I couldn't drive on the highway when I was drinking).
                -I've reconnected w/friends whom I dropped while drinking.
                -I've regained my sense of humor - (I couldn't even follow conversations after the first few drinks).

                I've gone to quite a few parties sober this summer, & it's a whole new experience. Nothing can duplicate that heady first-drink feeling. However, after that first drink (& there was always a next drink & next, next etc.), it was always downhill for me. Now, I can think about appropriate/witty responses. I don't have to be afraid to speak (will I slur my words?). Thank you MWO! I really like this thread. I'll start it if nobody else does. I have to babysit for my grandsons in the AM, so I don't always get to the computer until later. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Wednesday, August 22nd

                  Hello to all at absville. I remember the daily thread from a long time ago, and it was always good to come here on a daily basis. I recently returned to MWO after many months, did OK last time, but made the mistake of thinking I didn't need to come here anymore. Anyway back again, and I am 6 days AF. I also post on the booze busters, which is also a good thread. I look at as many threads as I can to get support and insight into other peoples fight with the dreaded booze. Look forward to reporting many more days abs(hopefully).



                    Wednesday, August 22nd

                    Kathy: I agree 100%. Also I miss Breeze here.


                      Wednesday, August 22nd

                      I like this thread, Day 12 here and all is well in spite of the recent drama here in MWO land. I'm working at a local county fair everynight this week until 11:00pm so it's been busy but busy is good...I enjoy seeing everyone "in progress", some on Day 1 and some shooting for Day 90, I think it's great and a big help for all. It shows we are all in different stages of our journey and confront lifes problems and continue to be AF. Hope everyone has a good day!! Don


                        Wednesday, August 22nd


                        Thread doesn't exist cause I wasn't here! LOL.

                        HELLO, HELLO.....
                        I'm back.

                        Got my right frame of mind back after beating myself up for over a week (didn't help that everyone else was disappointed/mad too). Things were talked out, went on a mini vacation to Newport, RI last week, started my new job yesterday (I like it & will share the funny stories later as I work STD (sex transmitted disease) clinics ~LOL).

                        So I'm back. I needed some time away to gather my thoughts & get my game on again.

                        awww....thanks for missing me barry. I missed you guys too. I missed starting my mornings with Abs. Although now I'm working 3 days out of the week (T,Th,F) and am up at the crack of dawn so I probably won't log on till afternoon. But now that I'm back-just try to keep me away!

                        Have a great rest of the day everyone!
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          Wednesday, August 22nd

                          Hi all...thanks for mentioning that Kathy. I thought several times that maybe I didn't belong here anymore -at 250+ days and that maybe I should go to the long term abs section.
                          But I feel comfortable here and there is not a lot of posting on the LTA section and even at this many af days...I still kinda need the daily posts to keep me going.
                          I also think sometimes our experiences can help those trying for their first 30 days. At least I'd like to think so.

                          Breez - so good to see you here! I think I'm looking forward to your stories too :H

                          Hello to everyone I didn't say Hello to too



                            Wednesday, August 22nd

                            right on! this is like it should be...lots of motley characters posting with glee

                            and Breeze is back....yeah! you owe us some STD jokes for sure...

                            congrads to the whole crew. Say, I'd like to know what our crew has found works for them to stay AF...anything new or interesting you've been doing/taking to help your mind/body?

                            I heard somewhere on the forums that L-Glutamine was keeping them up if they took it before bed...anyone have that? for me it's the opposite and seems to knock me out...mind you I also take it with Inositol powder (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of inositol and one heaping teaspoon of the L-Glut both mixed in juice).

                            A garlic a day keeps the warewolves away! or is it vampires? hmmmm.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Wednesday, August 22nd

                              Hi Absters,
                              Kathy, thank you for bringing back into focus the importance of the daily abs thread. I've been hesitant to post here as felt that I've returned to day one so many times I was becoming redundant in my failure.
                              It's nice to come back and check-in with you all,some who are quite new and some who really have been abstinent for a long time. This is really a wonderful forum and I know I appreciate every single post that is made here.
                              Here's to a re-energized daily abs thread!!!!
                              Thanks again Kathy for re-energizing this thread.

