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Friday~Aug. 24th

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    Friday~Aug. 24th

    Morning All-

    I figured I'd get up 5 minutes earlier so I can come here.

    Gotta love my new job. I see everything & get calls for everything from fleas in my house to bed bugs (which we don't handle & I transfer them to Environmental) to "do you test for HIV?" to my first day where a woman came in during lunch (go figure I was the only one with a nurse to help) and she wanted to know if we had the non-lubricated condoms. Hell it's my first day-how do I know. So i go ask the nurse & she was like "that's weird normally they ask for lubricated". So as she walked by the lady she was like why non and the lady goes "I want the ones for oral sex". Well duh. So the nurse goes "oh, the minty ones?" I almost fell over laughing. Then the lady goes "yeah, I just found out my boyfriend got gonorrhea". Yikes. This woman was my age.

    Well I'm off. Today is immunization where people wait till the last minute to have their kids shots before school. They told me it will be busy next week since school starts & kids are not permitted into school without their shots. Oy.

    Have a great AF day everyone. If I was drinking I would have never gotten this crazy job and some how would have sabotaged it with my booze. Life is good without the foggy brain.

    Enjoy the AF weekend everyone! Attached files [img]/converted_files/11771=1633-attachment.gif[/img]
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Friday~Aug. 24th

    oh Kath- loved the bank story. I feel my daughter (only 8) is heading in that direction. Spoiled, spoiled and I have to tell her how to do everything and my son-don't have me go there. Thanks for the warning of what I might expect!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Friday~Aug. 24th

      Hi Everyone: A few days ago, someone asked about what strategies people use to stay sober. I think it was on this thread. Anyhow, here's one of mine:

      When I was drinking, I used a good deal of our budget on booze. Therefore, I didn't want to spend any extra money. Now, that I'm spending zero on booze, I am conscious of spending some of the former booze money on:
      -treats for my kids & g-kids.
      -a new purse.
      -a nice lunch out w/hubby.
      -a great cut of steak.
      It feels good spending that money on fun/good stuff.

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Friday~Aug. 24th

        Good morning Breez and Mary...and those sleeping in...

        Breez- omg..I guess you will get used to it ! exactly how many flavors are there?? nevermind I don't want to know...ok maybe I do.. have a good day at work today

        Mary- the extra money is great isn't it? I get emails still from my Beverage World liquor store telling me about the good wine deals. I haven't cut off the emails yet because it is a nice reminder to me that I Don't go there anymore and I Don't give them all my money anymore Enjoy the extra $$

        At work now so I should go.. have a great day everyone.


          Friday~Aug. 24th

          Alooooha Friday ABlanders! Breeze...your new job is a trip! LOL just don't catch anything there!
          Mary and Lisa good morning! yes, it's great to be able to have something to show for yourself after spending money on 'real' things now. Drinking was so expensive in so many ways.
          had a killer workout last night...must have lost 5 lbs in sweat...whew! Packing for burning man and send our resumes....interesting combination of events I haven't had a vacation in 8 years so it's about time I got at least a mini vacation.
          Be well you all and all to join
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Friday~Aug. 24th

            Hi everyone
            I hope everybody has a good af weekend. Got one planned for here!
            We had a thunder storm last night.
            NO rain only thunder!

            We are picking grapes today....This is the easy part for me!
            It's when they are done and bottled and you "need" to taste test them....Wish my hubby would drop this "hobby"!

            Breez......funny but sad that we have to deal with all the std's, isn't it....
            I am an old married lady and I have two friends that got one from their husbands....yuck!

            Kathy...I didn't read the "bank" story but I think I've been there with my three. I don't even HAVE to read!
            They do grow up and start coming home and telling you what to do with your money...which they think will be theirs one day!:H

            DE....don't know what to say about the "burning man"...except...take water with you!

            Hi Lisa...good to hear your "voice" and that you are doing so well.

            Good ideas, Mary! I need a new purse!LOVE YOU ALL.
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Friday~Aug. 24th

              Good morning ladies and GENTLEMEN!

              On day 7 here!! That a big step for me as I haven't done 7 days in a long time. I am off to take my daughter on a mother/daughter weekend of shopping and an amusement park - what a riot this should be! I feel like a kid again. Free and sober, we will have so much fun. She gets her mom back... I am very thankful today!

              Have a wonderful weekend...


              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                Friday~Aug. 24th

                I'm at the office daydreaming about the weekend trying to decide what to do. There are so many more choices now that my weekend now starts with me up early and feeling crisp instead of that groggy, nasty, drag ass noontime start to a Saturday or Sunday.

                It's been said that one can measure their wealth by the number of things you have for which you would not trade for money.

                Clear headed weekends and the ability to do and find things to do that make me happy are something I have now that I would not trade for any money.

                One of the most painful things to me about getting sober is realizing just how much time I wasted in the service of the bottle. tick tock. Can't get it back, can't cry about it or obsess about it but it is like a dull aching reminder. I think that's what makes my free time so valuable to me now. What makes you happy? Do you know?

                Be well

                138 Days AF


                  Friday~Aug. 24th

                  Hi all,
                  Just popped in to let you know I`m still with you all.

                  Day 26 and finally decided to go down the supps road, `cos I just feel deadbeat.

                  I`ll be better company tomorrow.........PROMISE!!!

                  Have a fab day all.

                  Starlight Impress x

