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Saturday - August 25th

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    Saturday - August 25th

    Hi All,

    Today is college move in day, so I just popped in to say hi! Hopefully, I'll be back later to fill you in on all the fun!

    All of the posts from yesterday were really great!

    Happy Abs Saturday to everyone!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Saturday - August 25th

    Good morning Kathy and all who are yet to come!! I hope you have a great day at college check in. Still no electricity at our house - just shuffling things around on the generator to keep life going. But...NO BOOZE!!!

    Day 46 (I think) AF
    Day 3 no electricity
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Saturday - August 25th

      Good Morning All,

      Kathy, good luck sending your daughter off to college Fun and scary for bothe mother and daughter I'm sure. Let us know how it goes.

      I sent my oldest back to college yesterday. He cut his hand badly on some glass Friday night so we were at the emergency room til 4am Sat morning getting the hand stitched back together.Thank goodness I had not had any wine!!!!!
      Anyway between the clothes, books,toiletries,stuff for the room etc, I call it the $1000 send off.

      I'm happily on day 7 today but know that tonight won't be easy. Went to Costco last night and was appalled to see that they had added a whole new wine dept. Apparently many Costcos have them but it's new to the store here. My husband went in to investigate the wines and I started to follow him but did an abrupt about-face, nearly knowcking over two other shoppers on my way out, after seeing several bottles of my favourite wines mocking me with their low prices.
      Having some work done on the house today and the painters are calling me so I'll run but hope to check back in.
      Have a good day


      PS....Nancy/Belle, I wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you,your son in Iraq, and your whole family. I want you to know I thank you all for the sacrifice you are making. You are all in my prayers.


        Saturday - August 25th

        Good morning to both of you.

        DG-you never notice how we take things for granted till you lose electricity. My life would be on hold! LOL. No TV....nooooo. Luckily like you we do have a generator for our emergency sump pump in the basement & remember once we had a bad storm & lost electricity right in the middle of Survivor (yup we're reality TV followers) and my hubby went downstairs to get the generator to hook up the TV. We're bad. Hope it comes back soon.

        Kath-aw...I even remember my college move in. It's so exciting & fun. Make sure SHE does all the work....I used to pawn stuff on my parents while I socialized. My bad.

        Today is going to be an oppressive day. Heat warnings in our state. Up to near 100 and humid. Bad weather for breathers.

        Got hair appt for my son (got to get his haircut before kindergarten). Then tonight the next town over has a balloon festival & 6pm they're launching them. Unfortunately it's going to be hot & miserable.

        Gotta go change the kid's tadpole water. Geesh-how long till it turns into a frog? We've (or should I say I've since a tadpole is boring so mommy gets to take care of it till it's fun) had this thing since April. I think it's budding but still a tadpole.

        Have a great AF day everyone!

        Hi janet-we posted around the same time. Attached files [img]/converted_files/312504=1636-attachment.jpg[/img]
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Saturday - August 25th

          hi all:

          Vinophile I used to buy wine at our Costco all the time. The alcohol deptartment is the first thing you see when you walk in (maybe that's just me) it was really tough going there the first few weeks or so but now I go and walk right by it without even thinking about it. It really does get easier as you go.

          Looks like a great weekend here.

          Make good memories.


            Saturday - August 25th

            Oh and DG: Are you using a generator to post? You're Amazing!!


              Saturday - August 25th

              barry;184823 wrote: Oh and DG: Are you using a generator to post? You're Amazing!!
              Yes. The main items running on generator are Freezer, Refrigerator, computer equipment altered with TV. If this ever happens in winter there is a separate generator just to run the furnace. Mr. Doggy is prepared! I rolled my eyes many times over the money he has spent on disaster planning. But I had JUST stocked up the freezer with 70 pounds of Chicken and Turkey parts for the dogs on Thursday, and a stock up of 'people meat' from the butcher on Tuesday. The freezer is FULL. That plus what's in the fridge would have been ruined by now if not for the generator more complaints from me over the $$!!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Saturday - August 25th

                DG-you & Mr. Doggy are a hoot. Do you have an underground bunker too?
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Saturday - August 25th

                  Hi Everyone: I'm still trying to reconnect w/old friends. Tonight we're having an AF potluck w/some Alanon friends that we've haven't seen in years. I'm looking forward to it. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Saturday - August 25th

                    Breez;184836 wrote: DG-you & Mr. Doggy are a hoot. Do you have an underground bunker too?
                    Geez this feels like True Embarassing Confessions. There is a little room off of our basement. It's floor to ceiling, wall to wall concrete. The ceiling is only about 5 feet high so I have to duck at 5'9" and Mr. Doggy has to REALLY duck at 6'4". I have no idea what the original builder/owner of this house had in mind, but we call it the "bomb shelter." This house was built in 1967 but the initial architect designs were closer to 1960 so I suppose that is possible.

                    Anyway, Mr. D. has that thing outfitted with food rations military style (they used to be called C-rations but they are something else now), dehydrated raw food for the dogs, water barrels, a phone line installed, a TV, a card table and chairs, long burning oil candles, a little stove thinga ma jiggy, and countless other crap.

                    YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP!!!

                    OK - my arms are out and I'm ready for the straight jacket......

                    OK - seriously off to dog training...

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Saturday - August 25th

                      Good Afternoon!

                      So many posts already today.
                      DG - I would love your house. I hit an awful lightning/thunderstorm yesterday on the way home and was so scared I think I gave myself a headache! My next house will have a basement I can hide in during storms.
                      Janet- you did great at costco. I have a similar place - BJ's wholesale- that has a great wine section. I don't go there much anymore.
                      Oh- a very close friend stopped by today and although I mentioned that I'd stopped drinking I guess it didn't really click with him ( he had no idea I had any problem with it at all).
                      Anyway, he is cleaning out his house and brought me a magnum of white wine and a regular bottle of white wine! He doesn't drink white.
                      It is sitting in my kitchen. I think I will regift it for my friend's wedding....what do you think??
                      A year ago I would be putting both in the freezer so I could pop em open in a couple of hours. I would probably get thru most of that magnum myself.

                      Anyhoo....not gonna happen today. Today I'm cleaning the house and if the weather holds I'm going to a movie this afternoon. I'm doing this Meet up thing - off the internet. People who like to go to movies meet up and go to the movie then have dinner or coffee afterwards. Sounds fun right? I signed up to go today - the movie is Death at a Funeral - a british comedy.

                      Kathy - good luck with move out day! It will be fine - she is going to have fun.
                      Mary- enjoy your potluck
                      Barry- nice seeing you-
                      breez- you might want to google tadpoles...does it really take that long? you're a good mom. What do you feed a tadpole?

                      Happy Sat!!


                        Saturday - August 25th


                        Lisa-that sounds great. Have fun! oh-when I sent away for the tadpole(we have this frog environment thing for it) they sent some pellets that I crack in half & feed every other day. They say it'll not be interested in food that much since it's self digesting it's tail (yes that's gross to even think about) while it's legs grow. Ugh. After that we can feed it moths & crickets. That should be fun to watch-not. Lovely I'll have to go shopping for live crickets.

                        Just got back from the Humane Society-we're thinking of getting a dog. My daughter & I fell in love with a Shepard mix (she was on the medium size) but the problem was that she was 9 yrs old & isn't leash trained & bolts & might destroy if left alone in the house. She just reminded me of my childhood dog. Then my son got to close to a cat cage & this cat wanted to play & swiped his paw across my son's face right into his eye. The tears started. Needless to say-he hates cats now. Poor guy got scared.

                        Well off to the balloon fest. Funny (well not really) this afternoon in McDonald's the TV was tuned on to CNN news & they were showing this hot air ballon tragedy where it blew up at a festival somewhere.
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          Saturday - August 25th

                          Saturday in the no hangover zone!!!!! woooow ooooooooooie!!

                          yep, having a great day...packing for "burning man" well...gourmet camping of course.

                          Congrads to Vinophile and Lisa for fighting those temptations that creep up on us.

                          DG, I think I'd get along famously with Mr Doggy...I'm ready for Y3K so there! maybe even Y4K!! LOL

                          Just now enjoying a really yummy fruit/protein smoothie which is really hitting the spot. blueberries, tangerine, N/A daqueri mix....wowsers.

                          arritey...back to packing. Be well all yooos great folks.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Saturday - August 25th

                            I'm Back Already!

                            Well hi everyone!

                            I won't give TMI, just suffice it to say that I am starting to cool off. Nice to be in my central AC home again! Maddy's dorm is not air conditioned, which is not a problem 95 percent of the time, but of course on moving day, it has to be one of the hottest days of the year. She's also in a high rise on the sixth floor. There were long lines for the elevators, so we took the stairs for several trips. She made 5 trips, and I made 3, I think. I couldn't do anymore; my lungs were about to burst, and my heart was beating so fast! Definitely a sign that I need to start working out methinks.

                            At any rate, by then the elevators were considerably less crowded, so we made the last few trips on the elevator. What a relief! Whew! First task was to get the window fan set up! At any rate, I got to relax while she put everything away. Then assorted friends from orientation started showing up. It was good to meet some of the people she'll be hanging out with. Her roomate showed up with all of her stuff just as we were finishing. Her roomate seems quite nice, and her father was rather nice looking. We won't discuss what I looked like at that point.

                            Maddy and her friends were already planning some kind of party for tonight, and it was clearly time to leave. I'm feeling incredibly sad, but also happy for her, relieved that her RA seems like a very nice and competent person. We've had some very lovely moments in the last few days, and she has been very articulate about her feelings about leaving home--also very mixed--excited, scared, and sad. We're lucky that we have the relationship that we do.

                            Now I have only one problem. When the house is a mess, I have no one to blame but me! :sigh:

                            I haven't yet said hello to everyone! Thanks for all the supportive things you said to me in your posts.

                            DG, congrats on 46 days. I'm glad you have two generators. I think it is a wise idea. Your husband sounds like he is prepared for just about anything! I love the idea of your little bunker filled with food, etc. A perfect place to go during a tornado, too! Lisa and I would both be very interested in your bunker!

                            Janet, :goodjob: on your 7 days! I'm really happy for you. Boy, a Costco wine department sounds like quite a temptation. You did well to pass it by! I'm sorry your son cut his hand so badly. I hope it doesn't get in his way too much in school. You are a trooper to be in the ER until 4am.

                            Sounds like you have a busy day, Breez. Does your little tadpole have a name?? It's amazing that you have had it since April, and it's still a tadpole; I think I'd be trying to find froggie growth hormones on the internet by now! Incidently, I did let my daughter do MOST of the work!!

                            Hi Barry. You're sounding pretty good, my friend!

                            Enjoy your potluck, Mary. It sounds like a wonderful idea. I hope you have a great time.

                            It sounds like you have nice plans for the evening, Lisa. Death at a Funeral is supposed to be very funny. Enjoy having a clean house. Get rid of that wine if it becomes a temptation! I feel funny saying that because with as many days as you have, surely you know what to do if temptation strikes! Anyway Lotsa Love!

                            Anyway, if anyone is still reading this, I hope I haven't missed anyone. I'd love to take a nap, but it's almost dinnertime!

                            Have a good Saturday night, everyone!



                            Hey, a quick wave to Deter!
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Saturday - August 25th

                              Hello all....

                              Hey, I feel really bad that I'm not going to mention everyone by name here....just wanted to check in and say hello before chores; been out all day....

                              DG - you're a hoot and lovely....I don't think you're mad at all!!!
                              'The tadpole' had me larfing big time - thank you!! Are you sure it's not plastic?!?
                              Deter.....enjoy Burning lots of pics and go wild for us all!!! AF of course!

                              Love to all.
                              Carry on - we're all doing great!
                              Finding x
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

