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Monday~August 27th

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    Monday~August 27th

    Morning All-

    Have Mondays off but decided to get up early & take advantage of the extra time-cleaning of course.

    Yeah-got my son 3 new fish & they all love each other. We had 3 zebra danios (which are basically grey with stipes) and added glowfish which are danios with color added to them. Don't ask me how it's done but they are bright neon red/orange and add some color to the tank. They are zebra danios with DNA extracted from sea urchin.

    What is with me and animals in need this year?
    I think I was in denial at each fish feeding but yesterday hubby & my son were watching the fish intensely. My son goes "that fish has a fat belly". Hubby"I think it's pregnant". You know I thought about it but dimissed it as it being the alpha eater but deep inside I knew. I read that when they give birth you need to separate the babies right away because the fish eat their young. I don't need any more fish-we've reached our capacity and I'm not getting another tank. Hubby was like "let them eat them". Ugh-gross-can't do that-don't have the heart. Hopefully they'll be born when I'm not around and witness the aweful thing called the food chain.

    Sorry to bore you with my dilema but it's nice to be able to experience these things AF cause you know if I was drinking I could give a crap.

    Taking my son to visit kindergarten today. It's a 10 minute visit the classroom which we already did awhile ago but thought we'd do again. My son is having the same teacher my daughter had. She's nice but a little strict when a child gets out of line.

    Have a great AF day. We're all doing great!
    Accept your weaknesses & celebrate your strengths!
    Attached files [img]/converted_files/11871=1206-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/11871=1658-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/11871=1659-attachment.jpg[/img]
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Monday~August 27th

    Hi Breez and all to come.

    This is going to sound like a stupid question but are your fish salt water fish? (what I know about fish fits in the eye of a needle with room to spare) I've always heard that the most colorful ones are usually salt water fish. A few years ago Mr. Doggy got a betta (sp?) fish and we named it Jaws. I really fell in love with that little fish. I liked watching him do his fish thing. We even made a mobile tank for him so we could take him along when we went camping. When I walked into the kitchen one morning and he was floating there on the surface, I cried a bucket. So we don't have fish any more - I get too attached to everything! The kindergarten day sounds like fun. How is your son liking school?

    It's Day 48 AF here. The power is back on and while the yard still looks like a war zone, life is good.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Monday~August 27th

      Hi DG-

      They are fresh water from India I think: I just added pics of it. I just found out they genetically alter it.

      Yeah-we had betas too. One was Paco Taco & they other was April. So again I had to clean 2 separate tanks because I wanted one & my daughter did to. I fell in love with mine (paco) too. He died the day my sister-in-law was about to bring her mother-in-law to visit my house (my son was just born). I was balling and had to explain my red puffy eyes were due to the fact my fish just died. They just looked at me like I was weird. Of course at the time I had a few drinks in preparation of the visit & was overly sentimental-but they didn't know.

      My kids start school on Thurs. but today the Kinders get to visit to ease them in. He's excited since he will be going to big school with his sister.

      Glad your power is back on!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Monday~August 27th

        Breeze: I love the last line of your message. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Monday~August 27th

          Good morning everyone!
          I havent been around Abs land much in a while so I hope no one minds if I jump in. I really need some support from my friends here. I am on day 10 and I feel terrified. Terrified that it wont work (this non-drinking thing) and terrified of everything!

          I had an emotional weekend - some irritability and sadness, crying etc. I really didnt go out much because I was afraid to be 'triggered' to drink. I felt somewhat alone.
          Ugh. This is not easy. On friday, a neighbour's daughter brought us some eggs (laugh all you want, I live in the country LOL) and all I could smell on her was beer (she's in her 20's) and it was like I was smacked in the face with temptation....when does this get easier???
          Anyways, sorry to moan. I am glad everyone seems to be doing so well.
          Love u all
          Love Jen
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Monday~August 27th

            Top of the MOnday ABerooonies!!

            greetings all you early-risers and nice to see you in here Jen, so sorry your having such a time. Extra L-Glutmine for you would be my recommendation. I didn't really start to lose the daily struggle with feelings of emptiness untill about day 45...sorry! although it has been progressively better. Day 68 since my last 'accident' and now I'm up for a REAL challenge.
            I'll be pulling an all-nighter tonight for the first time in a very long time as we are going to 'burning man' festival two days earlier than previously thought. Dx and I are coming home from work tonight, finishing our packing and then driving out on the way to the black rock desert to meet up with some freinds at approx 1am to view the lunar eclipse. (which I will attempt to photo) then continue to the camp sight and set up camp. Good greif! I've never been much of a night owl....oh well.
            I'll be camping for 6 days without much chances of having internet access so I'll miss you all so very dearly!!!! snif sniff! I'll be busy being as strong as possible since this is a notorious 'get wasted for days' kind of event for a lot of people. Check out The Burning Man Project :: Welcome Home for more's pretty crazy! I'll hopefully have a chance to get online tonight before we go.
            Be well friends!!!!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Monday~August 27th

              Hey Jen, you are welcome with open arms! It does get easier. For the first several weeks of ABs, it wasn't that hard not to drink, per se, but I felt sort of dead inside, and I missed my routine of drinking. I was beginning to feel that my life was just going to be boring forever. It did lift after about 6-7 weeks though, and I began to feel more upbeat.

              I understand about your feeling scared. I do too, if I think too far ahead. So I try not to. I'm just taking it day by day and letting the days pile up. I find I am not the "life of the party" type at all without alcohol. I'm a different "me". I'm getting to know a new me. It's definitely a new experience.

              Anyway, I hope you will come and post as much as you want/need to.

              As for my other fishy friends this morning.......I love your pictures, Breez. I've had goldfish in the past, and a lovely Beta named Turquoise (that's what color he was). They all eventually kicked the bucket though.

              Anyway, Breez, you're not boring at all, and I hope you don't end up with a pack of little fishies to deal with too!!

              I'm glad that your power is back on DoggyGirl--though it sounds like you have a lot of work left to do. Happy Day 48!

              Waving to Mary!

              Anyway, I have to go throw in a load of laundry and get some stuff done around here. I miss my daughter. I'm cleaning up her room. I can't believe how much sh*t she still has in there! Unbelievable....I think she has clothes and shoes that she no longer even knows that she has.

              Okay, onward and upward!



              Oops, missed you while posting Deter!! I hope you have a great time out at Burning Man. I'll miss you and Dx while you're gone! XXX
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Monday~August 27th

                Deter-that sounds like "wow". I read a little & especially liked: You drink water constantly and piss clear LOL! No just kidding-the next line: You'll want to reconsider drinking that alcohol (or taking those other substances) you brought with you — the mind-altering experience of Burning Man is its own drug. Hope you & the Mrs. have a great time. We'll miss you.

                Jen-hang in there. Each person is different. It got easier for me after 4 weeks since most other times I tried to quit in the past I only made it to 3 weeks and then always slipped. Then when I reached 3 months I knew I could do it because again the most I would ever make it to when I really tried was 3 months. But then again you're not always safe when you let your guard down as I did at month 7. I have penalized myself 1 week(a binge & days of recovery) so since I've started this journey I have been AF 243 days (7 months straight).

                It takes alot of work in the beginning since you have to break old habits where the bottle had been a crutch for so long. Take those negative thoughts of not going to make it away. Instead, concentrate on the good things that are happening around you. I love the fact that each morning I could look out my window & know I can enjoy the day any way I can. I know that because I choose not to drink that I won't be hung over or too drunk and wasting the day away on the couch .

                We're behind you-you CAN do it!

                Hi Kath-we were posting same time. I bet you're counting the days till she comes home for break{smile}. Is her school far?
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Monday~August 27th

                  Ist's a beautiful monday morning here in the Northeast, never used to be able to say that!!
                  I'm taking a few days off from work to enjoy the last of the summer before it's gone, there's only one summer 2007. It's amazing when I was a kid summer used to seem like it lasted forever, now it seems to flash by in the blink of an eye.

                  Well my plan is to get the diet and exercise routine going this week and work on getting rid of sugar. I've had more ice cream in the last four and a half months than in the last four and a half years; and gained almost 15lbs to prove it!

                  Its nice to see you all here this morning.

                  [pre]Life is not a dress rehersal.[/pre] D. Brudnoy, R.I.P.


                    Monday~August 27th

                    Hey everyone, thanks for all the words of encouragement. Kath, like you, I'm not craving constantly per se to drink, but I DO feel that feeling of being a little empty inside. I also feel like life will be boring forever. I look forward to that feeling lifting and feeling better.

                    I have realized more and more that I use alcohol as a crutch. Example - last night I caught myself saying to myself, I just need an "out". Then I started thinking: an "out" for what??? What feelings/emotions etc have I been harboring for so long that I want to get away from my life?? I think these are important questions and the answers will really lift me up and make me whole. The journey is scary but I think it will be very worthwhile.

                    Well done everyone - i Love you all
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      Monday~August 27th

                      Inner: I'm 49 AF days today. Yes, it gets easier, but there are still temptations. I weigh the pros of abs & cons of drinking when I get tempted. Also, today while I was cleaning the bathroom, I had the sudden memory of a night last year when I was lying on the floor of it throwing up into the toilet. I don't want to go there again. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Monday~August 27th

                        Good Monday Morning!

                        I am really glad to be here posting on day 10 AF. It was a tough weekend, had a few cravings and struggles. But I am here, and that is what counts!

                        Breez - good idea on the fish! My daughter wants a puppy! I don't have time for a puppy right now... I wish I did, but I don't. We have a cat, but he has decided to be an outside cat, WARRIOR KAT - KING OF THE NEIGHBOROOD, and has no time for my daughter anymore. So, she want a pet. I will bring up a fish! Kindergarten - what a moment - I cried like a baby the day I took my liitle one! Enjoy!

                        Inner- I am also on day 10 - this isn't my first go around, either. I have actualy decided to try the supplements. I take a good multi-vitamin and B-100 Complex (for energy) in the morning, then around 4:30pm I take 2-3 Clames Forte (help me to relax a little), and 2000mg l-gluteamine. I am also taking 50mgs topamax in the evenings this time around and it is helping me a LOADS, but I know people have sucess without it. Day 10 and counting - I will be with you as we rack up the days!!!

                        Determinator - I have many, many friends on their way to burning man.. have a spectacular time! I haven't made it yet.. someday.. Can't wait to hear about your adventures when you get back!!

                        Barry - With you on the diet and exercise this week! I gave myself last week to just sit with my first sober week. This week I want to get moving! We are in the middle of a HUGE fire here, so I will be exercising inside. No hiking for the rest of the year, I'm afraid. This fire will be here for at least another month, they say... The air is AWFUL! So, I am off to the gym starting today!

                        YAH - Have a wonderful day! Hope laundry is not all you will be doing..

                        DG - LOL - sorry, that was a sad/funny story about your fish.. Maybe you could try those underwater frogs - they are a riot!

                        Mary - I try to keep those memories close right now. They are hard to bring up, but I think, important. Day 49 - WTG!

                        Smokey day here with the fire. No school for the kids.. so I am off to check on the spa and close it for a few days. Then off to my therapist to "take a little off the top" Good day to all!


                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          Monday~August 27th

                          NM-I'm not out of the clear. My daughter wants a puppy too-BAD! The fish are for my son but my daughter-she's whining. We're considering.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Monday~August 27th

                            Hi All, Day 17 here and all is well. Congrats to everyone on their AF runs, and stay strong to those who are struggling. For some reason I'm not, in fact, the thought of putting that poison back into my body is appalling. Have a good day everyone...Don


                              Monday~August 27th

                              Good Monday everyone.
                              I've just spent the last half hour reading on the "Burning Man page"..
                     say the least! Can't wait for Det and Dex come back and give a FULL report!:H

                              Sat. was rough here but Sunday was better.
                              Drove into town and had breakfast with the grand boys and our daughter then spent the afternoon on their new screened porch reading the news paper.
                              Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Absville is a nice place to "live".. You guys are good neighbors.

                     is hard not to call and check. I drove mine nuts lately with weather and toy recall info!
                              :l "s to Jen.....crying is ok and even cleansing...Been doing a good bit myself...
                              MM, Mary, Breez, Barry,DG and all to come!
                              Love you all

                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

