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Monday~August 27th

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    Monday~August 27th

    Just cruising the thrds.Hope Det has a great time,& stays AF.I know that feeling of wanting 'out' I thinkwe're just to used to grabbing a bottle to get 'out'.I am anyways.Started a few new things in my life (helping out at the soup kitchen) going to church,couple of yard projects,I found out if i didn't I would go back to the beer.See now I'm starting to just babble.MWO is another new thing,a great thing.Hope everyone has a super day.


      Monday~August 27th

      Hi everyone
      :welcome: comeatalook - Hope to see you here often. Those are some great things to involve yourself with - helps you and helps others - perfect.

      I'm late today - loved the fish pics Breez. We had a beta in our office. One of my gen accountants had it on her desk - we named him Finnegan. I talked to him every morning.
      I think my cats would love for me to get fish!
      hey Nancy- I have more doves again! I have a family of doves that have a nest at the back of my house (between the house and the gutter drain. This couple have had at least 4 (probably more like 5) sets of babies. The new babies have just started flying and one sat on my patio furniture for a few hours yesterday. My cats went nuts. The babies are so cute!

      Sorry - to not speak to everyone directly right now -posting too late

      I'm headed home from work.
      oh, Kathy- I spoke with my very good friend and she took her daughter to college for the first time this past weekend. My friend is a bit of a wreck. SHe has three daughters and this one is the oldest (she is my goddaughter too ). Lynn, my friend, said that she and her new buddies at school were already planning a party before she even left!
      She is driving up to visit her over Labor Day :H I think it's much harder on the parents!



        Monday~August 27th

        Hi All,

        A quick hello to you all !!!!Still hanging on at day 9. Weekend was indeed tough but it's nice to hear from you ab-pros that it get easier after a few weeks....soemthing to look foward to!!!!!!
        Am finding good books and renting movies helps. I guess they are my new escape. Haven't figured out yet what I'm trying to "escape" from but that's a whole different topic.

        Will definately have more time to post tomorrow. Have a great evening all.



          Monday~August 27th

          Hello everyone...Again no time to be totally individual....sooooh tired and it's 00.30...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Beach with my son was just great. Soooh many people all enjoying a day out....good energy! No room for the kite...too many folk and a very high tide. (This beach is 6.5 miles long and the tide goes out around 0.5 mile and I have seen holes dug - why do kids dig holes now, we used to build castles?!?! - over 8 feet deep (scary in the dark, don't like it myself and always fill them in when we leave) and still there are no stones, just glorious clean, yellow sand!!!)

          But we played cricket instead... (I'll print the 'rules' tomorrow and confuse the hell out of you all over the pond...not the pondS as I think you upside-down Aussies are too darned good at them already!!!! LOL.) My son is good (read lethal!!!) and I managed to get in the way twice and it hurt! Bowling, striking and running on soft sand-duney sand has completely finished me! I've found muscles I haven't used for years!!! Great fun but I'm curled up with hotty bottle and pain!!!
          But a v good day and I really hope a v good day for you all too.
          To all newbies, hang in there; it gets better. To 'the gang' thanks again for everything and just to say Deter, if you haven't gone already, have a FAB time...I couldn't believe B. Man when I first read about it in a book called, "Around the world in 90 dates" (Brill - sorry can't remember who by) and Googled it and thought WOW!!!! Go mad sober wont you?!?! Breez - you and your fish are cracking me up...and now DG's joined in!!!!...... I don't know! It's great. And Kathy. so thinking of you. I've got it all to come next year (18) but first daughter's (29) wedding this Saturday. Seeing her for the first time in 4 months in 2.5 days time...yea! Really odd not to have been more involved with the wedding but she's far away (in UK terms!!!) and they're doing it all themselves.... And MM - you're doing great....another version of 'being all fired up with intention' I think!!!.... I hope you're safe.
          And I hope you're all safe.
          Must sleep..............nite nite.
          F xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

