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Tuesday~Aug. 28th

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    Tuesday~Aug. 28th

    Morning All-

    It's going to be a busy day today at work. We're doing double clinics (STD & immunizations) since the start of school is tommorrow for the city I work for & you'd be suprised how many people do not have a DR. for their children & come to the Health dept. because the schools tell them their children need shots. Personally I like the STD clinic in the afternoon vs. these poor little ones who scream & cry. Last Friday the nurse goes to a little boy "it'll only be a pinch" & the boy calls for his dad & goes "daddy I don't want a pinch!" with crocodile tears streaming down his face. And thn you have the kids that parents have to restrain. Even with the doors shut it sounds like someone beating the kid up.

    Well-I'm off. Will check in later. Have a great AF Day everyone!
    The most you can do is your best today!
    Attached files [img]/converted_files/11908=1670-attachment.gif[/img]
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Tuesday~Aug. 28th

    I'll be Alone Again!

    Good morning all!

    My sister got a job that will necessitate her moving away. She told me last night. I knew that this was a possibility, but I was hoping that it wouldn't come to pass. Right now I am feeling angry and scared. I don't want to be alone again. I have spent so much of the last 10 years alone. It is a double whammy with Maddy going off to college, even though she didn't provide companionship at 17. My poor sister is also upset. At any rate, this really sucks for me. I'm afraid that I'll get depressed and that it will ultimately jeopardize my sobriety. I don't want to let that happen, so I'm going to have to reach down deep to get myself through.

    The silver lining to all of this is that my sister will be living close to my mother again. My mom is getting scared of being alone herself as she gets more frail, and I know it will be very reassuring to her to have my sister nearby. I'll feel better about that part too. But damn it!:boohoo: Oh well, maybe I'll have to go online and drum up a few dates for myself....AF of course!

    Okay, enough of that rant! I'm sure I'll be talking about it plenty in the next two weeks before she leaves.

    Anyway, Breez, I hope you have a good day at work. I can appreciate that the screaming children might be a bit much. It must frazzle your nerves!

    Anyway, have a good day all. I think I'm going to go leave a pissy voicemail for my therapist. :H


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Tuesday~Aug. 28th

      Hi Breeze & Kathy: I'm doing fine...feeling strong & determined. I was just on the newbie forum & was posting about my many slips until I found MWO & sobriety. I feel incredibly grateful today for the 50 AF day mark. Now I can stumble, mumble, forget, make mistakes, etc. wo/feeling paranoid that someone is going to ask me if I'm drunk. I'm not drunk...just human. Have a great day. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Tuesday~Aug. 28th


        Breez - I'm with you, really cringe when I see little ones cry. Hate it for them. However, you know that the shots are so important for them so it is a good thing, no matter how difficult.

        Kathy - Whew. It sounds like you are having to deal with too many life changing events at one time. I can surely relate to the lonliness. I live alone in hotels every week. It is very isolating. Yes, I'd send a pissy vm to therapist, if I were you!! At least that might make you feel better. I don't know you very well, yet, hope to get to, but perhaps you can think of something to do away from the house a couple evenings a week. Dance lessons, exercise, something? I used to use the hotel bar but have to give that one up!! So, I am going to start swimming in the evenings. Maybe I will luck out and once in a while get to meet some people -- especially family with kids swimming -- so I can have something to fill up that empty time at night.

        Mary - What can I say? 50 days. I remember so clearly your struggling way back. You are one of the reasons I can say I have gone 6 days and working on 7 today. Every day you post your thoughts about your journey and I find that so very helpful. Thank you.

        I am fighting a horrible headache this morning and putting off going into client until it is down to dull roar. I hate being late but it is better than coming in looking like road kill. However, I am elated, proud and determined to keep it up.

        Love to all and all to come,
        AF April 9, 2016


          Tuesday~Aug. 28th

          Breez, I totally empathize with those who work for health clinics!! When I take my daughter in for shots all you can hear are those poor little ones just screaming like they are being torchered behind the closed door. I thank goodness my daughter only cried for two needles out of all of them thus far! Her yearly flu shots in the arm. I found a bit of discomfort with the flu shots as well. (I am a wuss tho!) If I was in working in a health clinic I would wear ear plugs!

          Hello to the rest of you!! Have a great day everyone!


            Tuesday~Aug. 28th

            Hi everyone: It's day 143AF for me today and I am starting to feel very good, awake, motivated and happy. Looking back, the first three months or so we're really tough mentally and physically. Tired all the time and somewhat in a daze from the topa although at the time it felt good just not to be drinking. I've been off the topa for about a month or so, I should have written down the day I went off it, darn. I know I wouldn't be where I am now without the kick start of the topa but I'm glad to be off it now and doing great.

            We have some big drinkers comming over for dinner, I'm not exactly worried about it but it is a funny feeling nonetheless like what to do or tell them. My wife is the only one who knows I've gone sober, I haven't even told by business partner.

            In the past, when we went out to parties or dinners I was always the designated driver because I didn't want to drink and drive and I had no interest in just a couple of drinks. I would start drinking when we got home, real drinking not just a couple. I've always been amazed at people that could just have a drink or two and that's it. My wife is like that. I'm not like that and that's all there is to it.

            I know, have accepted and made peace with the fact that I can not drink anymore than I can stick my hand in fire and not get burned. This acceptance is liberating.

            Anyway that's enough of a ramble.

            Be well.


              Tuesday~Aug. 28th

              Hi everybody.

              Been cleaning out and cleaning house all morning.
              Its smells like lemons here!

              Oh Kathy....That does suck! It probably seems like everybody else is moving on with their lives and left you there in the dust!:l
              Is there a Y or fitness club near you? With winter coming up in a couple of months, it might be good to get out of the house and do that.
              My daughter works out a couple of times a week and she says it helps her mood and stress.
              The nearest one to me is about twenty miles from here.(
              Cleaning out makes me feel better. I've had several really down days lately so I decided to shread, throw away and just get busy inside my house for awhile.
              Dr. Wayne Dyer says that we only need and use 20% of what we own!

              Kids and shots! :upset: I had to catch my daughter when she was small as she made a break across the parking lot. The big tears break my heart!
              Mary, Breez, Barry , Cindi, Acc,:l s all around and to all who come!.
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Tuesday~Aug. 28th

                You're right Nancy. I do have several gyms nearby that I could join. I am almost finished cleaning out Lindsey's room, and I do want to get on with the rest of the house, as well. I do want to downsize on the amount of "stuff" that I have. I don't want to lose sight of those goals just because I'm sad.

                Cindi, you're right that I should get out and so some activities, as well. I need to do that. I can imagine that a life of business travel can get wearing. No wonder people who travel drink so much! You are very smart and courageous to get rid of the booze beast. I hope your headache gets better soon. Enjoy your swimming!

                Hi to Mary, AFM and Barry! I hope you are all having a good day!!


                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Tuesday~Aug. 28th

                  Hi All,

                  Day 10 and feeling ok. The weather is absolutely wonderful here so I'm trying to appreciate that. Now that my many houseguests have left and I only have two sons at home I'm trying to wind down a bit and slow down my pace. I have always used wine to relax and wind down so it is a bit of a challenge to learn to do so without the alcohol.

                  Breez, I always wondered how the nurses in the pediatrician's office could listen to those blood-curdling screams from the toddlers getting their shots. When my kids were young and hated getting those shots I would always leave the office dripping in sweat even in the middle of winter. Hope you get to relax at the end of your day.

                  Kathy, I was thinking how wondeful it was that you acculmulated so many AF days before your daughter left for college as that can be an emotional time. I forgot that your sister was living with you. I'm sure her leaving will be tough but I'm sure you'll handle it just fine. I would certainly recommend joining a gym as they can be quite social as well. Do you have any book clubs in your area. Before we moved I belonged to a great club with wondeful women. I really miss it!!! When is your sister leaving?

                  Cindi, Congratulations on day 7 and I hope your headache is better.

                  AFM- Hi!!! your advice is always so great!!!

                  Barry, 143 days is awesome!! I like your saying " I can't drink anymore than I can expect to stick my hand in fire and not get burned"

                  Nancy/Belle, You have been though so much lately. I've been thinking of you..I admire you so much!!!!

                  Everyone else to come have a wonderful evening!!!



                    Tuesday~Aug. 28th

                    Hi guys,

                    Sorry not to reply to you all individually. I have read your posts though I promise.

                    It's just that I'm dog tired as today was my first day at work. It went really well, the job isn't fabulously paid and it doesn't take very much brain power, but it's just great to be working again. All my colleages are friendly and accomodating and the ruglar income will make a big difference.

                    I've made it to day 20 too and hope to go alot further. I may give the Topa another go, I suffered a bit last time with some not so nice side effects but I have read that people's experience can differ hugely the second time round.

                    Anyway see you all on tomorrow's thread.

                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                      Tuesday~Aug. 28th

                      Oh Kath-you still have us. I'd try to take some classes-I always wanted to increase my photography skills but I just can't fit it in my schedule. Maybe you can look into that.

                      We had one girl today literally punching her mother yelling "I hate you" and would not take her TB shot. Her momther was like "if you don't get the shot you can't go to school." "Then I won't go to school". Nice way to negotiate-NOT. Yeah threaten them by not sending them to school. And the mother worked across the street at the hospital in the lab & her supervisor had the nerve to call our Director (who was not in) but asked my supervisor if she could go ahead of the line because they were short staffed and she needed her back asap. We're not affiliated with the hospital-don't know who she is. The nerve. Of course we said no. Funny that her daughter caused such a scene that she left without getting her shots but did come back a half hour later.

                      I can't wait till they stop the extra immunization clinics. I'll stick with STD people anyday.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Tuesday~Aug. 28th

                        Hello all - Hope you're doing fine. (and happy too!)

                        Breez - needles and fish?!?!? Wot a life you have! Good luck with it all! Do fish get STD too?!

                        I didn't do too well last night on the old sleep stakes....2am - 6.15 am, No idea why and did the day fine but now.......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Lots on and I know it will not be good to get tooo tired - need to keep on top of my mind!! (Dream on...!)

                        So, love to all and sleep well on this side of the world and have a really good day to folk waking up to a new day...... Thinking of you all - warms me o'l heart. Thanks.

                        Love F x
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

