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Wednesday, 29 August 2007

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    Wednesday, 29 August 2007

    Hello Absville,

    Back from holidays! Starting off Wednesday with a big hello from this side of the globe. I'm still in jet lag mood. Hope everyone is alright.

    What's the news? Any developments? Is the monarchy still in place?

    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Wednesday, 29 August 2007

    Hiya Paddy - welcome back!

    Wot Monarchy do youu mean?

    UK's Queen Liz - or Doggy Girl?

    Have a good one!

    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Wednesday, 29 August 2007

      Good to see you back Paddy!

      Satori ... you really have to stop being a Scot for a moment and extend your arms. There's money in the bottom of them pockets!

      The Monarchy is under threat in Subscriber land ...........


        Wednesday, 29 August 2007

        Tawny - I'm probably one of the most un-tight people I know (Dana and all that!) - and Scots are one of the top nations in donations to charity - It is an unfair stereotype you are perpetuating there!

        Just coz you aussies all wear hats with corks - you think you can ride roughshod over other nation's good names!


        (Actually I have reasons OTHER than monetary for not being able to subscribe!)
        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          Wednesday, 29 August 2007

          I like my corky hat .... and yes - riding roughshod is good in a friendly take-the-mickey sort of way.

          'Specially with folk who get the drift ....


            Wednesday, 29 August 2007

            Morning All-

            Hey Paddy! Hope you had a good holiday!

            Well-I was complaining about my tadpole taking so long to change & well overnight it's got back legs. They are so cute since they are not yet fully developed. So yeah-it's on it's way. But at the rate it's going it'll turn into a full frog when winter takes over in a few months so we can't take it outside! Now as soon as the front legs emerge the tail will start to disappear because according to the pamplet :"During the period between the first appearance of the front legs & the complete loss of it's tail, your young froglet will not eat. It will get its nourishment from its tail as it is being absorbed into the body. In a few days its tail will disappear and your new frog will have its first real, live meal". Oh yeah-can't wait for that! Gross.....

            Well enough of my Wild Kingdom lessons-LOL.

            Ah-glad I have the day off. Yesterday was a zoo. Plus I had been told that some info. I enetered in the computer wasn't there. The database this lady from Bord of Ed. developed is crap (I should know-I did that sort of job (database developement) for the state yrs ago). So I was able to blame the program but in actuality I think I just forgot to press the update button upon leaving the screen (when I created these kinds of programs I had them automatically save info). Hard to teach an old dog new tricks. What a feeling blaming my last remaining brain cell and not booze brain!

            Waiting for the kiddies to wake up. Ha ha, tomorrow at this time they'll have their lazy butts up for school!

            Have a great AF day everyone!
            Hope is a fire that never goes out.
            Attached files [img]/converted_files/317455=1685-attachment.gif[/img] [img]/converted_files/317455=1686-attachment.gif[/img]
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Wednesday, 29 August 2007

              Hi Paddy, satori, tawny, Breez and all to come.

              Am just catching up with everyone, `cos I`ve not been around much these past few days.

              Am on Day 31 now and feeling much better.

              Have a splendid day all !!!

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress x


                Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                Hi Everyone: Lately, thoughts of drinking have been going through my head. Nothing serious, but I know that I must be on guard. Thank goodness for MWO. When I have thoughts of a cold, dewy glass of white, I just imagine myself reporting back to you all that I've slipped. I don't want to go there. Have a great day & again, congrats Star on the big 30. That was a real milestone for me. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                  'Morning Abbers,

                  It's nice to see so many posts here already, and thanks for starting things off, Paddy! Good to see you again. I hope you had a restful holiday.

                  Hi Satori and Tawny. I hope you're both well, corks, pockets and all.

                  I'm actually enjoying your tadpole (mis)adventures, Breez. Are you planning to release it one day, or will it be hippity-hopping around your house? And live food? Yuck! Good luck with the back to school stuff!

                  I'm glad that you're feeling better, Starlight. We've missed you around here. Happy Day 31!!!

                  Mary, I find the thought of coming here and reporting a slip rather daunting too. The way I'd feel about myself is becoming really important to me, as well. It sure would be hard to make peace with having to go back to Day 1 again. Keep up the great work that you are doing!!

                  I have an incredibly easy day today, work-wise, so I'm hoping to get some extra stuff done around here.:fingers: I figure that one thing that will make me happier with my sister gone would be to have a home that feels serene and comfortable to come home to. That would be a lot of work, but very worth it.

                  So that's all for now. It's nice to have an unstructured day in front of me!

                  Hugs to all!:l

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                    Kathy: Your affirmation means so much. Thank you, Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                      Aloha, my friends.. I have the day off, so I feel like I am on vacation!

                      I am going to be home packing, actually going through and making piles to give to the local womans shelter. We are moving into a new house in a few weeks. I feel like PURGING, and not the drunken spewing kind, the "I feel great and grateful, I don't need all this sh*t", purging..

                      On day 12, and truly feeling great. We are still batteling awful fire, but nature is what she is, and she will be done when she is done.

                      Have a glorious day everyone!

                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                        Hellow AF'ers! Paddy and Tawny, I'm definitely not up to speed on the state of the Monarchy. One of these days I will have to go actually read in the subscribers section. You guys might wear out whatever those body parts are that do laughter though.

                        Satori, I am thrilled and flattered that you think of me in a Queenly sort of fashion. I don't think the Alpha B gets a crown though. I'm not sure I understand the jokes going back and forth, but the thought of money in your pockets made me think of show and handbag vouchers. SWMBO is sending me vibes apparently.

                        Breez I too am lovin' your tadpole adventure! When I first read about how she/he will survive now on the tail, I thought maybe it ATE it's tail! Glad to know that's not the case. Do tell us more about where the frog will ultimately live!

                        Mary - I know what you mean about having to be ever vigilent. Sometimes the thoughts just sneak right up. I have to keep an ever handy list of things to do for those moments. LOL my house is cleaner than it's been in a long time that's for sure! And I still haven't run out of things to list!

                        Kathy, enjoy your unstructured day!! I know what you mean about never wanting to come here and fess up to drinking, and also having to go BACK to Day 1. NO WAY. I'll chew my own hand off first before I take a drink and have to do that!

                        Starlight it's great to see you!!! Congratulations again on making your 30 Day AF Challenge. I hope you feel great about that and welcome to Day 31!

                        MM - have fun letting go of the old stuff!! And Happy Day 12.

                        Hope Deter is surviving the Burning Man event and all other AFers are having a great day!

                        Day 49? 50? AF
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                          MM-good luck on your move. I have so many shirts & pants etc. that no longer fit me as I've gained a ton of weight since quiting the booze. It's that oral fixation thing. I know I need to go thru my closet & get rid of stuff but can't get that thought of "maybe one day I'll wear it" out of my brain.

                          Star-good job! Onto another 30....

                          Kath-this frog-again for not getting all the info until I get them-the pamphlet said that they should not be released because it was raised in captivity it will not learn to survive in the wild. Also it won't be aggressive & won't be able to defend itself. "Your frog will probably not live long in the wild". Lovely-now they tell me. Plus by the time this thing matures it'll be winter-so either way I'm stuck with it in the house. We've been planning on making a manmade fountain, stream, pond thingy in the backyard but never got around to it since other projects took precidence. Maybe now next spring we could & give the frog it's own pond. With my luck some wild beast of the night would eat it. So for now it's home will be in it's plastic "Planet Frog" terrarium. And for such a little bugger it sure craps alot!

                          Hi DG-we were posting same time. Congrats on those AF days. They sure are adding up! Good job!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                            Hello Friends.
                            I'm missing this place.
                            I've got a few minutes so I popped in to say hello.
                            Still going strong on the AF front. (151 days)
                            I hope to be on here a lot more once things settle down here.
                            Thanks guys!


                              Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                              Congrats to you Popeye with 151 AF days! You must be feeling remarkable!!!!! Think of all of the energy you will have for two grand babies! Glad you popped in!

                              Hi to the rest of you. Great job on your AF successes as well!

