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Wednesday, 29 August 2007

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    Wednesday, 29 August 2007

    Congrats to all on your AF runs... Day 19 here and all is well!


      Wednesday, 29 August 2007

      hi all: Sounds like all is well today in Absland.

      It's astonishing to me that I don't drink anymore, I have to pinch myself sometimes.
      To think it is all because I stumbled, probably in a drunken stupor, upon this site.
      Truly Serendipitous! (always wanted to use that word) To think of all the people suffering from alcohol problems is mind boggling, I feel very lucky to have found this place and have a full life again. I remember before I found this place stuggling on my own trying to quit, failing miserably, constanly worrying about my health, and thinking well this is it I'm just going to drink myself into an early grave. It was terrible. I don't ever want to go back to that.

      Congrats Starlight on the 30 days and Mary the 51 days is HUGE.


        Wednesday, 29 August 2007

        Popeye: Missed your post, nice to see you still going strong!

        Be well.


          Wednesday, 29 August 2007

          Hello to you all!!!!

          Nice to see so many posts this early!!!
          Day 11 here and although I have not,as yet , been plagued by severe cravings I do find myself wandering around the house at "wine time" wondering what to do to reward myself. I actually feel like a toddler who has been deprived of its pacifier and needs to find a new way to soothe herself.

          I am a bit worried about the upcoming Labor Day weekend as unexpected invitations will pop up I know. I need to have a plan to deal with them and will work on that over the next two days. Does anyone have plans to counteract the draw of the drink this weekend? So many of you folks are real pros at this now.

          This will sound strange but ....I'm thrilled as my husband is having elective day surgery to remove a small benign growth from his ear....Now why does this thrill me??????? Because his Dr advised him not to drink for 10 days prior to surgery because of possible bleeding!!!!!!! He can't drink either and that will assist me greatly in getting through the next several days.

          Hope you all have a great day. I hope to come back later.



            Wednesday, 29 August 2007

            Vinophile: Getting through 4th of July wekend was huge for me; parties, parties, parties.
            I know for me what helped is keeping busy, busy, busy; my house, basement and garage are spotless!!
            Also, while drinking I let many former hobbies and interests stagnate. What worked for me is to pick these things up again with a new energy, it kept me from thinking about drinking as well as having something to do during my former drinking time.


              Wednesday, 29 August 2007


              Just popping in to say hello, and this is day 14 for me, just keep going one day at a time. Hope everyone is doing well.



                Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                Hi everyone,

                The trouble with having a job is by the time I get to log on the threads are so long!!!!

                So please forgive me for not replying to everyone. I haven't even got time to read it all right now but a big hello to you all, hope you are all having/had a great day.

                I've nothing to report, new job going ok and getting a bit of exercise cyclying there and back.

                See you tomorrow,

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                  vinophile;187443 wrote: I am a bit worried about the upcoming Labor Day weekend as unexpected invitations will pop up I know. I need to have a plan to deal with them and will work on that over the next two days. Does anyone have plans to counteract the draw of the drink this weekend?

                  Hi again everyone! Janet, like Barry I keep myself busy busy busy with a LONG list of things to do. While I am in the middle of parties or situations where many people around me are drinking, I've taken to making myself something special that I don't have every day as part of my plan. My latest treat is fresh squeezed lemon-lime ade. I also like Lipton iced Green Tea in the plastic bottles from the store. That's another thing I don't keep around every day. Dunno if that will help you...just something I've found.

                  When going to other places for gatherings, I made agreements with Mr. Doggy in advance as far as how long we will stay. For now there is always a pre-arranged deadline that is not TOO long. If I'm doing OK, we can always agree to a new deadline. But we don't leave "drinking events" open ended - not right now. LOL - dog training here at my house on Saturday has been a challenge too, but at least I'm on home turf where I can to to my office and come here *Touch the Life Line* whenever I feel the need.

                  2 cents and a bag o chips....

                  Popeye - I can't WAIT to see how good it feels at 151 days!!! Hi Kitty and Chief and barry and madisonmay and Accountable and I hope I didn't miss anyone!

                  Day 50 AF :award: + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                    Dear DG: I like your suggestions. I too get the Lipton Green Iced Tea in the bottle. It's nice & big & takes a long time to drink. I usually try to walk into a party w/a bottle in my hand. Then I have something to drink when the host asks what I want & is busy fixing other peoples' drinks. It's the first few minutes at a party that are the most difficult for me. Once everyone is settled w/a drink, & we're all just talking, I'm OK.

                    I'm beginning to accept the fact that there's nothing in absland that matches the first few sips of anything alcoholic. Of course I never, ever stopped at the first few sips. I always, always went way beyond that into sloppiness & oblivion. My pay-off for abstaining??? No hangover, a clear memory of what I said & did, & no guilt/shame. Pretty good if I say so myself. Love you all...I wouldn't be at 51 days wo/MWO & all of you. Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                      Just sending all a v quick hello - off tomorrow morning to my daughter's up-country IF we ever get it (a) all packed and (b) in the very little car!!

                      I am whacked - why?; my daughter's doing it all! Bit of emotional stuff I think but hanging in there fine and thinking of you all. Will be checking in as often as poss over the weekend... Son: "Can I watch a film on the laptop on the way up tomorrow?"... me thinks quick and hard, 'Help, um , er, battery...when will I need to log on to my friends??' but then say "Yes, coz I can plug into the mains when I get to anywhere with internet connection"...?! Not a bad 'panic-at-the-thought-of-not-getting-my-fix' situation I think?! I think I'll let that one go as a good'un! (But I did smile to myself! )

                      Thank you for being there everyone - wobbly moment < think of MWO = OK! :l

                      (MM - I do hope the fire burns out v soon, Hannah, hope your weekend with G goes tenderly and Breez, that darned tadfrog!!! Larf! When's episode 6?!? And to each one of you in
                      Absville - :h )

                      Love F x
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                        Good luck Finding.. Enjoy every moment of your daughters wedding!!

                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                          Hey FMF!! Have an AWESOME time at the wedding. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Don't let your dress fall off. Be a "good" MIL. WHEE!!!!!:crazymonkey:

                          Can't wait to hear all about it!! Congratulations to your daughter and hubby to be.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                            Finding~hope you have an absolutely heavenly time! Congratulations to the addition of a new son into your family. May they live happily ever after!
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Wednesday, 29 August 2007

                              Labor Day Fortification


                              Handling unexpected plans that are comming with wine or beer this weekend is difficult. Make an excuse to check these threads before you leave--just for a min. and I'll bet that will be enough to keep you balanced until you return.

                              I know, for me, I just ducked out on events (still do) that I did not have a premade escape plan for.:goodluck:


