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    Hi Folks - Sorry I'm not around as much these days - Am just coming up to a six monthly audit here at work and it is keeping us all very busy!!

    Should be able to come back on a bit more after 3rd september is over tho!

    I am managing to stay AF despite the stresses of work and a few more at home (nothing bad I hasten to add - just a lot going on just now!)
    So - If I can do it now - I can do it just about any time!

    Cant stop - got to get on - so a great big HI to everyone and congrats on all your successes.
    You will have the "old" me back in a few days (did I hear a groan from somewhere???)

    See ya

    Lots of love


    (FMF - enjoy that wedding!!)

    Day 43 for little old me!

    :award: + ************
    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



      Good mornin' all: Hope everyone is well and ready for another busy AF day.
      DG-Hope you haven't been eaten by the BowFlex. I've been beaten you here several mornings in a row now. That may be because I'm too lazy to exercise in the morning!!

      Pinkie- Sorry about the home situation hope you resolve it soon.

      Satori- Back to normal ???? :H :H

      Finding- Thanks for clearing up the cricket thing. I think we just call tea towels towels.

      Hi there July and MM.

      Welcome to rust, welcome back to rob2 to our travelin salvation show.

      See you all soon

      Love and Peace




        LOL rob - I've finally been SLEEPING BETTER!! YEAH!! I still love getting up early (well, if you consider 5:30AM early) but NOT being wide awake at 3 or 4AM is cool with me too. The Bowflex has not eaten me yet, but I'm pretty sure it's trying to kill me with some plot or other. We'll see who prevails. For now I've just been sort of doing "walk throughs" if that makes sense - getting familiar with my starting routine. Come Saturday, I will start in earnest.

        rob - canning!!!! I don't know how to can anything else, but I LOVE canning tomatoes. When I first tried, I used a pressure cooker and IMO, they come out strange that way - not the way my Mom's did, and her Mom's did, and her Mom before her's did. Then my Mom showed me how to do it "right." We haven't had a garden here the last few years (I was too busy drinking to have any time for gardening!) but next year I hope to learn to grow more stuff. Are you a big gardener??

        FMF - thank you for explaining cricket! It's crystal clear now! (ummm...not...) Travel safely and have fun at the wedding! Be good now!!

        Hi MM - hope the fires are dying down.

        July, congrats on Day 35! Doesn't it feel like they are starting to FLY by??

        Lotus, I got disillusioned with the drink tracker software when I couldn't figure out how to update the last few days in July when it was August. I'm still pouting. Good luck on your Monday test! I hope you have a nice visit with your SIL without alcohol - it's harder "re-learning" some situations than others IMO. Enjoy your weekend!

        WELCOME rustop61!!! We can always use another CWAZY AF'er around here! Looking forward to sharing your journey and getting to know you better.

        Rob2 - you can't avoid the Fugly Green Suit forever. Put it on. Come on now - no dawdling. kickbu_c - Fotosearch Stock Photography OK. You have been kicked so now we can proceed. Kidding aside - I'm glad you got RIGHT back on the wagon and looking at the positive - all your August AF days compared to history - is a good thing IMO!! Congrats on Day 5!

        Hi Pinkie - You know I'm thinkin' of you. I hope you come across a totally cool and reasonably priced apartment soon. We're all with you in spirit to help you through this transition.

        Satori, Happy Day 43!! Congrats on staying AF through stressful times at work and busy times at home. I'm glad you mentioned the "old" Satori so we can recognize you. (my bad!!) **running fast!!** Have a great rest of the week and please say hi to SWMBO!! Sounds like you're having to work extra hard right now to earn the shoe and handbag vouchers.

        It's Day 51 here and due to a change in my cleaning lady's circumstances (she is working on her own now - not through the service) the price is reduced and she will be coming every week rather than every other week. EAT YOUR HEARTS OUT!!!!!!!! It's a beautiful day in Joliet IL - a great day to enjoy without any booze to cloud my eyes!!

        :award: + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.



          The group is what works

          Welcome rustop61,

          This group is what got me started, and is what keeps me motivated to continue. The sups and book work well too. I have run out on some and am meaning to order more kudzu, for instance, but I seem to forget as the day goes by to do it.

          On the other hand, I never forget to check this thread in the morning to see what Satorie, DG, Finding, Chief, are doing and in the evening I often run into posts by MM, Pinkie(we need more of these), Lotus, Rob, Rob2 ad others.

          It is now part of my day--the life line is. Welcome and embrace your goal Sep. 1, 2007.


          AF 35 days




            Well, as usual I will prob post the last post of the night. I still haven't got my time zone quite right, it's 9::36 p.m. here right now, but I thnk when I post it it will say that it's 10:30.
            Still working on getting that right!

            Big welcome to rustop61, glad to have you on board. Good luck to you when you start on September 1st. We will be sure to cheer you on, poke fun and pick on you, kick you in the butt if you need it and pick you up again if you falter. All part of the deal. :H

            Like July said, this board has become a big part of the lives of most of us, friends here are an enormous help in the battle against the BoozeBeast.

            Rob 2 - So you faltered and are had to put on our special puke green outfit. Be sure to hang it carefully as you put it back into the closet and attack your AF days with renewed vigor. :boxer: Not to worry, Lord knows I "stopped" drinking many, many times before this latest run of 42 days now. You'll get there.

            There is a thread here, I think maybe under general discussion, called "Like a Swimming Pool". It's a "sticky" thread, which means that it is such a good, relevant read that RJ has decided to keep it in the boards forever so that all the newbies see it, and so we can go back to it when we need reassurance. Look for it, if you haven't already read it. It will make you see that slipping is not a biggee, it's the progress you are making that is the biggee.

            Pinkie - Sorry you are going through this rough time. Hope it all works out and you feel happy again soon. Sending you hugs :l

            FMF - Off to your wedding by now, I suppose. Hope you have a great time. Thank you for explaining cricket, it is now as perfectly clear as mud! My son used to play rugby, and I never did get that game figured out either.

            Lotus (Mandy) - Good luck on your entrance exam on Monday. We'll be rooting for ya!

            MM - How's the fire situation? Has it begun to settle down any?

            Satori - Oh, aren't audits fun? I actually used to do audits for the Post Office, but I gave that up a few years ago. Much less stressfull. No one realizes how stressfull an audit actually is for the auditor, but it really is. It's no fun being the bad guy. Good luck w yours.

            Hi July!

            Rob - I love used to love having a big garden, canning tomatoes, freezing beans and peas, making dill pickles, etc., it was neat to see all the rows of dill pickles and canned tomatoes in the store room. Makes you feel sorta like Mother Earth or something, doesn't it? Now only have a flower garden, but still kinda miss the harvest ritual. Have fun.

            Well, gonna call it a night. Last night was one of those nights that I got very little sleep, so am looking forward to some ZZZZZzzzzzzz. Nite all!

            :award: + ********** **
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



              Hannah;188557 wrote:
              Satori - Oh, aren't audits fun? I actually used to do audits for the Post Office, but I gave that up a few years ago. Much less stressfull. No one realizes how stressfull an audit actually is for the auditor, but it really is. It's no fun being the bad guy. Good luck w yours.

              We are being audited on Monday - but I also do audits myself - that is what I am doing when I go off around the world on business trips - I audit the Health and Safety Management Systems in our Labs.

              So I see them from both sides all the time.

              "Fun" perhaps isn't the word I would have used for being on the recieving end - but TBH, I find DOING audits OK!

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



                Good morning everyone, This is my day 6 AF check in. Can't believe it's the last day of August. I'm looking forward to a perfect drink tracker record record in September. Have a great weekend everyone!
                Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                  HELLO BOOZE BUSTERS!!!!!!

                  It's AF day 52 here and it's a HAPPY day, at least so far. Hopefully it will stay that way after the rest of my world is awake LOL!

                  July, happy day 36! I agree with you about the importance of this Booze Bustin' group in the plan. It's part of my daily routine to check in in the AM (get up, pee, Dreadmill/Torture Track or Bowflex, supplements/water, dogs out to pee, MWO - all in that order!). I can definitely skip a kudzu before I can skip our group! Tis the life line indeedy.

                  Hi HannahBDeb and Satori! Hannah, I love your "good night" messages even though I read them early in the AM. Somehow you ending the day makes a nice way to start the day here!!! The very word "audit" gives me hives. I've never had a IRS (taxes for those outside the US) audit and don't want to start now. I used to manage a HUGE telephone sales department. Entry level pay - lots of young kids. I had to go through EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) audits all the time. YIKES!! No wonder I have a drinking problem.

                  Happy Day 6 Rob2!! I like that goal of a perfect drink tracker record for September. I didn't fill that in during August but will join you for that cool daily ritual in September. Anyone else??

                  Hey the coolest vegetable on the planet is Spaghetti Squash!! Make some last night for the first time in a long time and was reminded about how great it is. We had it with Shrimp Scampi. Now that I'm not shit faced and possibly passed out by 5PM, I'm really lovin' cooking again. I need to spend more time in the recipe section here.

                  In other exciting news, (that would be a bore warning!) I'm making headway getting my office cleaned up. Cleaning out the files and re-organizing stuff and pitching junk was just long over due. I'm not done yet - but hopefully by the end of today I will be. Another "fresh start" for September.

                  Sorry for the long babble here this morning, but "sorry" doesn't stop me! Another important goal for September is just to get out to more local networking type events for our business. I'm going to re-visit the Working Women's council through the Chamber of Commerce and go to several other Chamber sponsored things. One of the lunches should be interesting as our IL House representative will be speaking. There has been lots of drama in IL over our idiot for a governor, budget issues, etc. etc. I'm going to attempt diving back into the REAL WORLD!!!

                  Mean time, anyone will 2 arms, 2 legs and a chain saw is welcome to come visit for the weekend. (to cut up the downed trees from the storm - not to use chain saws on the arms and legs)

                  Will be thinking of ALL the rest of the booze busters today and through the AF weekend - a holiday weekend in the US. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

                  :award: + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                    Hey all just a quick checkin to wish everyone a happy abs holiday weekend (US). The garden's about done. I've got some more cucumbers to put up and then that should be it. Our poor tomatoes just didn't get enough rain at the right time this year.

                    Hope everyone is well. May be able to get back later

                    Love and Peace


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                      Hi ya

                      Just a quick hello to you all and hope you have an excellent weekend. RVM congrats on day 6. I bet your all set and looking forwards to September.

                      Day 17 so far for me. The days do fly by when you're having fun.

                      Take care all.

                      Mandy x


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                        Hi all!!

                        Late check in.. but really busy day here.. It's Friday night and I am headed HOME.. got a pull from the girls to go to the wine bar. I have to say it was hard tonight, but I prevailed!

                        The fire is definately dying down and the mood in town is picking up. It may even rain tonight.., oh wouldn't that be grand!

                        I have to run to pick up small child of mine, so have a wonderful AF FRIDAY!! I WILL!!

                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                          Just a quick note to say hello fellow booze busters. It feels great to have an AF long weekend ahead and plans to fill it that don't include alcohol. It seems that there is more time for small things and the pleasure to observe the small things in a completely sober state.

                          Have good one.


                          AF 36 days


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                            Good Day & Good Night, All

                            . . . . . and good morning, DG! :cupajoe:

                            Well, another week gone by. Was an absolutely beautiful day in Alberta today, 27 degrees, nice & sunny. Our #1 and only son came over for BBQ'd burgers and a movie on the telly - was a nice way to end the week.

                            Off to see Guerrino, my sister, and My Mom and Dad tomorrow. We just get up early in the a.m., drive up, stay until after supper and then drive home again. Makes a long day, but we are used to doing that & it works well for us.

                            Well, I am going to do the unusual here, and make this really short so I can go crawl into bed & hopefully get a good night's sleep so I can get up early & go. Will check in tomorrow night if not too late. So, :wavin: to all of you, and hope you all have a great AF weekend !

                            :award: + ********** ***
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                              Hello all - just a real quicky.... managed to get on here at last. Time like quicksilver...and logging on to wireless corporate networks = crazy!

                              Just words - wedding (later today) = lovely, beauiful, even the rehearsal had me (and all) sobbing, disappointments (step-mom's done/doing everything and no room/time for the things I've brought - lesson in letting go), pain (sooo many memories of 27 years ago being dug up), humility (they are soooh in love and happy - a gift to witness), joy, tenderness, 'that-pain-in-the-chest' from emotion, bewilderment (what's happening each moment - where are we meant to be and how?), disparity (a whole family all in a small geographical area but not introduced or connecting (weird!!), a sense of 'going to a wedding' and not being 'part of' my own daughter's wedding.......

                              BUT!!! (a good but!) My daughter looks and is sooooooooooooooooooooh happy!! And her man too, and THAT is what matters today and always. :h :h

                              So, into it I go with you all behind me I know - it sounds as if I'm making a meal out of this but, as I may explain after I get home, it is quite an enormous emotional event today for me... an awful lot of triggers and 'stuff' getting dug up and if I don't drink today I'll see just how far I've come!!!

                              And I have no intention of doing so!! I am thinking and taking so many of your words into today with me (Satori - the 'non-attachment' words are coming with me big-time!!).

                              Thanks everyone and I hope I can touch base later tonight after this lovely day - with sun!!!

                              Fires, scans, BIL's, ...sooh many thoughts to send each of you and I am but no time to be individual today I'm afraid... in the hotel lobby typing this and got to go and get my hat on!!!!!!

                              Lots of love and hugs all strong and happy all!
                              F xx :l :l
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                                September Challenge

                                Hi, everyone, I just want to enrol myself on the Booze Busters 30 day challenge, as I know it will be easier and more fun doing it alongside B(ooze) B(uster) B(uddies) !

                                As I've said elsewhere, I am also on a big detox prog around food intake, which is quite a challenge and I feel very tired so far-its Day 6 AF + detox so with Sept AF that would be 30+6!! Quite a goal for someone who has recently been drinking a bottle and a half of white wine every night.....and who has been a regular drinker for over 30 years.

                                Looking forward to the journey as I know I will be in good company!

                                The Londoner
                                IS MILIS FION,ACH IS SEARBH A IOC
                                Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter

