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    Hi everyone,

    Seems like you're all doing well and there's some great milestones being achieved and about to be achieved.

    DG, congrats on your 57 days! Thanks for the welcome and I share your alergy to excercise when drinking! Normally I would punish myself by pushing the running really hard when vowing to give up. This time, I just walked down to the oval and jogged 6 laps and then walked back. It's a far better way to do it and I suggest to anyone who is thinking of starting just to walk and jog a bit on the first 2 times. I'm going every second day and not being ultra disciplined and obsessive about it.

    Chicago ... would love to go there some time. All you Northern Hemisphere people heading into Autumn while we're coming out of hibernation and finally feeling the sunshine. The changes of these 2 seasons are the best I think.

    You asked about the meds ... I've been taking Naltrexone for 8 days and initially it took a bit of time to get used to ... a bit of nausea and tiredness. It definitely seems to have stunted my cravings ... I haven't had any, which is obviously very unusual for me. The nausea does drop in still from time to time, but I have no complaints at all. My doc said I would stay on it for 2 months and we will revisit it then. I think some people use it to help them moderate, but that's not my aim. If people are interested I will be posting more info on the meds and supps thread.

    Thanks to Hanna for your welcome too! I've definitely got to get to Canada and The Rockies at some stage. Apart from everyone helping eachother give up, conversing with you people from everywhere has rekindled the travel bug inside of me which had gone missing for some time . Then when you consider how much money we're all gunna save, it's all doable I say! Hanna you talk about cleaning out your cupboards and closets ... it's amazing how long my list is for this weekend in terms of doing such things ... putting up hooks, picking up potplants, drilling in holes for speakers etc etc. Plenty to stay busy. Well done on your 48? AF days, definitely something to aspire to.

    Anna (The Londoner) ... that's great that you are sticking with it. How are your legs feeling? Are you still going for walks through Hamstead Heath? My Mum and I lived in Highgate in '85 and '86 (I was 14 and 15), and I had to do cross country running through the Heath in the middle of Winter for school sports! Fond memories of that area and Highgate Village.

    I remember studying US Geography there in London and I recall Illinois, Iowa and Indiana being the wheat belt states? Is that right LindZee? One thing they didnt teach us was how easy Illinois men get it ... we would have to get our own drinks here ... although that doesnt matter any more. Welcome, I'm just new too.

    Resolute ... thanks for your support on the other thread a while back. Glad to see you're still going strong ... we're gunna see this one through.

    To Finding my Feet, congratulations on bringing up your ton!

    I've completed 10 AF days on AF 11, which one do I say?

    Either way, keep it going guys.




      Wow-We are growning by leaps and bounds. By my count we have 8 new members in the past week or so. Rust,Londoner/Anna, Out, Garden Girl, Kyna, Resolute, Benno and Lindzee. Did I miss anyone?

      Welcome to all and please be patient as some of us :hallo: have used and abused brains so it may take us a while to sort everyone out.

      DG-As always its an adventure with you!! By all means let us know what kind of camera you've got. I got a Cannon EOS rebel digital, that you may have inspired me to break out of mothballs. Hannah, I'll check out that software. I've got loads of programs, but none of them are especially easy to use.

      MM-Hope the packing is going well. Did you find a new therapist for your spa? BTW, I'm still looking for a new ativar. Great goin' on breaking into the 20's

      Chief- Great to see you. Your big party is coming up this weekend.

      Finding- Sounds like you're busy as ever. Lots going on in your life!! Like you I'm starting to write things down so I can get to know our new folks better.

      LZ- Keep going!! Although my husband enjoys a beer or two in the evening, it really is not a problem for him so there was no big discussion about stopping together. I think that you'll find the book and CDs very helpful. If you find cravings to be a huge problem, you may want to consider kudzu, topomax or some of the other meds/sups. suggested, they can be a huge help.

      Resolute-Keep rackin' up those days and let us know about your travels.

      Londoner/Anna- Day 11 Great!! Did you decide on treats? Jewelry is always good, lasts longer than food.

      Well, off to find some recipies for the big family reunion tomorrow.



        I can't keep up with all the new AF'ers!!! I think it's great.. so much determination here on the boards, and it's contagious! Day 27 here and they just keep clickin' by. I'm proud of myself and everyone else who are making it happen....and that's when you succeed here, when you really realize no one else can do this for you. We can be supportive, compassionate, understanding, and stern towards eachother, but that doesn't get the job done. You have to "look at the man in the mirror..." Have a great day everyone...Don



          GOOD DAY BOOZE BUSTIN' BUDDIES!! (and for the women who will ALL be in Chief's Cheerleaders on Sunday, that would be BOOBACIOUS BOOZE BUSTIN' BABES - hey this is the internet where we are ALL as boobacious as we wanna be, right?)

          Anyway. It's been another busy morning already with Dreadmill, Torture Track, and an hour of hard sluggin' yard work under my belt already here on Day 58. But life is good!

          FMF - the stuff you've been busy with - kid tending, and all else on your list sounds a WHOLE lot more fun and rewarding than "de-cluttering." So enjoy life and forget the clutter I say!

          WELCOME LINDZEE!!! (LOL I posted a "join the Booze Busters" thing in your introduction thread - obviously I went there first!) Happy Day 2 AF. I think it's cool that you are doing this by yourself, for yourself. Mr. Doggy isn't much of a drinker but we both used to smoke. We are both quit now, but it NEVER worked when we would discuss "quitting together." I'm a sales person, and that format gave me someone to "sell" into a different plan (i.e. next week, next month, next year, etc. etc.). I had to quit smoking on my own, and drinking the same way. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

          MM - now I gotta love that LOUD AND PROUD quality of yours!! Happy packing and moving. We will look forward to "seeing" you briefly whenever you can. Happy Day 21!

          Hannah B, thanks for the software tip - I'm gonna check that out. The photo editors we have now suck (just the free ones). Thanks!! I ordered up a Nikon D80. Nikon D80 Digital Camera - Full Review - The Imaging Resource! That web site seems pretty cool for reading reviews on all cameras at all levels if anyone else is thinking about a new camera. I'm so excited I think Santa must be coming. Good for you on the closet cleaning. LOL on office cleanup! Geez we are so productive it's almost sickening now that we don't drink any more!!! I hope you are enjoying some "Deb" time and don't miss hubby too much. Before we started our business, sometimes one of us would travel and the house always felt really lonely to me (even with all the dogs!) when Mr. Doggy was away. At any rate, Happy Day 49!

          Resolute, Congratulation on Day 8 AF! I hear ya on wasted time. I don't even want to think about all the time I wasted with my head stuck in a bottle. And the mistakes, matters of lousy judgement, etc. etc. One of these days we'll have to have a Booze Busters Virtual Bonfire and "burn" all of our old garbage and baggage such as that stuff!

          Benno, IL/IA/IN may indeed be part of the corn/soybeans/wheat belt. But the "home grown booze" (moonshine) seems more prevalent in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Misouri from my ever not so humble experience. Not that I know anything about such matters. Happy Day 11 AF!! Hey - doesn't really matter how you like to count 'em. I always find the "opposite" seasons for Australian friends interesting to think about. I'd love to visit Australia someday - It's for sure on my list. Hey, what's that a picture of (besides a male) in that link? Is that something to do with cricket? FMF tried to educate us a bit about cricket but clearly I killed too many brain cells along life's path...

          rob - I looked at a Canon Rebel XTi. It was a tough choice as the Rebel was well reviewed, especially at it's price piont. Yes!! You should dust it off and let's go take some pictures!!! So are you hosting the family reunion tomorrow, or going somewhere else for it? How big of a family are we talkin' about? Sounds like fun. Hey! You forgot to SHOUT YOUR STATS!!!! Happy AF day though.

          Well, I just can't wait for that camera. I hope I can figure out a few basics to get started right away and then learn more over time. Anyway, gotta run but I hope everyone is having an awesome AF day!! Hello to anyone I might have missed and anyone yet to check in since my last post!!

          DAY 58 AF LOUD AND PROUD!!!
          (oops - edited to say that's not very loud as I forgot to make it bigger. but it's proud - trust me)
          :award: + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.



            Good day to you all!

            Just a quick check in --I'm supposed to be working (ssh, don't tell anybody).

            It's Day 3 AF for me. I feel great but in my past experience day 4 was usually the hardest. That will fall on Friday so I'll have to plan something to fill that space around dinner time. Hubby is also on day 3 although he doesn't know it, he just thinks he's still healing from his Monday Labor Day excesses.

            I bought my first digital camera a couple of months ago. It's a SONY Cybershot, nothing expensive but it takes pretty good pics & is easy to use. Hubby has a NIKON 35mm and a digital but he takes tons & tons of scenery pics without any people in them! Scenery is fine but at least get some human in front of it so I know the context. The software that came with my camera isn't exactly intuitive so I will have to look into that MS Digital Image Suite software too.

            It's great how many of you are in the double digits. I hope to be there soon!




              Great to read how everyone is doing and today was beautiful here in golden London-Sadly, I wasn't on Hampstead Heath Benno but in an upmarket food supermarket to pick up some gourmet delights - purple radish seedlings anyone?
              Tomorrow is a very big day, the day I strap on my trainers and start walking! So yes the legs are better, thanks.
              Sounds like we are all doing swell! Its great to be able to talk to like minds as you have to have been in the dark place to really see the light.

              I too am newish so haven't got the hang of individual responses but just to say I read all the posts for this thread and I love every one.

              Anna xx

              DAY 11
              Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter



                Benno - thanks!! Wow, a century piccy! Would impress my cricketing son and I'm chuffed. (I duck when he bowls even a tennis ball at me - it's fast! :surrender: )

                DG - don't worry, just sit in the sun (rain in UK!) with a hat over your face, fall asleep and have a cup of tea a 4 o'clock.... that's watching cricket! (If you get as far as tea when playing the Aussies eh Benno?!?!) Watch the One Day or Twenty/20 matches for some fun... you get to stay awake long enough to pick up a bit about the ins and outs...(see, that's where the saying came from!) :H

                I'll go back to the 'not-worrying-about-clutter' after Monday with the visiting Rotweiller's inspection then over.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Can I borrow lots of big dogs DG?! We'd love a dog but aren't allowed any pets either. (You can breathe if you ask special permission...!)

                Going to catch a bit of our wonderful sun in the garden (indian summer - yippeee) with a coffee and then I will be back to do The Wedding..............a bit of a tough one really. Would like to kind of tell it all but will use a new thread so you don't have to go there if you don't want....!

                Love to all in the meantime - and by All I mean isn't it many new faces adding to all this great energy. Welcome again guys.

                F x :h
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                  Day 6

                  Doing fine, slightly nostalgic already for the lovely outdoor tables at my local pub the way home from work...but looking at this as an experiment is helpful, being determined to find a solution to my depression is helpful...thanks for all the good suggestions on that matter. Am making a appointment with my former pain doc to get topa (don't want any alcohol stuff on my insurance records), he wrote a script for me before, for pain management not alcohol and I was too afraid to use it. I read and read and read about it and well like most meds some hate it and have horror stories, some think it's a wonder drug and most are in between. No way to know without being the test animal I guess. probably be a few weeks before I can get in to see him. I'll keep checking in till then. Cheers with a big glass of water..yum


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!



                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                      Hi everyone - just a very late hello.....v.v.v tired.

                      I have been writing The Wedding blisters on my finger tips (honestly!!)

                      So, yes, it's quite long.... (who, me?!?!)

                      The thing is, it's been really helpful to type it up (well, its preamble really) and I really want to post it coz then it'll be 'out' and I think I'll feel better. (Well, I'll sleep on it too...)(It's not bad bad, just very painful to me.)(There's happy/fun bits too!!)

                      So, please, where do you think I should I post it? In General Disc? Or here on Abs but on it's own thread so it doesn't invade anywhere and folk can take it or leave it... Not being really neggy but I don't want to get selfish here! I know it's a wedding but it is relevant to my drinking I think...

                      Be ever so glad for some advice here...and now if I don't get any I'll be really paranoid and there's honest for you!!

                      I'll have a quick read round here before sleep - it's been a really hard write...I feel rather sick but no running to the settling port & brandy any more for me...reading here for a little while will help. What a gift all the posts are.

                      Thanks again for being there....this is one special place.

                      Catch up individually tomorrow...

                      Love and hugs all round. See those days racking up - it's amazingly wonderful! :goodjob:

                      Finding xx :h
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                        Hello Booze Busters,

                        Keep up the energy as we travel the globe with these posts. I fiind the context of where we all live facinating as we deal with this challenge individually in our own back yard, but have each other globally to support and be supported by.

                        Staying AF in Tennessee.


                        Day 42 AF


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                          hi all would like to join in the thread. just found it actually. i'm on day 16 and about ready to go to bed. all is well and waiting for my l.o. to come in from tex so i can continue the a.f. ride and quell any little temptations that may arise. time for a little bath time i think. have been very excited reading about all of your adventures and your cameras. i'm contemplating what a hobby would look like. i think i'll start with back to the gym tomorrow. can't wait


                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!


                            Ohhhhhh I am so frustrated - All this talk of cameras and pictures inspired me to try to upload one of my pics of stargazer lillies in my garden - but the file size is too large, and I can't do it. I just spent the past hour and a half trying to figure it out!!!!!! Parden me while I lock myself in the bathroom and scream obsenities!!!!!!!!


                            (Okay, all better now).

                            Gotta love those computers, eh? Oh well, won't be showing off tonite, as planned. Boy, DG, the camera you've ordered looks like some kind of weapon! Your doggies are going to be scared spitless if you go running around aiming that thing at them!!! I have a lowly little kodak easyshare C633, looks like a crackerjacks prize next to that thing! I need something idiot proof, and then MAYBE I can use it. Takes pretty darn fine pics, tho. I'm thinking I should phone up Microsoft and tell them I want a cut because I seem to be scaring up a few sales! But, really, it's a great program. Much better than Kodak Easy Share, or any of the freebees you can get.

                            Man, we absters are rocking, aren't we? Welcome bootcampbarbie! You are more than halfway there already! Yahoo!!. (You just want to be a Boobacious Booze Bustin' Babe don't you?) :H

                            Finding - Looking forward to reading your "wedding" post once I am done in this thread. Hope it wasn't too upsetting for you, I know the whole thing was a highly emotional rollercoaster for you. :h

                            Chief (Don) - Wow, words of wisdom for sure. No one can do this for us but us. Congrats on 27 days, closing in on that 30 mighty soon!!!

                            Benno - I think you're right not to be too obsessive about exercise. Something that you know you will stick with is the best thing for you, and that's a hightly individual thing. Me, I can't imagine running, but speedwalking, sure. Boy, I wish I could leap hemispheres right now, I absolutely HATE winter, and we are sliding down that slippery slope now. Yup, everyone should visit the Rockies at least once in their life. Awesome!

                            Hi to Resolute! Yes, I have reclaimed a lot of formerly "wasted in drinking" time. DG will be flabbergasted that anyone in their right mind would do this, but I've even let my cleaning lady go because I have realized that there's nothing terribly hard about it, and can actually be viewed as exercise. Of course, before I was MUCH too busy, mostly my drinking arm!

                            MM - Hello to you! Are you knee deep in packing paper? You'll be needing a massage! Hope all goes well.

                            LindZee - Congrats on day 3, onto 4! Yup, you're thnking ahead, making plans to keep busy this weekend, takes your mind off things. Good luck on the walking. And by the way, when you were looking for "treats" the last thing I would have imagined is purple radish seedlings!

                            Out - Good luck w the topa. Do check in from time to time and let us know how you are doing. :l

                            July - Short and insitefull, as ever. Congrats on day 42!

                            Satori - This is your big 50! Now there's a nice round number for you! Congrats!

                            Well, that's it for me tonite. Tomorrow is Reteacher (Mary)'s 60th day AF, so whoever is up and about first should start the thread? And DG - yer up next! Yahoo!

                            Shoutin' It Out:

                            :award: + ********** *********
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                              Oops, just realized it was Londoner (Anna), not LindZee, who was looking for treats. So MAYBE purple radish sprouts aren't quite so wierd.
                              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                                Hannah - a wonderful post as ever. You have a knoack there. And you sound really upbeat!!!! That's great. Thanks for starting my Friday off so well!!!! Sunshine and Hannah and Mary's 60....

                                Depite the Canada connections being somewhat neggy (the hubby/daughter thing and my parents wanting to send me there - wish they had!) it's still somwhere I want to see. Mt beloved aunt lived in 'Tronna' for 37 years before her death and it sounds just a beautful country. D#1 has done Vancouver and The Rockies a few times and loves it.

                                Hey ho, There I go again. A quick hello to all turns into a ramble! Such a chatterbox!

                                Love all round
                                FInding xx
                                :heart: c: :heart:
                                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

