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    July - you are so brilliantly succint and powerful. A lovely way of putting it - thanks.

    Finding x
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



      Hi Lindzee, on your difficult day 4-but hey! you have made it thus far!

      It is brave of you to go AF at home alone! I don't think I could do it without letting my partner know-otherwise he'd offer me a drink(and some!) without thinking, and I'd slip back into the old ways I feel sure. Instead he has cut back on his own alcohol intake which he is happy about - eventually every drinker has to consider their health whether they like it or not and that's what's happened here over the summer (in our case the wake up call came when we both had health scares in July). Even within a matter of days AF, drink is no longer the centre of things here at home, which I find amazing when you consider it has been centre stage in our lives together for the past 27 years!!!

      I realise everyone is different, but make sure whatever you do, you look after yourself as you determine to stay AF.

      Thinking of you over the weekend, keep checking in here and posting when things get difficult, there's always someone around to listen and offer support-the collective wit,wisdom and warmth here is fantastic.

      I'm off to see a film now, then off out for a little drive around . Tomorrow I'm going back to the gym for the first time in 2 years-bet I only walk around then have a good steam n jacuzzi! I worked up enough of a sweat this morning walking with my exercise belt on (phew!). Way too happybusy to do myself any boo-zy damage!I'm gonna book a massage to celebrate Day 12, then go see a friend who is mercifully allergic to alcohol (who is not?) Lindzee go do something you love that does not involve the booze beastie!
      If I can do it, you can do it!

      love from Anna
      Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter



        Hi Lindzee, on your difficult day 4-

        It is brave of you to go AF at home alone! I don't think I could do it without letting my partner know-otherwise he'd offer me a drink(and some!) without thinking, and I'd slip back into the old ways I feel sure. Instead he has cut back on his own alcohol intake which he is happy about - eventually every drinker has to consider their health whether they like it or not and that's what's happened here over the summer (in our case the wake up call came when we both had health scares in July). Even within a matter of days AF, drink is no longer the centre of things here at home, which I find amazing when you consider it has been centre stage in our lives together for the past 27 years!!!

        I realise everyone is different, but make sure whatever you do, you look after yourself as you determine to stay AF.

        Thinking of you over the weekend, keep checking in here and posting when things get difficult, there's always someone around to listen and offer support-the collective wisdom and warmth here is fantastic.

        I'm off to see a film now, then off out for a little drive around . Tomorrow I'm going back to the gym for the first time in 2 years-bet I only walk around then have a good steam n jacuzzi! I worked up enough of a sweat this morning walking with my exercise belt on (phew!). Way too happybusy to do myself any damage!I'm gonna book a massage to celebrate Day 12, then go see a friend who is mercifully allergic to alcohol (who is not?) Lindzee go do something you love that does not involve the booze beastie!

        love from Anna
        Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter






          12 DAYS AF:H
          Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter



            Hi everyone, Day 7 and delighted to have the first week over. I know the week-end will be a challenge but am determined to get through it. Was exhausted last night after my exercise and a marathon cleaning spree. I did not have a craving as such but had this feeling of wanting to treat myself. Usually thats with wine but I settled for herbal tea!

            Londoner you asked on another thread for the address of the on-line counselling service. I tried to find you email address but did not find you on members list. Mine is up there under Rustop61 so if you pm me, I'll pass it on. He does not do addiction counselling as such as its felt that that is better face to face but I have old issues that I need to deal with and am finding it very beneficial to put it in writing and I love the idea of doing it on-line.

            Have a great week-end everyone




              Hi all!

              Day 22 and feeling like pooo!! (my little song for the day)

              I think I have to whine or I will implode!!!!

              I am having major health problems and it is getting to me. It was much easier when I drank and yesterday was as close to drinkiing as I have come since day 4!

              Three years ago I had severe lower abdominal pains and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. so after many tests, and having ovarian cancer in my family they decided to give me a FULL hyterectomy. Granted, I could have said no, but I couldn't deal with the pain any longer. SO I did it.. well low and behold a month later, after the HORRIFIC pain of the surgery lessened the pain in my abdomen came back. So.. the tests started again.. and again.. and again.. Well, after a SQUILLION dollars later they decided it was just that I had a kinked colon - yep, you heard it, so many organs lighter and many dollars shorter - I had a kinked colon. Oh, it doesn't stop there. Th doctor that did my surgery attached my muscles incorrectly so now I am having TERRIBLE pelvic issues. These little muscles are pulling my whole pelvis out of whack and giving me terrible back problems. This is not good for my line of work. I have been in so much pain this past few week I have had to take Vicodin. Yesterday I was so sick from it , it made me throw up and I almost DRANK! I am in horrible pain today - I have a full schedule at work, I HAVE TO MOVE THIS WEEK - I don't want to take anymore pain pills, I don't want to see any more FU**ING doctors, and don't want to drink.. which has been my outlet for this for the past three years - so I am writing - SORRY!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAA!

              Anyway.. I am going to try to get an appointment with my acupuncturist and chiropractor this morning - move my schedule around AGAIN, and try keep it together...

              Sorry for yelling in caps... I love you all for being here!

              I'll check in later...

              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.



                HELLO BOOZE BUSTERS!!!!!!

                I hope everyone stops by Mary (reteacher's) 60 day celebration today! And Booze Bustin' Babes (you know, us Boobacious ones which is ALL of us) let's practice our cheers for Chief's party on Sunday. I will be busy today finding a fake picture on the internet oops I mean uploading my real, current picture to share at the party. :yougo: (practice cheers - come on girls!)

                MM - Wow I am so sorry about your bad string of doc advice and problems. Geez - I'd be scared sh!tless to go back to a doctor too after all that. Pain is NO fun, and pain meds are no fun either (at least IMO). Does the chiro and accupuncture therapy help? Is there anything that can be done for the muscles that are messed up (even surgical fix)? Wow - what a mess. DRINKING WON'T FIX IT THOUGH. I know hugs won't fix it either, but hugs sure feel good so here is a HUGE one. :l I hope you get feeling better - and get through the move without dying in pain.

                LZ IS ON THE INTERNET AT WORK GOOFING OFF BUT PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE!!! IT'S A SECRET!! Happy Day 4. You said it's usually the hardest for you, so I hope you come here often, and sail right on through it! On the camera front, I became disgusted with our little point and shoot because it sucks. The batteries last for about 4 pictures. And the shutter speed is so slow I can't take pictures of the stuff I want. WAAAA. What a brat I am.

                LondonerAnna, now YOU my dear are on the right track. A massage sound PERFECT as a special treat in celebration for 12 days AF. We all need to remember to reward ourselves! You are doing great.

                FMF, I will loan you my dogs. And Bubba. Between the dogs and Bubba you can scare off anyone you want to. And some you don't. I can't wait to go read all about the wedding!

                out - congratulations on Day 7 and one week AF!! I'll be interested in your feedback on the Topa once you see the doc to get it. Mean time, good for you just getting started even without it.

                July!! It's Day 43 in Tennessee!!!

                WELCOME Bootcampbarbie!! I love that screen name. Congratulations on Day 17!!! Yes, thinking up a new hobby occupied some brain time pretty quickly. Amazing how much time was truly wasted drinking. Have fun at the gym!!

                HannahB - I hear your frustration on that picture you were trying to upload. I have SO much to learn - taking the photos is only step one. I'm a dingbat at the computer stuff too. Yikes. Is hubby back home now?

                Rustop, congratulations to you too on Day 7 & One Week AF done! I'm getting into the herbal tea thing. (and I like the tooty fruity ones - not the healthy ones LOL!) Tangy Cranberry Apple is my fave of the moment.

                Well, I did my 7AM meeting this morning for business referals. I like everyone in the group EXCEPT two women who are just....geez. How to describe them. FULL of themselves, big mouths, and just plain irritating beyond belief. And to pile onto that, they walk in about 10 minutes late - both of them - EVERY WEEK. It's only a one hour meeting. I just think that is rude beyond words to do that every week - they act like we should be honored by their presence. ACK that got on my nerves today!! So...I just won't think about that any more, and will get back to hoping my new camera comes today. hee hee.

                I GOOD news - I did complete all 6 planned days of working out in the last week - Friday is my planned day off. Tomorrow AM will be weights, so I have to figure out which exercise I'll be adding for the new week. I was able to button and zip a pair of jeans this AM that 2 weeks ago, I could absolutely not button and only partially zip. They are several sizes larger than my goal jeans, but hey - it's progress. Mr. Evil (scale) hasn't been real kind this week, but it looks like some inches have moved somewhere (probably down, as in gravity!). I'll take that though!!

                I hope everyone is making a GOOD PLAN to keep it AF for the weekend. I think a plan is essential!! I've got my diet decaf iced green tea with citrus in the fridge for dog training tomorrow. What's YOUR plan??


                LOUD AND PROUD!!!

                Day 59 AF!!!!
                :award: + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                  MM, We're all here for you... What a string of medical blunders! What are they suggesting to remedy the incorrect muscle surgery and the colon? More surgery? Man, we put our faith and trust in doctors and things like this happen... hopefully everything can be rectified without too much discomfort...
                  P.S. I'm glad you didn't drink... It shows everyone that we can face all of lifes challanges without climbing back into the bottle! Way to Beat the Beast!


                    BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                    Thanks guys.. I feel very happy that I didn't drink, too. I think I may just be going through an emotionsl bout right now.. this lovely string of events also threw me into early menopause , I was only 39- (sorry if it's TMI), so I am trying to deal with that. I haven't had too many sober days since the surgery to know if I am on the right dose of medication for this. I realized this while I was laying in bed last night. Anyway, I am hoping between the acupuncture, the chiropractor and pilates, and proper diet (forthe colon, which is working wonders now) I can put humpty dumpty back together again! That and the proper dose of hormones so I don't kill my husband! HA!
                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                      MM I am soooh sorry.... what a, yes. I do hope you find an answer to it all soon. And sending many, many good wishes for your move - I think to stay AF with that on the horizon and pain is truly amazing - keep amazing us and you wont you?! :l

                      Just to say I had coffee this morning with a girlfriend (got one!) at a bar place and saw a former occasional customer of mine having his first 'pop' of the morning as he used to call it. It was 10 am. l don't think he's that old (55?) but addled to be sure and he used to admit it. He didn't recognise me but I watched him shake and sip and shake and sip and gaze out of unseeing eyes. I felt sad for him but grateful in a way he will never know for reminding me of those first sips to 'get the day going' , whatever time of day... It was as if I could taste it with him and remember the sensation of feeling better...than....(awful). And I realised that I really have reached a place of never wanting to feel that 'than' again. I also don't want to feel 'better' than I do sober. No amount of 'feeling better' that comes with a drink is as good as just feeling good or ok. The feeling of 'needing a drink' is truly horrible. So dear Peter, thank you and a prayer/thought to you from, I am sure, all of us. (I know he, shall we say, is not in a position to use a computer so...I don't know....I don't think it's right to accost people on the street and take them to AA....really not sure about that. ???)

                      (How I'll cope with pain or illness I'll let you know but that will be a test for me... )

                      Right, look out; I'm about to post The Wedding and its preamble.... get a big coffee!!!

                      Love all round and I hope you're having a great day Mary.... It's Party time here this weekend certainly!!!

                      DG - thanks! Who's Bubba?!? I'm know I'm being dumb but i think I've missed something!!
                      Sounds good though - can Bubba be here 10 am Monday?!?!

                      Finding xx :h
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                        BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                        Oooops. Sorry. Did I kill this thread? It's all gone quiet....?! Didn't mean to.
                        Love all round.
                        F x
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                          Hi everyone! I was gone all day at my daughter's house watching my baby granddaughter. She is adorable and so sweet but just starting to walk and it's exhausting to keep up with her. Normally I'd come home after a day like that and look forward to sitting down with a nice glass of wine. But not tonight. It's day 4 and I will not succumb to the temptation. If that weren't enough, hubby just called on his way home from work and asked if I want to go out to eat tonight. I don't think I'm ready to go to a restaurant and not have wine so I said I'm not that hungry. That ought to really confuse him. I never say No to restaurant dining.

                          Anna, I'm trying to do this alone because hubby doesn't seem ready yet. He hasn't had a drink since Monday but I know he'll be drinking tonight. I want to make some positive changes in myself, for myself. If he wants to join me AF like your husband did I will be thrilled, but I won't be expecting it.

                          Doggy, you little troublemaker! Letting my bad work ethic out of the bag That's quite a camera you've buying. Are you planning on going into professional photography or something? You could specialize in doggy portraits, you'd have plenty of subjects to practice on.

                          MM, so sorry about your health problems. Sounds like malpractice to me. I complain about my small reasons for being tempted to drink and they're nothing compared to yours.

                          I'm not very good at the individual response thing yet either and still getting to know you all so forgive me if I don't name you individually. I also read the posts and love them.



                            BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                            Um. 'The Hat' is in gallery - new posts/miscellaneous... Me, The Hat and B.
                            Can't get The Bride on - 'exceeded limits'....?? The Hat is clearly too much! Blown the system! Knew it!
                            F x
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!

                              Well, I think that Hannah and I are typing at the same time tonight :H !

                              Welcome Bootcamp! We're growing like crazy right now so jump aboard our travelin' salvation show.

                              LZ-Yeah, ya gotta whatch that Doggiegirl, she's always up to no good. Aren't grandkids so much more fun than our own were? You get to leave all that parent angst behind and just have fun with them. Don't worry too much about individual replies at this point. If it wern't for Doggie and Hannah, I'd never be able to keep up with our little troupe.

                              MM-Yeouch!! I am so sorry to hear about your pain. It has got to be miserable trying to pack up and move with both your back and lower abodmen hurting. I hope that the chiro and acupunc. can help. I hope you are able to get lots of help with the move. Please go easy on the Vics, they are highly addictive.

                              Rus- Congrats on having your first week behind you and all that cleaning and exercise!!

                              Londoner- Great goin on 12 days. Love those treats. My newest is Starbucks Java Chip Frappachino. Not healthy or lowfat but considering the calories I no longer suck down in beer, I can afford to treat mayself.

                              Chief- So have you got a special place of honor yet of your 30 day trophy? Can hardly wait till Sunday.

                              By the way--I think tomorrow it will be 60 days for Doggie!!

                              Sweet Dreams All.
                              Love and Peace


                                BOOZE BUSTERS 30 DAY CHALLENGE - 8/29 NEW THREAD!


                                On of the reasons you are all doing so well is that I am still wearing that awful green suit..UCK !!! So it is not in the closet for all of you !!! I am trying to get rid of beware !!! After 60 days you think it would be easy...well it is not !! Hope to rejoin you soon.

