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Thursday, August 30th

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    Thursday, August 30th

    Hi Everyone: I'm surprised to be starting this thread so late but here goes. I'm doing fine...I feel strong & determined today. Yes, there are the usual ups & downs of life, but I'm learning to deal w/them openly & honestly. I forgot how to do that when I was in the alcoholic fog. I'm learning how to get what I want wo/stepping on other peoples' toes.

    Sometimes I think: "Well, I might take a day off from MWO." But this is how I got sober, so there won't be any breaks for me. The farther I get from my last drink, the more complacent I can become. I won't let that happen, because I know that temptation can sneak up when we least expect it.

    Good luck to everyone. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Thursday, August 30th

    It sounds like a good plan, Mary. I try to post everyday, unless I am extremely busy. It takes more time than I'd like sometimes, but I know it's a big help for me to stay sober.

    At any rate, I have another easy workday. Lots of clients on vacation. I can get working on getting more of what I want done here. It's really quiet without my daughter, and I miss her. One thing I don't miss though is when she has a meltdown! I think I'll be able to get used to that part rather easily.

    Today is Day 80 for me! I'm excited that I'm getting close to the triple digits. I met my sister out for dinner last night, and I thought I might have a virgin margarita or something, but she got there early and had a drink, so we both ended up having cokes. Other than spying someone else with a glass of red wine and thinking "yum!", I didn't really give it much thought. I think I'm getting used to this!

    Anyway, I'm going to go read for a bit and then start my day.

    Have a great day, all!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Thursday, August 30th

      Morning Mary-all to come::hallo:

      Yup, the alcoholic crutch. Use it for a long time & you forget how to walk soberly on your own. It's a great feeling when you get rid of that crutch & realize you're ok on your own two feet. The more you don't use it, the stronger you get. A valid point: it can sneak up on you. My hubby often warns me that I always put more on my plate then I can handle & I learned earlier this month that I need to stop doing that.

      Hubby & I took kiddies to first day of school. The little one could not open his eyes this morning. I basically dressed him while he still slept-LOL. He's like mommy-night owl & needs about 15 minutes to wake up.

      Funny you should mention Mary about dealing with situations sober. I always hated dealing with school things because all the mothers at this school are like stepford wives. They all grew up in this town & live next to each other and then there's me. Odd man out. It was a trigger for me. I always loved to have a glass of something before such things to loosen me up. But now-I could give a crap. I slowly learned I didn't need to associate & be social with them. I have my own set of friends and it's my kids who are important. Better to be rumored a sober, non-social mom then a boozed out, entertaining mom.

      I'll be picking my son up at 11:45 & then I'm off to work. Yeah-STD clinic today!

      Hope you all have a great AF day! :rays:

      Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. Anais Nin
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Thursday, August 30th

        day 3 for me af and ciggie free too.
        working at home, had a mad social time of it recently and time to try to bring alcohol back to more sensible levels and finally quit smoking for good.
        feeling v irritable and tired at the mo - decided i need to start meditating to chill out, and go back to gym as i do enjoy it and it calms me.
        want to do something creative to occupy self - will finish knitting scarf from 18 months ago, have no cash for colge courses at mo so they will need to start January.
        have put self as worried on mood thing as I am pretty mch constantly, constantly comparing self unfavourably -also planning daily affirmations to help self feel better.
        one day at a time


          Thursday, August 30th

          Hi Mary, Kathy and Breez and all those to come later.

          It's back to work for me today for two days before a nice long weekend. There are still many "firsts" for me, this will be my first sober labor day weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. Beach, fishing, boating and barbeques. It's supposed to be great weather here in the Northeast and it should be a great ending to my first sober summer.

          Mary, nice to see you getting us started today.
          Breeze, first day of school sounds like fun. . .for you!
          Kathy, you must be feeling fantastic with your 80 days.

          Be well all.


            Thursday, August 30th

            Hi everyone who has already checked in, and also hello to those AFer's yet to come!

            Mary, congrats on Day 52 and thanks for getting us started today!

            Kathy - HUGE congrats on Day 80!! I was just recently thinking about how it will feel to make 100 days. I don't know how it will feel AF. I am excited though - as when I quit smoking, 100 days was quite a turning point in terms of thinking less of smoking, etc. Just overall getting a notch easier. I hope it's similar for AF! Either way, tripple digits sounds cool. Enjoy the day getting done what YOU want to!!

            Hi Breez. Hope the kids enjoy school today - especially your little one. Have fun at the STD clinic!

            Hi bear73 - congrats on Day 3 alcohol and ciggie free. For me, quitting smoking was the hardest. I think it's different for everyone. IMO, it's SO WORTH toughing it out - I was a RAVING B!TCH for the first month, and then it was still a tough road after that. But it's SO worth it now to be quit. It was 6 months for me last Sunday. I don't think much about smoking any more. Hang in there!!!!

            Well, it's Day 51 here. As I mentioned on Booze Busters, my cleaning lady's situation changed - she's no longer working through the service. She was able to subsequently reduce my price, so now she will be coming EVERY week. EAT YOUR HEARTS OUT!!! **sorry, could not resist, my bad!**

            Have a great day everyone!

            :award: + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Thursday, August 30th

              Hello Everyone, It's so great seeing everyone at different stages of recovery- 3 days, 50+ days, 80 days... I like hearing people realize no matter what the count is we have to keep it a priority, not an obsession,but a priority. Starlight Impress posted something a while back that stuck with me. She said "sobriety is precious to people like us". I thought that was so insightful. I told her that should be our creed...
              Bear- I know day 3 is tough but do not relent. I quit smoking along with drinking also and it is so worth it. You can do it, my friend, and you will be so proud of yourself...
              Day 20 for me! Have a good day everyone... Don


                Thursday, August 30th

                :H DG-
                if anyone read who didn't know I just work at the Health Dept. during STD testing days would read: Breez have fun at the STD clinic-LOL! I just burst out laughing when I read it.

                So for the record for lurkers: I WORK the STD clinic-I'm not a client! :H !

                Actually I'm off to pick up my son now & off to work. See you all later! Attached files [img]/converted_files/318352=1704-attachment.gif[/img]
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Thursday, August 30th

                  Good afternoon all, everyone here inspires me. You're doing so well. Last Thursday this time I had a nice 10 day AF streak going and the "call of the beast" overwhelmed me. For 3 days I slipped. Today I'm on day 5 AF and have a renewed determination. I will succeed!!!
                  Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


                    Thursday, August 30th

                    Kathy: 80 days. You're only 10 days from the magic 90 days. I've read that it takes 90 days for the brain to readjust itself, i.e. regaining the proper impulse control & common sense that we lose when we drink for long periods of time. That's why most rehab programs are 90 days. So, there's a whole new you waiting to be reborn. Congrats! Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Thursday, August 30th

                      Bear - so glad to see you back!

                      Kathy - congrats on your 80 days, you must be feeling soooo great!

                      To the rest of you have a great day!!


                        Thursday, August 30th

                        congratualtions to all of you ... i love to hear about your successes despite any difficulties ... you are such a warm and funny and smart and decent bunch ... i'm so glad i found you
                        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                          Thursday, August 30th

                          Breez;188119 wrote: :H DG-
                          if anyone read who didn't know I just work at the Health Dept. during STD testing days would read: Breez have fun at the STD clinic-LOL! I just burst out laughing when I read it.

                          OOPS!! LOL!! I almost added 'bet you'll have some good stories...' That would have REALLY made it read wrong....Oh My. We should discuss tadpoles - that is much safer. hee hee

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Thursday, August 30th

                            janka - I'm glad you found us too! Tell us more about yourself.

                            Rob2 - you can you it!!

                            Hi Chief and congrats on Day 20. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks. WOW!! You are rockin' it!

                            Mary, on the 90 day theory. Maybe that's why Day 100 felt like such a turning point when i quit smoking. Hmmm.....will be very interested to see if it's similar here.

                            Does anyone have a magic wand that will finish all my filing, and re-organizing of old records, and all that jazz? I HATE PAPERWORK!! I've been SUCH a good girl and I can't believe I'm stuck in my office doing PAPERWORK on such a beautiful day. WHAAAA!! NOT FAIR!!!!! Whew. Now I feel better after a trantrum...

                            Have a great rest of the day all!

                            Day 51 AF
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Thursday, August 30th

                              I feel humble here, with, um, I'm not sure how many AF days this round. I think it's technically 9, but 13 in my mind because those two teeny tiny miniscule drinks didn't really count, but I'll never get them off my conscience. Anyway, I've done 35 days a couple times and am going for the magic 90 this time (plus the rest of my life, but that comes later).
                              Let's keep it up tomorrow.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

