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Friday~Aug. 31st

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    Friday~Aug. 31st

    Morning All-


    Last day of August.....

    Tick tock, tick tock-I've got to engagements with the phony-in-laws in Sept. Ugh. Always big triggers but I know that back in the Spring I survived 3 of them back to back & plus my dad was in the hospital. I know I'll be fine. Hey what's a neice in law's birthday (when will these kid birthdays end?) and a phony-in-law family reunion where I get to see hundreds of them? Heck if I can survive them then this year's Christmas holidays ought to be a breeze! (I normally drank heavily before I went & was either to hung over to go & hubby would make an excuse why I didn't go or I' be under the influence & they would suspect it). I'm sure you'll hear me bitchin' before it all happns. That's why I'm thankful to all of you for listening.

    Wow-my daughter's up. She's excited about school. It's going to be a hectic morning and sloooww afternoon at work. Yeah-I got my first paycheck yesterday.

    Nothing much other than that.

    Have a great AF day! Thanks for listening.

    "If you want happiness for an hour -- take a nap.
    If you want happiness for a day -- go fishing.
    If you want happiness for a month -- get married.
    If you want happiness for a year -- inherit a fortune.
    If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else.
    -- Chinese proverb
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Friday~Aug. 31st

    WHEE!! Breez thank you for making me smile this early in the AM!! I'm chuckling at your description of your phony in-laws - the holiday gatherings, etc. etc. I can relate. This coming holiday will be interesting - dealing with all of them while sober - for sure. Cool that your daughter is excited about school! Paychecks are always cool.

    It's Day 52 here and the sun is comin' up to a blue sky. It's nice and COOL outside. Might have to take a dog for a walk around the neighborhood this AM.

    Mr. scale is being E-V-I-L again. I will just keep exercising and eating right and keep the faith that Mr. scale will be good to me one of these days.

    I hope everyone is having a great AF day, and looking forward to a fabulous AF weekend - a 3 dayer in the US!

    Day 52 AF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Friday~Aug. 31st

      Good Morning!!!

      As I didn't check in yesterday thought I'd do a quick check now to let you know I'm still plugging on at day 13. Oddly I had to check back to my last post to see what day I'm on as I get ahead of myself while planning the weekend and then forget my actual count. Iknow I'm a day behind Meditation Mama.

      Yesterday was a TOUGHIE!!!!!!! Being a Thurs before a big weekend then feeling everywhere was "let's party" It's going to be a great weekend weather-wise so everyone is looking foward to it. I really wanted a glass of wine!!!!!! But worked through it and feel quite good this morning.

      Will definately check back later as I need the support. This will be a very challenging weekend!!!
      Hello to Breez and Doogy Girl and everyone else to come

      I will be back!!!



        Friday~Aug. 31st

        Good morning, all!

        Sooo glad it is Friday. We ususally have a WILD Labor Day here where I live, but because of the fire the tourist will stay away and all the activities are cancelled. I am not sad about that part... The fire is stating to lay down a bit.. they have it 55% contained. We are looking at a storm today. This could be good or bad - rain: good, wind: bad. Pray to the rain gods!!!

        Hi Janet -- Yep day 14 for me TWO WEEKS!! You know, for some reason day 12 was tough for me, too. I went to bed early.. wonder why? Well we made it through! Maybe it is the Thursday thing - Thursdays were always a big drinkiing night for me. I just remembered that - wow, just remembered! My DD goes with her real daddy on those nights, so that is the night I would get to drink away! Well here we are on a great sober friday - yeah for us!

        Hi Breeze! - I am SO fortunate to absolutely LOVE my mom -in -law, now spending time with MYmom, that is another storey... aarrgh!!! I used to think they were easier to deal with drunk, but I think maybe it is easier to deal with them sober??

        DG - Oh, the dreaded scale! I have gone down four poundsince I quit drinking, then my darling hubby thought he would make my life easier last night, and when I got home he had pizza and wings waiting for me!! I had been so goood all week, too... I was WAY too tired and a bit edgy to make anything else, so I just poped in a movie (transamerica - phew, not for the homo-phobic), poped an AF beer (my new favorite) and enjoyed. No hoping on the scale today! that EVIL littte bastard will just have to wait until I am good and ready!

        Have a wonderful day to everyone to come!!


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Friday~Aug. 31st

          DAY 2

          Good Morning -

          It's good to be back after some absence. Today is day 2, AF. After our house burned down and was a total loss on May 23, I learned the lesson (Yet Again!) that numbing myself with alcohol only made the situation worse.

          So here I am. More determined this time! Sad that we aren't going to be able to rebuild on our previous site, but looking forward to starting a different and better life in our new home. We should be moving the middle of Oct. Only about 2 miles from where we lived before.

          Many lessons have been learned in the past few months. Good things have come from this situation. Perhaps a bit of devine intervention. Some of us have be hit in the middle of the forehead, to get the point! Dahhh! :boxer:

          Life is good!

          Best :h
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            Friday~Aug. 31st

            Best, Sorry to hear about your house! Glad you are back and sounds like you have an awesome attitude about it all. You have gained a lot by a loss, you are a very fortunate person.
            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


              Friday~Aug. 31st

              Hi Everyone: I just put my last zero into DrinkTracker for August. Gee, all those zeros looked great lined up. Day 53 for me & only 7 more until I complete my second 30 day stint. I do feel my brain readjusting. I don't get as panicky when things go wrong. I just work through them. I have a way to go, but I definitely see progress in the way I approach life & overcome difficulties. Love, Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Friday~Aug. 31st

                Hi everyone. Geez alot about fires today, yesterday here in town two firefighters were killed in a chinese restaurant that burned. Just terrible for them and their families. It makes one stop and think about what's really important.

                hope everyone has a great weekend.


                  Friday~Aug. 31st

                  Good morning Abbers!

                  I am feeling pretty irritated this morning. Hubby and I had an argument for the first time in a few weeks. (the screaming kind). He had me feeling bad for not being employed, saying I do nothing all day. Kind of funny seeing I tend to our 2 year old, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, serving him din din as soon as he walks in the door, etc.. etc.... He has been having a period of insomnia this week and it is making him CRANKY! I wish he would just F-Off sometimes. Ok, rant over. (not really but that is all I will express here seeing it is a public site LOL)

                  Best, I had no idea your house burnt down in May? Oh my dear that must of been so horrible. Despite of this you seem to be feeling optimistic and good job on your 2 days AF.

                  You all sound so good. Keep up the AF days. I know this weekend will be hard, even for me for some reason. Probably because my husband is in a shitty mood and probably will buy some alcohol. I know I won't drink but when he is like this it really tests me big time!

                  Have a great weekend everyone!


                    Friday~Aug. 31st

                    Hi All, hope everyone has a safe, enjoyable AF weekend. It's a long weekend in the States and the weather here in Ohio is going to be perfect. I think I'll go to a big airshow in Cleveland. Should be fun. Day 21 here and I love it. There is nothing that could make me drink. I would not give this up for a million $$$!

                    Best- Welcome back and sorry to kear about your house. But no one was hurt, right? It could have been worse. It's just a house. You can always get another house. I'm glad your back to MWO and AF days.

                    Everyone else seems to be doing well. Keep it up and keep an eye on The Beast ... you know he's watching... Don


                      Friday~Aug. 31st

                      Hi Chief and Accountable and barry and Mary and vinophile and Best. Doing a quick wave - looks like everyone is having a great Friday! It's turning out to be a busy one here.

                      Best, it's nice to "meet" you. I am so sorry to hear that your house burned down. Yikes - I can't even imagine how devastating that must have felt. Glad to know that things are working out for the best from your POV. Look forward to getting to know you better!

                      Day 52 AF ROCKS!!
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Friday~Aug. 31st

                        Hi All!

                        Nothing much happening here, really. Just the same old stuff. I've gotta figure out what's actually in my bank accounts and pay some bills today though.

                        Breez, I get a kick out of your stories!

                        DoggyGirl, congrats on 52 days, and a beautiful day!

                        Stay strong, Janet, dear! Have you gotten to 13 days before? Making it through this weekend will make you feel so proud of yourself come Tuesday. Hang in there, Lady! I'm rooting for you!:l

                        Good for you on 14 days AND 4 lbs, MM. Actually it really is better to lose slowly anyway. I've lost 12 lbs. since June 12th, and it hasn't been all that hard, and I've certainly had a few indulgences on the way too. Keep up the good work! I will also keep my fingers crossed for rain for your area.

                        Welcome back, Best! That sure is a shame about your house, yet it sounds like you are turning it into a victory. Good for you. I hope you'll be hanging around here more, and wonderful on the 2 days. It's the start of something good!

                        Mary, it sounds like you are doing terrific. It's great to see those zeros adding up, isn't it. It's even more important to feel the changes happening inside of you. Well done, so far!

                        Hi Barry, I hope you have a good weekend, too. I feel for the families of those firefighters in your town.

                        Hey AFM, sorry about your hubby. Only someone who has been a homemaker really knows how much goes into it. I hope things get better, or that he gets into a better mood.

                        Your air show sounds fun, Chief. It is supposed to be a beautiful weekend. My lawn needs mowing--no airshows for me!:H I hope you have a terrific time!

                        You again, DoggyGirl?? Spreading your joy all over the site, as usual? I hope you have a wonderful weekend, you deserve it!

                        Anyway, I have to go feed the dog and file some insurance stuff (love that $$$ coming in!) before I start relaxing too much this Friday. Take care all!


                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Friday~Aug. 31st

                          A late good evening to all of you,

                          Tonight was by far the toughest night I've gone through yet!!!! I couldn't get on the computer for support and I almost broke down. I kept saying to myself " I'll get some wine in 30 minutes" ,then 30 minutes past.....and I still hung in there. It's still before 9 here but I'm sure I'll have to put myself to bed soon.....Hopefully tomorrow will be better but I did have quite a few negative thoughts. Will have to have a solid plan tomorrow because I don't want to go through that again!!!

                          Thanks again for all the support. You are all such a help to me!!!
                          Welcome back Best. I'm sorry about your house. That must have been difficult!!!!

                          Barry, I just drove by the site of the fire that killed those two firemen today. I grew up in that town and it is indeed a tragedy. My heart goes out to their families.
                          When given the proper perspective I should be darned thankful for what I have and stop bitching about the fact that I can't have alcohol.

                          OK... I think my head is screwed on a bit tighter now.!!!!!!
                          Have a great evening all.



                            Friday~Aug. 31st

                            Good for you for hanging on Janet! You did good.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Friday~Aug. 31st

                              Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for the lovely 30 day party that I missed due to my company etc. I am trying to catch up on all the post but will not do it all tonight. Everyone looks like they are doing so well. DG thanks for being your gracious self and thanks to Sarori for the great party entertainers. I will try to catch up and post more tomorrow. Have a great long weekend.

