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Sunday~Sept. 2nd

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    Sunday~Sept. 2nd

    Morning All-

    uh weekday internal morning clock has carried over to the weekend. I'm up too early for a Sunday!

    It's another beautiful day today. We'll be going to my parents for lunch. Then a little shopping & possibly going to our town green for a post-poned concert (we have them every Wed. night). It's a Neil Diamond tribute band. I've seen him before-quite good. Hubby doesn't want to but maybe I can convince him to go for awhile.

    Nothing else new. Tadpole is ok & my fish all love each other. It's a different story from when my 3 pre-existing ones attacked and tortured 3 new ones I introduced months ago. They all get along. Prego is still pregnant. I have to look into how long till they give birth if in fact it is pregnant. With my luck-it'll be like the tadpole & be pregnant forever!

    Have a great AF day everyone!
    entering my 9th month (with one slip) with much contentment
    Attached files [img]/converted_files/12071=1729-attachment.gif[/img]
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Sunday~Sept. 2nd

    You are up early for a Sunday, Breez! I'm glad that your fishies are all friends. Mr. Tadpole sounds pretty interesting too.

    I got up late for me, 'cause I stayed up late watching a TV show that I like. I just got up around 9 am.

    It's been an interesting week. I've missed Maddy a lot, but in some ways I haven't missed her. I've enjoyed the peace and quiet, and I've enjoyed the fact that, slowly, I am getting some stuff cleaned up around here. I miss seeing her and talking to her every day, and once my sister leaves it will be a BIG adjustment being on my own. But I'm not missing the teenage meltdowns over minor things. It's a very mixed bag, having your child leave.

    Another MWO member directed me to a site called, where they have groups of people who get together around specific activities or just to be social, and I am going to look into that. I am also going to check out some AA meetings to see if I can find one or two that aren't terribly rigid and will accept me the way that I am. Of course, I always have my cyber-family here, but clearly, circumstances are going to force me out into "getting a life!":H That will be a good thing, I think.

    Anyway, I'm off to do some shopping with my sister today. Tomorrow, we're supposed to go see Maddy and have dinner with her.

    Have a great AF day all!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Sunday~Sept. 2nd

      Good morning!

      Breez - Sounds like you have a nice easy breezy day planned.. perfect for a sunday!

      YAH - My little girl is only 11, but when I look at realistically, she will be leaving in 6 years.. I think I will not like that at all! She is my best friend... OK, can't go there yet..

      Day 16 today for me.. they are stacking up .. and may I say getting easier. I'm off to our annual Labor Day Parade, BBQ, Bluegrass festive today. Should be fun!

      Enjoy your day everyone!

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Sunday~Sept. 2nd

        Morning Everyone! It's a beautiful day here in Ohio.. think I'll do some yard work I've been putting off. Day 23 for me. There seems to be a lot of folks on the boards who are just starting out this weekend... I think that's great! The more the merrier! Hope everyone has a great AF sunday...Don


          Sunday~Sept. 2nd

          I drank a lot last night, I am very hungover and just lying on sofa watcing dvds.
          It reconfirms everything I said yesterday about how great life is without the alcohol. Lots of water and pizza for me.Yet again no gym, unable to enjoy time off.
          I resolve t ostick to it, I didn't smoke all night and then had 1 at 5.30am, not counting that as I should have been in bed - lasted all night!
          I almost drove last night and wish I had cos there's no way I would have drank then.
          back to day 1 for me again.
          see you tomorrow after work and my run.
          one day at a time


            Sunday~Sept. 2nd

            :H Who would of thought biking was fun!

            Hubby & I took our kids to ride their new bikes at their school (up the road a bit). We literally dusted off ours. I don't think I got on my mountin bike in about 11 yrs! It was a b-day gift from hubby & i went on it a few times. Well knock me over with a feather-I guess you have to ride it sober in order to figure out the gears! So there- another reason being AF is better. When you're sober you can figure out a 21 speed mountain bike!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Sunday~Sept. 2nd

              Beautiful clear eyed, clear sky morning here. Hey Breeze, funny you mentioned biking, we are just leaving to go biking down along the Cape Cod Canal, they have a nice path that runs along the canal, it's a great ride. Gotta get my heart moving after a lazy morning.
              Have a great rest of the day everybody.


                Sunday~Sept. 2nd

                Know where it is Barry. Have a great ride. It's a beautiful day here in the Northeast.

                Bear-glad to see you're not giving up. Today is a new day. Learn from the slips. They are motivators to stay AF.
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Sunday~Sept. 2nd

                  Good morning!!

                  Quick check in... Had a fantastic date with DH & DD last night. Wonderful dinner, outdoor ice show and it was amazing, no cravings! Hubby had two glasses of red wine (my fav), and even aked if I wanted any, no desire. Even when I could have, I didn't. I actually tooka moment to look around at everyone drinking and thought.. wow, feels different.. COOL! I have NEVER felt that feeling.. what the heck??? Wooohoo..

                  I'm off for a bike ride with DD & DH the to the Parade, BBQ, Bluegrass festival.. Yeehaw..

                  Check in later


                  16 lovely AF days today!
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Sunday~Sept. 2nd

                    Hi Everyone: I've been very busy this weekend but wanted to check in & let everyone know that I'm on day 55 & quickly closing in on my second 30 day stint. It feels good. I have a very big challenge coming up but more about that when I have more time. Love, Mary
                    PS: Kathy, one of the philosophies of AA & Alanon is "take what you like & leave the rest." If you like the spirituality of a 12 step program, don't let the other members make you feel uncomfortable. When we're comfortable w/ourselves, we don't have to worry about what others are doing & thinking. I say this as much for myself as for you. Good luck, M
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Sunday~Sept. 2nd

                      Hi everybody!! Gotta make this quick but Breez, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing yesterday when I saw this Front Page Story! in our local paper. Hee Hee. This will be YOU one day! Sounds like you had fun biking!

                      Kathy, that site sounds interesting. I may have to check that out just to see what sort of stuff is on there. I have really enjoyed my time getting my house in order physically, while also doing that mentally. But eventually I need to find some "outside" things to do with myself! Let us know what you find.

                      MM - congrats on Day 16! You sound terrific as usual! Wow - BBQ, Parade, music festival - I take it the fires are well under control? Sounds like great news.

                      GO CHIEF on Day 23. Wow - it seems like yesterday you were DETERMINED to get this 30 days going - and here you are almost to the end of Challenge #1! You ROCK.

                      bear, I am sorry to hear of the hangover. You know, every time I think a drink would sure be nice, my mind goes to those hangovers....and just sort of stops there. I really believe that one of these days something will just click in your head where you won't want to go there any more either. KEEP COMING BACK AND TRYING!! NEVER QUIT!!!!

                      Hi also to barry, and anyone else I may have accidentally missed, and all yet to come. Have a great rest of Sunday! Now I gotta get back to yard work on Day 56 AF!!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Sunday~Sept. 2nd

                        LOL DG! That is too funny! That is a bit bizarre.

                        Luckily our frog is only a leopard frog & will only grow to 2 inches. That frog will be outside as soon as I can get it a nice safe home!
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          Sunday~Sept. 2nd

                          Hi all........."A.W.O.L." Starlight returns........don`t know what happened!!!........ I took a couple of days away from the site, as I was a bit emotional leading up to my 30 days..........but when I came back, I missed checking in here a couple of days, and kinda lost track of all that`s going on.

                          Anyway, sorry back, `cos I love the Monthly Abs thread and all of you here.
                          Will look forward to checking in daily, as of tomorrow again.

                          Much love,

                          Starlight Impress x


                            Sunday~Sept. 2nd

                            Hello everyone! I work on Sundays, gotta be there early in the a.m., pacific time, busy at the spa, 5+ massages today ... kinda craving some booze right about now ... I'll be fine, but I'm thinking about getting some cookies and ice cream.


                            See ya'll tomorrow!
                            "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams

