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Monday September 3rd

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    Monday September 3rd

    Well, I've got the day off today.
    The weather is beautiful. Sunny, blue skies and not a breath of wind.
    We're due some decent weather here. It's been pathetic so far.
    The sun always lifts my spirits.
    I hope you all have a good day.
    I'm off to cut the grass and maybe catch some rays before the winter gets here

    Monday September 3rd

    Good morning Popeye! Glad the weather is nice for you there in Scotland. Satori has talked about the horrible weather you all have had this summer. Enjoy the good days you get! Enjoy the yard work!

    The sun is just now coming up here. I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet for this "day off." Probably yard cleanup work. That round of storms really did some damage out there. I hope everyone's day is getting off to a great AF start!! Hello to all yet to come.

    Day 55 AF
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Monday September 3rd

      Good Morning All! It's a beautiful day here as well, blue sky, sunshine and the temp is 62 this morning and suppose to be 83 this afternoon... just about perfect in my book. I don't know what I'll get into today, it's the last day of a big airshow in Cleveland and I wanted to go but have not made it yet, so maybe today... Hope everyone has a graet day. Day 24 here! Don


        Monday September 3rd

        Good morning Popey, DG, Chief!
        Off to work today! Still trying to get used to day shift, up at 5:35 am, hitting snooze. At a pint of ice cream last night, but that's better than a bottle of zinfandel. Doing a "fitness" assessment at the spa where I work today, if I think about "adding" excercise rather than depriving myself of wine, I'll keep this change positive!
        "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


          Monday September 3rd

          good morning everyone,still dark here,but I can see stars in the sky.I don't know what i'm doing up this early.Don't even care, as I'm still af.Feels great!!!Have a great day,I'm going back to bed steve


            Monday September 3rd

            Morning All-

            Happy Labor day. Beautiful day here again.

            Nothing planned but cleaning up from the weekend & laundry, kids' baths, paying bills & fillling out school paperwork are looming in the background. Ho hum....

            Nice to see you Pop!

            Have a great AF day everyone!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Monday September 3rd

              Good morning all!

              Sounds like everyone is doing well. Welcome Zin and Look!

              It's good to hear from you Popeye, and I'm glad that you have a beautiful day on your day off to get some things done and just enjoy!

              Hi DG, Chief, and Breez. Your days sound like mine--cleaning up loose ends from the weekend.

              I set my alarm this morning for 8pm instead of 8am, so I overslept. I've got to feed my kitties and get moving!

              Take care all!


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Monday September 3rd

                Good morning, my friends!!

                Spectacular, smoke free day here. I have the day off, but have to run up to the spa to "interview" two thearapists (that means I have to suffer through two massages), then the rest of the day paperwork.. oh well.. at least I'll be nice and relaxed for it!

                Day 17 for me!

                Have a wonderful day everyone. Thank you all for being here.


                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  Monday September 3rd

                  Hi all,
                  Hope everyone is continuing to do well.

                  Enjoying the last days of summer very much here in Glasgow, yet looking forward to the winter evenings, curled up with a good book and a piping hot cup of TEA.......bliss!!

                  Have a splendid day all.

                  Much love,

                  Starlight Impress x


                    Monday September 3rd

                    I'm back! and I've missed you all so very much!!

                    Burning man to say the least. And I did it AF!!!!!!
                    didn't do anything else either even though there were soooo many options to get wasted there. So I can now proudly declare this is day 75. wooo wooooo!!
                    I'll post some details in a seperate thread on general and also some pictures ( I hope the night pictures turn out).
                    the weather was soooo dreadfully hot and the dust storms.....ick! however at night the place really came alive with artistic wierdness.
                    Happy holiday to you all me loverlies and it's just grand to be back in the MWO saddle!!!
                    Burning garlic man
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Monday September 3rd

                      Hi Everyone: Ending Labor Day weekend on a great note. I'm starting day 56 & can hardly contain my gratitude. If the drinking did anything positive, it makes me grateful for my sobriety. I still think about drinking from time to time, but I'm really not experiencing any of the cravings I used to have in the beginning. My biggest challenge will be on Saturday night. We're hosting a cocktail party for some friends. There will be open bottles of wine in the house. I think one of the things that has kept me sober is that there is little to no alcohol here...especially the kind I really like (wh. wine). I know I can do this. I'm not anticipating any problems. I'll just keep vigilant. I could not have done any of this wo/all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Monday September 3rd

                        Good evening - well that's one day of work over!
                        Day 2 of my AF month, I'm determined to make it to 30 days at least this time.
                        I felt so ill yesterday and I still don't feel totally right today, more spaced out today though rather than sick/headache/overall poisoned feeling. I didn't even feel ok when I finally went to bed last night - that's a huge hangover.Today house is a tip too.
                        I like the idea of putting things positively so adding exercise and healthy food would be a good way for me to think about my planned changes. I am off for a little run tonight with a friend and then cooking us a healthy but hopefully yummy salmon dinner.

                        Also if I don't drink I can have a small bar of chocolate/ice lolly each day instead and still be taking in a sizeable load less calories, I must have had 700 caks worth of booze on Saturday night.

                        Anyway lets keep going a day at a time and try to focus on the positives - I already feel calmer xx
                        one day at a time


                          Monday September 3rd

                          welcome back burning garlic man. i'm back from a month in italy. don't normally post on the abs site but since i'm absing it thought i'd check in and post it. italy was full of yummy pasta. you have share all about burning man. sorry i missed it. they say they were at 47,000 people this year. whooo whooooo cheers


                            Monday September 3rd

                            Hey Burning Garlic Man....Welcome back!!! And abso******lutely brilliant for staying AF!!! And even more absol - whatevers - lutely great for having such a wonderful time. I'm really glad for you.

                            Mary - you can do this. Enjoy it and focus on the joy of friendship and not wh wine - who's wh wine to be bothering with anyway...?!?!

                            MM - soooh glad the smoke's clearing. Two massages sounds great but can be a bit much I know. Hope it wasn't and was fab.

                            Starlight - thanks for reminding me about the good things of winter; I dread it but I'll think positive after your post....

                            Bear - well done... day 3-4 (can be ugh so stick with it and I hope it's not but) and then....onwards into feeling so much better.

                            Breez - howz that tadpole?!

                            Kathy - thinking of you and hopingyour daughter is doing well and happily; my son goes back to boarding school tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. I'll miss him here so much. Not driving (hmmm - my fault) I can't get to see him more than every 4-6 weeks and I hate that AND feel soooh bad for him. I don't like to think about how it was this time last year when he first went....I was a mess. I just didn't know then that booze was actually making the panic attacks about him going away to school worse so I kept thinking a drink would make them better (!) and it just so didn't!.... But I guess I didn't know then so no point in getting hard on myself retrospectively (too good at that anyway!) but be chuffed that, knowing it now, I'm going hit 100 days AF tomorrow!!!!

                            Thanks to all and everyone for the support you give me and everyone... this place is sooh special.

                            I will post a 'wedding special' tomororw/Wednesday when I can sit down to it after all the school stuff... it will be good to tell the story! A fairy tale really! Nobody in Cornwall to tell and if any of you guys fancy a read...well.... if not, well isn't this place great that we can pick and choose what and where and when....!

                            Happy 3rd/4th to everyone.

                            :l :l :l 's all round.

                            Finding xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              Monday September 3rd

                              Hey All,

                              We had such a beautiful weekend here and I was feeling so wonderful last night at day 15.Then I caved in last night when some friends came over and drank 3 glasses of wine. I did not enjoy one sip of it!!!!!!! Much as I am totally bummed by having to go back to day one I think this was a real learning experience. I truly did not enjoy one minute of the drinking. It is definately not worth it!!!!!I was so proud of myself for having made it through a really tough Fri and Sat. only to flop when I least expected it. Live and learn.....and I have. Onward to day 2

                              Glad to see that most are doing great. Quite a group we have!!.
                              Going to run and read the posts I missed for 2 days.

                              Enjoy your evening all.


