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Finding My Voice

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    Finding My Voice

    Dear Friends:

    The insights & benefits of sobriety continue to pile up as the alcoholic fog clears. I wanted to share one w/all of you. I grew up during the "children-should-be-seen-&-not-heard" era. I learned to assert myself as I grew older, but it does not come naturally to me. When I started to really drink heavily (during the last 3 - 5 years), I totally lost my ability to speak up for myself. If I was drinking, I was afraid I'd be slurring &/or incoherent. If I was between drinking bouts, I was guilt-ridden & ashamed. I'm gradually getting my voice (& life) back:
    -I've had a calm discussion w/hubby about the unequal division of work here at home. I do more than my share.
    -I've reached out to friends that fell away during the drinking years.
    -I've taken charge of my car & have been driving everywhere. (Hubby's not terribly comfortable in the passenger seat...he's used to being in charge.)

    These might seem like small changes, but they are important to me in terms of living the life I want to live. I'm able to speak up & out when I feel it's appropriate. I don't have to keep quiet.

    Doggie Girl & Cindi, I've always admired spunky women (which I think you both are). I'm sort of introspective by nature; however, I've found my voice (in my own way).

    Thanks everyone, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Finding My Voice

    YOU GO GIRL!!! I'm thinking Fried Green Tomatoes... Have you seen the movie..
    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Finding My Voice

      Great to hear you`re able to assert yourself and are now the New Spunky so full of admiration for you.

      Have mental image of your hubby in the passenger seat!!!!! LOL

      More power to you!!!

      All my love,

      Starlight Impress xx


        Finding My Voice

        That sounds wonderful, Mary. I'm really enjoying picturing you taking more charge of your life.

        Even if these seem like small changes to you, they are changes and signal better things to come.


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Finding My Voice

          Mary that's wonderful.... I can feel your strength ooozing through! And hubby in the passenger seat...?!? Wow! Can you take the strain?!?! If so, you are one amazing lady!

          Good luck to you and continue to "Discover the Voice Within"......

          Love and hugs
          Finding xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Finding My Voice

            Well done, you are such an inspiration to us newbies/oldies. I too am trying to be more assertive with my inlaws! Trying to dump on me big time, 7 in his family, 0 in mine. Have done more than my share and have been very hurt in return so have switched off big time. My drink problem, my kids, my cousin who is very close and is terminally ill are all now my priorities. They are having problem with MIL and want me to drop everything and drive 3 hrs down there as some of them live abroad but she has two other sons quite close and they have no kids. Most of them have not bothered for years, her fault, not the easiest to get along with! In some ways I am having a great time ignoring them all and concentrating on what is important.


              Finding My Voice

              Thanks everyone for all the praise. I want to continue to deserve it by staying sober. Love you all, Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Finding My Voice

                Mary, as usual I am inspired by your post. Thanks for sharing


                  Finding My Voice


                  Wonderful post!!! So many doors open up when we're not drinking.
                  Thank you


                    Finding My Voice

                    MM - I'm thinking "Fried Green Tomatoes" too. Good show.

                    Mary - We've missed you in the 30 Day Booze Busters' thread! Your 60 day celebration is coming up soon, and we all love a party!

                    So glad you are doing so well! It's amazing what a change sobriety makes in our lives. I am very much like you - I live in an assertive world but am not assertive by nature. I am morphing, though, and becoming stronger as I gather more AF days under my belt.

                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

