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tuesday 4 september

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    tuesday 4 september

    Morning off to work in a mo. Day 3 af for me here, feeling ok, if a bit tired. I need to go to bed earlier though have got addicted to a dvd series!
    I went and did some exercise yesterday and it was great, really ran off some tensio nand it was a beautiful clear crisp autumn day too.
    gym tomorrow and friday is the rest of the plan and 1500 calories a day,need to start my breathing exercises again I forgot at the weekend but am feeling good.
    have a good day.
    one day at a time

    tuesday 4 september

    Bear - that's great! Good on you!! Thinking of you. Isn't it great having this weather in the UK?! Yea!

    Love Finding xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      tuesday 4 september

      Morning All!

      I'm getting up a bit earlier since I'll be dressing the kids before school (don't trust my mom-LOL) and want to squeeze you guys before I leave for work.

      I hear congrats are in order Finding-isn't today 100 AF? Awesome job! :yougo:

      Deter-love the pics! Although some of them confuse me in a funny way-LOL. I love the pic of you & DX-is that the new "urban sombrero"? :man:

      Bear-good job! :thumbs:I'm also "trying" a new health kick-but the kick in the you know what is what I need to jump start it!

      Had a great day yesterday! We decided to go fishing at a lake in my town but basically fed the fish with our bait. Then we decided to go to the park & fish in their big pond. My daughter caught her first fish. She even takes the worm & puts it on her hook by herself. Then hubby caught one & my lines got tangled & I had to use this "child" bright yellow & red pole. My son (who can't really fish yet) was "worm boy" and you guessed it I caught one too-baby pole and all. Of course we released the fish after. It was pond fish after all.

      It's nice to make memories. Now next year I can say 'remember Labor Day weekend when Katelin caught her first fish" and not "we didn't do anything because I was too hung over & had to rest".

      Well gotta run! I got double today-immunizations in the morning & STD in the afternoon.

      Have a great AF day everyone!:wavin:
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        tuesday 4 september

        Morning all,

        Day 4 for me and delighted to get through yesterday without any cravings. The third day is usually the hardest. Day 1 I am usually recovering from a hangover, Day 2 just about get through it and then Day 3, well the memory of the hangover has faded and when the urge returns I give in. Did 6 weeks last year on my own and another 6 taking the supplements and messed around with the cd's. This time I intend to do the whole package bar the topa. Set the alarm an hour early so I could listen to the cd's in peace and quite. I am finding them quite time consuming but hope to stick at them. Got my exercise as usual walking the dogs, drinking loads of water and eating well so all in all feeling good.



          tuesday 4 september

          Good morning all! Not much happening here. I'm just getting sadder and sadder as my sister's departure looms. She's leaving Saturday. I can't wait to see my therapist today; I know I will feel better after talking to her. The only good thing about my sister leaving is that I'll be able to turn my family room into a family room again.

          Otherwise, things are just going along. I am astonished to find that I have almost three months of sobriety though. I'll pass that milestone next week. It's pretty amazing. As for today, I've finished Week 12.

          I got an e-mail too this morning from Maddy, and that was nice.

          It's really great to see all the progress being made by everyone here!

          Anyway, have a great day all!


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            tuesday 4 september

            Short week ahead AB-crew! well the craziness is over and we have a heck of a sun tan to show for it and a rediscovered love of cycling, especially at night as it's so nice and refreshing.
            Bear and Rustop it sounds like you are off to a roaring start...bravo! I listen to the CD's at night and find them a wonderful segway to a peacefull nights sleep.
            Breez, feel free to ask questions if you dare on the pictures
            100+ for FMF? wooooo!!!!!!
            Kathy, extra hugs for you XXX week 12 is grand I must say.
            day 76 and still learnin new trix.
            off to the warehouse to clean things out and catch up on about a billion work emails...gasp

            be well you all and all to come....
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              tuesday 4 september

              Hi everyone.
              It's back to the grind today. Kathy I know what you mean by "astonished". Today is day 150AF for me. I really can't believe it in a way. When I started MWO I just wanted to quit drinking, that's all I knew. I don't think I had any idea or concept of what it was to actually not drink. To be somebody that does not drink alcohol and the journey of new self discovery it would lead to. I never had a real goal in mind other than to just stop, so I did.

              At this point, I kind of feel like Forest Gump in that scene when he goes out for a run, and just keeps running and running.

              Be well all.


                tuesday 4 september

                I have been superly duperly depressed this last week. Esp. the weekend. Hubby decided to get some Vodka and got drunk and mean on it all weekend.

                Needless to say I have made arrangements to go and stay with my dad for a few days to sort things out in my head. I honestly feel he is impairing me to move on in my life without the alcohol and low self esteem that accommodates it. I feel he is holding me back from really living. I have been out of that cycle for quite a long time now and he is still stuck in it. Of course he was all apologetic and stuff yesterday (then poured himself a bunch more drinks) and apologized again today. I can't take this anymore. I hear almost weekly "I will try harder," I am so sorry" etc... etc... The last straw for me was when I went to bed because I was sick of his emotionally abusive, drunken rant Sat. Eve. and he came into the room and pinned me on the bed and was going to force me to talk to my bitch sister on the phone. I haven't spoken to her in 5+months and for very good reason.

                He also said he would break the computer if I log into MWO... and he thinks this place is a scam and I am wasting my life on it. I think he is the one who needs this place. So I didn't log in this weekend.

                Anyway, despite this garbage, I am still sober. Hello to the rest of you. Congrats on your AF days!


                  tuesday 4 september

                  Hi everyone: I too am pretty astounded at my new-found sobriety (57 days). I'm learning something new about life every single day. I have such a sense of wonder about going through life clean & clear. I certainly don't take a single minute of my abstinence for granted...I know I must keep it a priority in my life. It's a beautiful day here on the east coast of the USA. I'm going to enjoy it w/my grandsons & puppy (throw & fetch). Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    tuesday 4 september

           sorry to hear that! how dreadfull! I think I should send you a taser!

                    maybe he's subconciously doing that to drive you away because he knows it's best for you? sorry, just speculation. Damn fine job staying AF through that. Good idea to get some air at the very least.
                    hugs for you XXXXXXXX!

                    fine work Barry and's it grand?

                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      tuesday 4 september

                      Thanks Deter....! I wish I had a taser most of the time these days!

                      I am all packed, the kid is all packed, my vehicle is packed and I am off to the Island for my 'change of scenery'. I will talk to you all tomorrow.


                        tuesday 4 september

                        Good Evening (already!!!!)

                        I'm glad that the long weekend is over even if it was such a beautiful weekend weather- wise. It seems easier to keep on the straight and narrow during the week. I've always thought of Sep as the "NewYear" even more so than Jan 1st so it is with renewd enthusiasm that I'm going to take on this upcoming fall season. I'm damning myself for drinking on Sunday as I would have been on day 17 but I do feel confident about the road ahead.
                        Bear, I'm a day behind you so good luck with day 3

                        Rustop, I think I remember you from a while back. It's good to see you again and happy day4
                        FMF....BIG CONGRATULATIONS on 100 days!!!!!
                        Breez, you've been AF for so many months now????? You crack me up when you talk about prefering the STD clinics. I agree. I'd prefer to do that than give kids vaccines any day. Hope your afternoon was a good one.

                        Kathy, TWELVE WEEKS !!!!!!You have come so far. It must be hard having your sister leave so soon after your daughter departure for college. Those college kids never really dissappear though. They are still always in need. Enjoy the house as it will seem much bigger... and that's a good thing. I can understand how thrilled you must be to get your living area back to a living area. We are always here for you. You have done so wonderfully these past months!!!

                        Determinator, Welcome back!!! Day 76 is grand!! It must be hot in the southwest now..

                        Barry, 150 days is almost 1/2 year. I'm in awe!!!1
                        Mary, I loved your thread about finding your voice!!!!

                        AFM, I am so sorry you are having a difficult time now. You have gone through so much over the past few months and you have done so with such dignity and grace. I have admired so much the way in which you have dealt with all the difficulties that have been thrown your way. Your posts are inspiring,warm, insightful and funny and I know they come from a place where you've done a lot of hard work and tough soul-searching.
                        I hope you can find some comfort(and perhaps some plans) in dealing with the difficult situation you are in. Let us know. I'm thinking of you.
                        Regard to all who come later.

                        Have a good night all


                          tuesday 4 september

                          AFM- BIG :l .

                          Deter-I just discovered biking too. I wrote on Sunday how funny it was that after 11 yrs I figured out how to use my 21 speed mountain bike-you have to be sober to decifer the gears!:H

                          Congrats Barry! Run, Forest, Run! Awesome! It really comes down to mind, body & soul to make this work. A goal, a plan and sometimes even a back-up plan. There really is so much freedom associated with being AF.

                          Geesh what a day-every bafoon in the city called with the dumbest of dumb questions and then all the kids today were screamers getting their shots. I can't believe some people did not even know the name of the school their child is going to or asked me what Bus # they needed to take to get to downtown so they can walk to our Dept (how the hell do I know) or were still getting their kids immunized today when school started last Wed. This means these kids already missed 3 days of school. Sad.

                          Well-off to go work out and a bike ride (short of course-my bottom still aches. Must get a new seat!)
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            tuesday 4 september

                            Sorry all - off to bed; soooooh tired but jsut wanted to send AFM a HUGE hug.... You are just amazing and AF through the weekend.....BIG halo!

                            And Kathy - thinking of you.....

                            Hannah - how are you? OK? Thinking of you and your too.

                            Nite nite.

                            zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzFinding xx
                            :heart: c: :heart:
                            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                              tuesday 4 september

                              Sorry all - off to bed; soooooh tired but jsut wanted to send AFM a HUGE hug.... You are just amazing and AF through that weekend.....BIG halo!

                              And Kathy - thinking of you.....

                              Hannah - how are you? OK? Thinking of you and yours too.

                              Nite nite.

                              zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzFinding xx
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

