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tuesday 4 september

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    tuesday 4 september

    Hi Janet-I was typing when you posted.

    I'm ending 8 mo almost entering 9 (with one slip at 7 mo) . I know exactly why I had slipped & vow to ask for help & not put too much on my plate-and to no longer listen to my "so called" friend who coaxed me into having one because that was the only way to deal with my situations. That's no friend. Adios friendship.

    I absolutely love fall. Time for another change in the weather & scenery-especially here in the Northeast. We have a blast during Halloween!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      tuesday 4 september

      Boy, Barry, 150 days, that's great! You must feel really good about yourself!

      AFM, I am feeling for you big time. I'm glad that you're getting away for a few days to do some thinking. It almost sounds like hubby wants you to cave or is envious and angry that you're not drinking or something. Good for you for staying sober. Come here and rant whenever you need to. Special :l 's for you. Deter's idea of a taser generates lots of fun fantasies!

      Mary, I'm glad that you are so happy with your sobriety and treating it like the precious thing that it is.

      Janet, I STILL find the weekdays easier, so I understand where you're coming from. I'm glad that you are focusing on the future instead of Saturday, though! You sound pretty revved up to me. Yes, I'm sad about my sister, but also trying to be philosophical about it too. Maybe something terrific is just around the corner for me, who knows?? I tend to be hypersensitive to losses, but I'm going to try hard not to let this get me down. Just express my feelings and move on....

      Your day at the clinic sounds like anything but a breeze, Breezy! Here's to a nice padded bicycle seat for you.

      FMF, thanks for your warm wishes; I'm sending some right back atchya. I've been wondering how Hannah is doing too.

      I'm glad that some of you like the fall. It's my least favorite season. I love the beautiful colors, but I am acutely aware of the days getting shorter, and I find that depressing. I'll have to get my lightbox fixed before the days get really short. I have a mild case of seasonal affective disorder, I think.

      Oh well, I'm going to go spend some time with my sister before she goes to bed. Only a few more days...


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        tuesday 4 september

        Hi everyone. Checking in. I was gone from Fri until now...went to my mom and stepdads to pack and get them moved up here to be near me. The movers came today and they drove up 6 hrs this morning. I stayed with the movers until they were done and then drove up also.
        My uncle called me when I got home and told me my grandmother had passed away today at 5pm. I had to call my mother and tell her. She was ok though. Said my grand mother had had a wonderful life. I know that she did. I was surprised that it upset me so much.
        My grandmother was 100 yrs old. Almost 101 ( would have been on nov 15)

        Now I have to go meet my mom in the morning - they are closing on their new house tomorrow.

        Just wanted to share with you all. My grandmother was very special to me. My mother always says how I'm so much like her ( which always makes me happy). She was a remarkable woman in so many ways - I would feel very proud to be compared to her in any way.

        Sounds like there are some great successes here with the af days. Congrats to everyone.
        AFM - thinking of you tonight after reading what you are going thru. Put yourself first - I think a lot of you and so should you! Not sure what hubby is going thru now. But you are doing great.
        Hi to everyone else too..
        Kathy - I feel for you - keep thinking of the positives. I know you will miss your sister- but you are going to be ok - new possibilities around the corner.:l

        night everyone- I'm a bit sad tonight but tomorrow will be better


          tuesday 4 september

          Lisa, so sorry to hear about your grandmother. It does not matter what age those close to us are when we loose them it stil hurts. She had a long and happy life and think of the funeral as being a celebration of that life and that she lives on in you. My thoughts are with you.



            tuesday 4 september

            Lisa - really thinking of you.... How lovely to be likened to a remarkable lady....glow in that; I am sure your grandmother is delighted for you... 100 years How much she has seen and done... I am sure you will miss her greatly but "Remembrance is a form of greeting" and she wil be with you always.

            And all this around new houses and much travelling...good on you for staying strong.

            Kathy - thanks. Thinking of you very much. I've been so busy with weddings and schools that I haven't yet had the time to 'deal with' the very new knowledge that my beautiful married daughter that I want to move back 'up-country' to be nearer is moving to Germany January 2008............... Well, up-country is still nearer but............. hey ho, life and all that - but it IS life after all so.... Blessings to you, Kathy. And to your sister.

            Love all round.
            Finding x
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              tuesday 4 september

              Thanks Rustop and FMF for the kind words.
              With moving my mother we went thru so many boxes of things and closets etc. Lots of things that were my grandmother's.
              She taught 2nd grade for many years and one thing I found was a teacher's box of children's books that my grandmother had given me. I loved those books!
              I looked thru them when I was there. We were all sitting on the porch a few days ago and I got it out and read one of my favorites to my mom and stepdad and a visiting friend. It was called "The Outside Cat". We laughed and all enjoyed it.
              Anyway.... my grandmother made a huge impact on my life and I'm sure she will continue to do so going forward.
              thanks again-

