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wednesday 5th september

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    wednesday 5th september

    Hello All, Day 26 here and all is well.

    Bear, I think there is a point in our sobriety when our thinking changes. It seems my first 10days or so I was entirely focused and obsessed with not drinking. During that time it was a new way of thinking and sometimes a little scary. I had not experienced it before. The thought kept entering my mind, " how can I be a non-drinker? DO you become a non-drinker?..."
    But then,and I don't know exactly when it happened, I started SEEING myself as a non-drinker, started actually BEING a non-drinker. I was no longer obsessing about it but started living it. I no longer was thinking of not drinking as a negative, or as work, but found myself thinking that if I were to drink it would be poisoning my body, letting myself down, being someone that I no longer wanted to be. I could care less what anyone else thought. This was for me and I'm number one. And now the thought of drinking still enters my mind but when it does there is no debate. I simply don't drink and that's all there is to it. The Beast puts those thoughts into my mind and I know he always will, but I can tell even The Beast knows he's in a no win situation. He's not happy about it but he is now caged... poor Beast...
    I hope I'm making sense and maybe this will help.
    Just stay focused, you are doing fine. Going mods has never been an option for me either. In fact, I can't understand how or why people with drinking problems even attempt it. It's just too much work. Good Job on quitting smoking... I also gave that nasty habit up along with the booze...
    Look forward to hearing you are on Day 2 tomorrow...Don

    P.S. Hi Star...of course you are welcome here and anywhere else you want to go! Great job on Day 38!


      wednesday 5th september

      Lots of good posts in this thread today! It is finally becoming active again.

      I am at my dad's and all is well. I had a heart-to-heart with my father and his wife last night about what is really going on at home and it felt really good to release it all. I always felt I needed to cover a lot of it because I felt guilty divulging everything because I, too am an alcoholic and have made my share of mistakes. My father is very pro-active and although I am 35, I need him right now. I need to re-focus on my future instead of staying caught up in the madness.

      So on this note, I am going to take my daughter to see the Sea Lions around the corner here and unwind a bit. Thanks for all of your support!! I love you all.


        wednesday 5th september

        Hi AFM-

        Good to hear. I'm only 3 yrs older than you & still need my parents! That never goes away. I'm glad you have support-other than us of course!

        Enjoy your day with your daughter. I have to pay money to see Sea Lions around here (aquarium).

        Don-congrats on day 26!

        Kath-tis wishing the Lady Maddy the best of luck-ok that was bad. Finger's crossed for Maddy's 1st quiz!:fingers:

        Hey-Lo to Finding & Star!:hallo:
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          wednesday 5th september

          Actually, Breez, I thought it was cute about the Lady Maddy. She sure likes to be treated like royalty, at any rate.

          Breez is right AFM, we always need our parents, and it sure is good when you can count on them, no matter how old you are. I had a rough time with my mom when younger, but she is a terrific support to me now. I'm glad that you leveled completely with your dad and his wife. I'm sure he will be a big help. Enjoy the sea lions!

          Deter baby, I missed you earlier, so HELLO!!

          Starlight, where would we be without you?? You're a silly to even ask.

          Sorry you've been having trouble getting on, FMF. It's a pain, isn't it? It's not just the UK, either. I've had some trouble too, but it doesn't seem to last too long each time. Here's to getting the glitches ironed out. I'm wondering if we're having server troubles again. At any rate, you're sounding rather spunky. Keep up the good work.

          Chief, I think you stated very well what happens after you have some sobriety under your belt. You really start to value it, even if you don't always think about it so much. So Bear, listen to Chief. He knows what he is talking about!

          Anyway, I actually got some work done at home today-eureka! Now it's time to get ready for my gainful employment!

          More hugs,:l

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            wednesday 5th september

            I am happy I do not seem like such a puss for running 'home' to daddy so to speak. Thanks for the reassurance.

            The Sea Lions are a bit of a nuisance here. My dad lives on a Bay and the sea lions are about as abundant as rats in a garbage can so to speak. I LOVE them, and my daughter was beaming and kind of scared as to how big they are. You can walk right up to them (although not a good idea) but you can get very close to them. I love nature, and this is what we needed. Many places here on the West Coast of BC (and that of Washington State) are very scenic and beautiful.

            My daughter is finally napping after spending the last 20 minutes flipping out.

            Anyhoo... my coffee is ready, so everyone have a fab day!


              wednesday 5th september

              Good Evening All,

              Wrote a long post this morning and then couldn't "post" it. Anyway glad I could find a minute to post tonight.
              Bear, I, too, had that vague desire to "try mods" again tonight. I can easily start drinking because I'm worried about an event 6 weeks away. Fortunately I gathered my wits about me and decided that I didn't want to give up what I really wanted (an AF day) for what I wanted at that particular minute( a drink). I know I will really help myself by adopting the
              "one day at a time" mantra.

              AFM, I'm still thinking of you and glad you have your father to confide in.I don't think we are ever too old to get advice from parents. I received the best advice from my father when I was in my forties. I hope you can find some peace and rest while there.

              To everyone else have a fabulous evening. My son needs the computer so I'm going to log off. Tomorrow is the first day of school for my two high-schoolers..YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!


