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Ready to jump in

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    Ready to jump in

    :new: Hi everyone. I have been lurking for a while, trying to moderate, but now I am ready to start a 30-day AF challenge. I have been drinking pretty heavily for over 30 years. I?m what you?d call highly functioning and hold down a good job but have used wine to help me cope with job stress as well as to enjoy the ?good life?. My hubby and I love to eat well (he?s a great cook) and our meals are always accompanied by wine. We also love margaritas on the deck in the summer and brandy in front of the fireplace in the winter. So much of our life has revolved around booze and it is consumed before and long after the meal ends. My hubby especially will continue to drink until he passes out in front of the TV and then sometimes wakes up to pour himself yet another glass of wine or some brandy. I have come to realize that I can?t change him but I can change myself and I hope that when he sees the change in me he may want to cut out the booze too.

    There was a time when I drank daily and there are things in my past which I am not proud of, especially from my younger years. The longest I went without wine in recent years is about 13 days when I was dieting and had to quit for a 2-week induction period. Since finding this site I have tried to moderate. Last week I abstained five days from Monday through Friday but then the Labor Day weekend started and I had several glasses of wine, sometimes mixing them with diet soda or drinking water in between.

    I already take vitamin supplements and have for years. I did buy Kudzu and L-glutamine but not Topamax since I know I won?t go through physical withdrawal. Not drinking during the week isn?t too bad but on the weekends we?re out on the deck and my hubby is grilling and wine flows freely and it?s so hard not to join him! I am starting a 30-day challenge to make myself accountable and to stay strong. I want to feel energetic and clear-headed and experience the positive changes so many of you talk about. You have all inspired me so much! I want a better life than the ?good life? revolving around alcohol.

    So far, 1 day AF

    Ready to jump in

    :welcome: Lindzee! I'm so glad that you decided to join us. Thirty days is a challenge worth taking. I hope your hubby will want to join you too, when he sees all of the benefits. I can really relate to a lot of what you are talking about, because I have always enjoyed "the good life"--great food and wine--too! You'll be a lot more healthy, and ultimately happy without it.

    Please come here and post often; you'll get lots of responses and lots of support. Welcome again to our zany group of abbers!

    Warm wishes,

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Ready to jump in

      Welcome Lind. I have a passion for cooking too and that has always been accompanied with drinking wine. Wishing you the best on your 30 days!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Ready to jump in

        I can really relate as I have been a heavy drinker for over 30 years too and it doesn't get any prettier the older you get, so please join us on the 30 day abs and check in often as the folks here are really supportive. I also love my food and LOVED my wine and still can't face certain dishes that seem to go hand in hand with wine so i have radically altered my diet to serious detox while AF-it's bloody tough and probably stupid but it's working for me as the only cravings I have are for foods I miss, not alcohol. I've been way too knackered to even hold a corkscrew!!
        I am on Day 10 AF and I can safely say it is slowly but surely changing my life for the better. I feel steadier emotionally and happy in a natural way and it has also made my husband much happier as he drinks a lot less since I gave up. He just loves me being around to talk to him in the evenings! He is also proud of me and I know he respects me for what I am doing but you are right, you cannot ask someone else to change their drinking habits, you can only change your own.
        Keep reading the posts as I do - there are people here who are truly inspirational!!
        take care
        Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


          Ready to jump in

          That's a good girl Lindzee...
          Keep up the good work... you're already on your way to a better life..
          many of us are just begining or still contiplating if we want to.
          I know it's hard to say no when the ppl around are havin' a nice buzz going,
          but that's where your strength comes in...
          So whenever you're haveing another grill and you get too tempted...
          just come here to MWO and get stronger...try the chat room...
          Anyway know that we're all behind you and admire your decicivnes..
          Good luck and God bless..


            Ready to jump in

            Hi LindZee and welcome.

            You have a fabulously positive attitude.
            And, it`s not all doom and gloom!!! 38 days sober and rather beginning to enjoy it.......AF opens up all sorts of possibilities.

            Love and strength to you,

            Starlight Impress x


              Ready to jump in

              Hi're doing great! 1 day AF is great....the next days are even greater!! I think a lot of us will relate to the wine with food thing.....I would start drinking as I prepared food, drink with the food and then carry on after....and end up way over any sort of safe daily limit for a female:upset:

              Stay strong....and if you get weak moments...come to MWO, even just to really helps.

              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                Ready to jump in

                Hi Lindzee and welcome to MWO,

                You have such a wonderful positive attitude towards the goal you have set yourself that I'm sure you will succeed..

                I too was a heavy drinker for about 30 years and I have spent the last 10 years trying one way or another to give it up. The longest I managed on my own was 4 weeks and then I caved in AGAIN.. I found this site in September last year and I can say quite truthfully that if you stick with it, through all the lows as well as the highs you will do it.. In another 25 days I will have gone for 1 whole year AF..

                One of the ways to do it is don't focus or project to far ahead, just take it one day at a time..

                I wish you luck,

                Love, Louise xx
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Ready to jump in

                  Thank you everyone for your replies and making me feel so welcome! I?m not very good yet at individual replies but I so appreciate your kindness & support and look forward to getting to know all of you better.

                  I considered joining the 5-day challenge but knowing myself I would easily fall back into old habits. Many times I?ve decided to drink only on weekends and then I?ll have a bad Tuesday or Wednesday and it?s all down the tubes. So to kickstart this I think I need to aim high (not be high!). Thirty days will be over before I know it and then I?ll decide whether to try to moderate or go onto the next 30-day challenge.



                    Ready to jump in

                    Welcome LZ, You have the right attitude and you've come to the right place. In one of my many attempts to quit I, too, thought of quitting monday-friday and of course that never works. I just found an excuse during the week to drink one day and then it was, " oh well, maybe next week..."
                    Having a 30 day goal is good. Just do it 1 day at a time and before you know it they will start to stack up. If you are having a rough time just come on here and tell us. You will get all kinds of support to help you through it. I look forward to watching you succeed... Don


                      Ready to jump in

                      Welcome LindZee,
                      Our stories are very similar. I have a husband who like to drink as well, although not to excess. The problem is he stops and then I want to continue. We are just wired differently!! Good or bad , I have learned that I can't control his behavior I can only control mine. It's not easy when he suggest a glass of wine and I have to say no but I'm learning slowly that it's only tough for the first 10-15 minutes. After that I'm fine and so much happier in the morning.
                      Welcome again. After 15days Af I drank on Sun night so am back to day 3 again. We can do this together.



                        Ready to jump in

                        Wecome LindZee!! this place with all these incredible people has been a life saver for me.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Ready to jump in

                          Hi LindZee..Just another BIG hello on your own thread... Good on you; your story sounds really strong and full of conviction. Looking forward to your days racking up...they do!! I can't believe it's day 103 (I think!) for me....just a day at time does it. Yesterday's gone and tomorrow never comes so today is it!

                          (Can I just borrow a line of your thread to say WELL DONE! to Irish please?!.... Thanks!)

                          Love and courage to you LZ

                          Finding xx
                          :heart: c: :heart:
                          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                            Ready to jump in

                            Hi LindZee! WHEW we have lots in common. Fellow IL person too! Me too on the 30+ years of drinking. Me too on before dinner, during, after, etc. And toward the end I was "working from home" and dinner got to be lunch, and that sort of stuff too (doesn't sound like you have that problem - good for you!) Anyway, I LOVE being free of alcohol. Yes, I think of drinking quite often still, and in a short term way, how nice that would seem. brain gets stuck when I think of the hangovers, the tipsy (putting it politely) disagreements with Mr. Doggy, the pass outs, etc. etc. etc. Someone else posted a phrase that struck a chord with me - happy in a natural way!! I love that!!

                            You have a great attitude and if you really want to tackle being AF for 30 days I know you can do it!! Happy Day 2!! Feel free to weigh in on the Booze Busters 30 Day Challenge if you wish! (more ways to be crazy!)

                            Day 58 AF (on my second 30 Day Challenge)
                            :award: + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (my 30 day trophy + 28 gold stars)
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Ready to jump in

                              Thank you again to everyone for making me feel so welcome!

                              Doggygirl, yes we have alot in common, even more than you think. I first heard about MWO from a post you wrote on a lowcarb forum. Quitting booze has been on my mind for a long time or I wouldn't have read that whole long thread about alcohol problems. I read your post about MWO, started reading on this site until I felt ready to make the commitment then finally registered. So thank you for leading me here! I also hope quitting booze will have the side effect of dropping the pounds I have picked up in spite of lowcarb.

                              See you all on the Booze Busters challenge!


