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    Hi Star and all to follow....
    40 days! Well done.
    Keep it up. It's a great feeling hitting a landmark number

    I'm doing fine with the help of my friends.
    Thank you all and have a great Friday.




      You stinker Star. I posted a daily thread at exactly the same time you did. Goes to how you the early bird always catches the worm. I got up 5 minutes late & couldn't figure out what to wear. Congrats on 40 days!

      Hi Pop-glad to see you & happy things are going good!

      Good Morning All!

      Yeah-Friday! Tonight my children's school has a school picnic on the school grounds. Just a social thing to watch the kids play & talk to other parents. Honestly-boring. But you have to do it for the kids.

      Well off to work. Just immunizations today. Hopefully we won't have screamers!

      Good luck to those that have social engagements this weekend & keep up the good work everyone!

      Congrats Mary to a job well done.
      Big hug to Kath-& best wishes to your sister.

      Have a Great AF weekend everyone!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        FRIDAY 7TH SEPT.


        Thanks for the warm welcome yesterday. Today will be day one. I don't have clear cut goals...I just know that I want an extended period of abs. I was starting to feel sluggish. It is funny to me that I got to a place that I thought I could only dream of, but in the end I just wasn't 100% happy with it. I slept fantastic last night and feel well today. I have a big weekend planned with my mom...we are going to see Marianne Williamson and Deepak will be great to take on the weekend with a clear head...and I am sure the messages I will hear will be inspiring.



          FRIDAY 7TH SEPT.

          Aloooha Friday AB-o-riginees far and wide!

          Congrads Star, life begins at 40. ha!

          I'm so bloody sore today after yesterdays fiasco moving my motorcycle with a dead battery. Had to push the darn thing up our very long and very steep driveway. whew!

          Screamers? really now Breez that's an entertaining job you have there

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            FRIDAY 7TH SEPT.

            Hi all! Congratulations Starlight on 40 Days AF, and best wishes Karma for Day 1 AF and beyond. Your weekend sounds very interesting! Would love to hear Chopra especially.

            Breez, is there EVER a dull moment at the STD clinic???? Screamers?????? No wonder the kid's school picnic sounds boring. How's your tadpole coming along?

            Hi Popeye!

            Ouch Deter - pushing a motorcycle uphill sounds like no fun at all! I still have to catch up on your recent trip - I assume something is posted with pic links and all that jazz in the General area? (haven't been on line much to visit all the other sections). Hope today is better than a day pushing a motorcycle!

            Today is Day 59 and it's mighty fine except for the rain! I'm hoping my new camera toy comes today so I can learn to play. On the Evil Mr. Scale front, I was able to button and zip a pair of jeans today that would not button and only partly zip a couple of weeks ago. Still have a GREAT distance to go in my quest for a waist, but it's a start.

            Hope everyone is gearing up for a great AF weekend!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              FRIDAY 7TH SEPT.

              Hi everyone: Starlight 40 days is a great achievement. Everyone here seems to be doing great.
              The last couple of days I've been getting whispers in my head, "maybe you're not an alcoholic afterall". Geeze, I hate that word "alcoholic". There is just something so, I don't know, like unclean or something about it. The whispers have not yet gone on to the next stage ie. your not really an alcoholic so therefore you can drink again because you've been good for five months. It's really funny how the mind works.
              When these whispers start I just remind myself that I used to drink three bottles of Merlot EVERY NIGHT and didn't know how to stop.
              Now that I have stopped I never want to go back to that. I don't want to drink anymore because I don't want to go back. I'm thinking that once you convince yourself that you don't want to drink rather than thinking in terms of denying yourself the drink because you can't have it, this journey becomes much easier.

              Be well all.


                FRIDAY 7TH SEPT.

                Hello All, Sounds like everyone is making progress racking up the AF days. I'm doing fine, day 28.. hard to believe sometimes.
                I like hearing people who are farther along than me express they still have the Beast speaking to them. He is relentless isn't he? As long as we understand and recognize this we will continue to be successful. Hope everyone has a good day...Don


                  FRIDAY 7TH SEPT.

                  Hi Everyone: I see so many of the newbie folks I came into this with just racking up the AF days. It's heart-warming! Yes Chief, I still think about drinking. I still get triggered (not as much as I used to) by a cork being pulled out of a bottle or someone w/a cold glass on vino in hand. We're having a party tomorrow night, & it'll be the first time we have wine in the house since I stopped drinking 60 days ago. I'm going to watch myself very, very closely. There is no way I want to jeopardize my sobriety at this point. Take care everyone. Love, Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    FRIDAY 7TH SEPT.

                    Starlight --congrats on day 40! You show by example that it's not all "doom and gloom" You make me feel like I too can have a fun life without wine. What an inspiration you are!



                      FRIDAY 7TH SEPT.

                      Congrats, Starlight, on day 40! Way to go! :goodjob:
                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

