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sat 8 sept

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    sat 8 sept

    I drank, 1 bottle of wine half a beer. I am hungover today - no nicotine though.
    In addition ate tonnes of crisps which I wouldn't sober- or if I did no booze calories.

    I've found another of my triggers though I identifed last week
    1. feeling uncomfortable/nervous socially
    yesterday it was being tired and stressed.

    Next time I am tired and stressed before I go out I need to either exercise, do breathing exercises and remind myself of how well I am doing.
    Day 1 again for me, off for a curry later so I will focus on the food (not that hard!)
    see you tomorrow for a sober Sunday.
    I'm frustrated with myself but trying not to beat myself up.
    Wishing you all a chilled Saturday
    one day at a time

    sat 8 sept

    Good morning all. Well I too feel guilt inside with a vengence this morning. No, not with alcohol but I smoked a cigarette just now.... nearly 6 months pregnant. I am riiddled with guilt and feel bad. I am on my own and like a criminal standing outside the back door. I know what triggered it. I am doing so well with not touching alcohol that I feel I need something else to stimulate my pleasure senses. I will now need to use all my strength to refrain from a repeat performance. i had to tell someone. Bella xxx


      sat 8 sept

      Bella and Bear. That's brave, honest and OK....hey, you're learning from these times. Brill - pick yourselves up and take the thing you've learned about yourself and carry on. I don't think we really get to a strong place without indentifying our triggers....otherwise it stays a white knuckle ride - exhausting!!!

      It's when it's, "Bu**er it, sod everybody, I'm GOING to have one" that one might worry. But you're not; you're great bods and learning brilliantly.

      We all have to learn and we all do - it's just that in this one w'e're doing it sort of publicly but with HUGE support and really, we're the lucky ones!! (No brain surgeon goes straight from the decision to be one to actually being one!!!)

      Love and hugs and WELL DONE for all you're doing. (That babe's going to have a really deep Mum!!)

      Love and hugs
      Finding xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        sat 8 sept

        Hi Bear, Bella, FMF and all to come.

        Really do think it`s all about identifying those triggers and learning to cope with whatever happens along in our lives, without using drink as a coping mechanism. Easier said than done though........quickest and simplest option for us is to reach for a drink or a ciggie.......doesn`t make us defeatist though.........being here proves we`re all quite the opposite.

        Feel as if I am just beginning to get to the heart of my drinking problem. The hard work of cutting it out of my life has been done and now I realize just how hard I`m going to have to work every single day to keep it out of my life.

        Drink has been my coping mechanism for most of my adult life........can hardly unlearn the habit of a lifetime in the space of a few short weeks.

        Bella, I can understand how you feel about having that ciggie, but relax........yes, ciggies are bad for Baby, but you only had the one........praise yourself for all the ciggies AND drinks you haven`t had since carrying.

        Have a great Saturday all !!!

        Much love,

        Starlight Impress x


          sat 8 sept

          Good morning to all in absland!

          My wife has got me installing crown moulding in our kitchen today, doooh!
          Talk about being driven to drink, just kidding!

          I hope you all have a great AF weekend.


            sat 8 sept

            Hi Everyone: Tonight we're having a cocktail party here. I have a plan...I've laid in plenty of soft drinks, iced tea, & sparkling water. My husband asked about mixed drinks, & I said it was "too much trouble"...he got wine & beer instead. So far, there are no craving thoughts in my head, but I'm on guard. I don't want to do anything to ruin my AF streak (day 61). I'll let you know how I do tomorrow or the next day. Love, Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              sat 8 sept

              Hi Absville,
              I hope everyone has a good weekend.
              Will check back in later. Kinda down this morning.

              :h Nancy
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                sat 8 sept

                Morning All-

                Aw-Nancy, what's wrong?:l

                Mary-have a nice party. Stay strong!

                Hi Barry-oooh crown molding. I laughed when you wrote "my wife has got me instaliing...". I love "making" my husband do things around the house & when it's over & done he is so proud "HE did it all by himself". LOL. Don't work too hard!

                Big shout out to Star & Finding!

                Bella-I know the need to tell people. I felt the same when I had my slip at 7 months AF. It's nice to know that we can come here not be pssed judgement. We come here for help. Bella-one cig. is nothing. Your baby is fine. I had a girl in my medical classes who was pregnant at the same tim as i was & she smoked her entire pregnancy. People were shocked. I mean really smoking-& here she was taking medical classes. Her baby was born fine. Maybe it will have the allergies & ear infections that statistics say but Bella one cig is fine.

                Bear-I think i might have mentioned this before about tweaking the program & finding new outlets for your triggers. That's good that you're identifying the problems and will be addressing them in a different way rather than reaching for the booze which is just a temporary fix.

                Thinking of you Kath:l

                Well my tadpole has distinct back legs, small front legs & a hideous tail. It's freakish since it now is looking more like a frog but that tail makes it look weird. Gross-now it's going to ingest it's tail. The bugger freaks out when you first get to it. I was hoping for a tame frog. Great a hyper frog.

                You guys made me laugh last night. When I mentioned that I hope we don't have screamers I meant the little kids who get the TB, chicken pox etc. shots-not the adults w/sex disease tests. Those people are the most humble of humble people- now that they are scared sh*tless! I'm sure their screaming starts after they get the results! You guys are so funny! It made my night! Thanx!

                Well, nothing much planned but maybe a fair and chores before we go. Yesterday's school picnic was nice. Kids had a blast.

                The leaves are starting to turn here (it's been wicked dry & we might finally get some much needed rain tomorrow night). I love fall & am so happy to be AF in order to enjoy it to it's fullest! Last yr at this time I was still struggling daily with my sobriety (the usual 3 weeks on- 2/3 weeks off). And here it is almost a year since I joined this site and 9 months AF (1slip) under my belt. Comes to show you it can be done. I have finally come to see what life is all about. I embrace the good & the bad with a sense of humor. I love my new AF life. I live with eyes wide open.

                Have a great AF day everyone!

                Attached files [img]/converted_files/325298=1810-attachment.jpg[/img]
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  sat 8 sept

                  Happy Saturday AB-ville!!
                  Bear, you had a small slip and your right back starting the days thread...bam! now that's not so darn bad eh?
                  Bella, nice to hear from you.
                  -Super positive and great post Breez...just what the doctor ordered
                  -Mary, you'll do super tonight! sometimes I'll mix up a couple different kinds of fruit juices and add a squeeze of lime. Not only is it really tasty but when people ask what it is you just tell them rather vaguely 'it's some tropical thing I just threw together'.
                  -Barry, forget drinking...I'd be sniffing glue if I had to do carpentry for any length of time...drives me kwazy!!
                  big howdy to the rest of the great crew!
                  UFC 75 is on for free tonight on Spike TV ...woo woooo!

                  be well everyone.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    sat 8 sept

                    Hi everyone. Day 8 alcohol free and first full week over. Physical cravings in check but dealing with the psychological ones. Each day brings on a new challenge but I guess thats life. We have to learn to deal with it as it comes. Enjoy the rest of the week-end.



                      sat 8 sept

                      Bear & Bella, Try not to beat yourself up too bad. It was a lapse, not a relapse to your former ways. Get up and get back on track. Find something to do today and tonight to keep you from dwelling on your slip. Don't let this spoil your weekend. You'll be fine... Don


                        sat 8 sept

                        P.S. Day 29 here, hard to believe sometimes...


                          sat 8 sept

                          Retreacher, (Mary) You will do just fine! You are a strong person, and you know how much you have invested in it. If you have a moment of weakness, pop into your "puter room and log on for a pep talk!
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            sat 8 sept

                            Bear & Bella - Today is another day, right? One night of drinking or one ciggie isn't going to make much difference in the grand scheme. Just forget you ever did that, hop back on track and carry on. Guilt is a useless burden, it only wieghs you down.
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              sat 8 sept

                              Hey Nancy....hope your day gets better:h


